My Beautiful Light...

While walking our way towards the throne, my system acted strangely. It produced beeping sounds that alarmed me of something that I needed to check. It was not a dangerous one, since there was nothing that could threaten me.

I shrugged my shoulders and hoped for the best while I checked the system.

"What do we have here…?" I whispered, while pressing the floating buttons of my screen.

"Hey, Arthur…. Aren't you coming?" Green asked, as he peeked through the door. "We have five to ten minutes to prepare. Do you want me to leave you alone… or?.... What are you even doing? It looks like you're fiddling with something... invisible."

"Ah, this?!" I jolted backwards with my eyes widened in surprise. "It's nothing. Don't bother! Just minding my things and my Clarent…. Knight's stuff."

"Oh, right? Got it, got it."