Meliodas (prologue)


Meliodas, the famous bard.


I always brought my anstruth harp, known for its rarity and graceful design, within my grasp. Music was the only thing that kept me alive in this unfair world.

"Listen, kids!" I exclaimed. "I will tell you about a story of a musician who strived his way to reach the mountains! Now that he has seen the height, that musician sang a song. He sang the song of his life, which became the music of his heart."

All the children gathered in front of me, with beaming eyes, waiting for my song. Even their parents accompanied them while listening to the strums of my harp.

"Ah, yes, there was once a little boy…," I said, and told them my story.

The song was about my life and how I climbed my way here. If it were not for my experiences, I would not have become a bard.