"Dakota what were you thinking?!!!" Her mom's voice sounded on her phone as she turned it off.

As expected the news of the shareholders in the company selling their shares and Dakota buying them overnight spread like wildfire.

"Where did she get so much money?"

"The shares costs billions of yen, she probably used her parents' money"

"Well if the Kaede Family have that much money they would have expanded the business more"

The employees continued to talk among themselves as they spread rumors around the company.

"I have heard what happened!!!!!" Mr Kaede spoke in a loud and cold voice as he loudly smacked his table's office with the papers in his hand.

"You have already involved yourself in the underworld society but as long as you are representing this company you are not allowed to bring your illegal methods in this place!!!!" Mr Kaede massage his temples as he scolded Dakota.

"If I am going to take over the company then I might as well take over it whole" Dakota replied indifferently as she stared at the woman beside her father.

The woman is very attractive and still in her early twenties, her curvaceous body and long wavy hair matched her beautiful face yet her whole appearance made it so obvious that she was a vixen that could easily capture any man without much effort.

What caught Dakota's eye is not about the woman's appearance but the bite mark on her neck that she was proudly showing.

[Another omega?]

Dakota snorted as she acted indifferently towards her father.

The reason that she had billions of yen is that in the past she had encountered a weirdo who seemed obsessed with making random medicines, he introduced himself as a scientist that proposed making a drug that would help alphas restrain themselves when an omega is in heat. As it was not yet done before and the scientist is still young, his seniors rejected his idea and the higher ups did not supported his research yet he still insisted that caused him to be kicked out of his work place.

Dakota that time was still busy gambling to fund the Kuryuu family's declining businesses when she tried to gave a chance to the weirdo she met. Gradually in only three months with complete resources he was able to successfully made a drug 'Purple Mavis' which is a liquid substance that is sprayed and when an alpha inhales it immediately calms down its urges to mate with an omega in heat.

The results came out as a surprise as Dakota did not really think that, Sullivan, the scientist would be that sucessful and he already made research about improving the medicines that the omegas takes to suppress their heat.

With such a valuable asset Dakota did not hesitate to immediately sell the medicines at a high price. Gradually she built a warehouse and a research laboratory run by Sullivan as the medicines and drugs are mass produced and distributed in all thirteen sectors.

"If only you are as obedient as your brother" Mr Kaede spoke towards Dakota with disappointment.

"Did you say something? As far as I can remember you should restrain your womanizing rumors that affects the reputation of the company" Dakota replied with a provoking smirk plastered on her face while amusingly staring at her father making his anger surge.

"Don't let me see your face for a while" Mr Kaede walked out of his office as his woman followed behind him.

"Oh I'll make sure that you'll be the one begging to see me!!!!" Dakota shouted at his direction making sure he heard her words.

"What?" Dakota stared at Norman who was shaking his head the entire time.

After spending her entire day at her parents' company Dakota went into a party at the Vermillion district, a place on Sector Cinq where all sorts of vices are cramped in one place.

The music was so loud that Dakota could barely hear the people around her talking, the lights changes swiftly as it matches the music beats. Mostly everyone was dancing, flirting and indulging themselves in drinks, Dakota could be see drinking in the bar as she sat there all alone while holding a glass of beer.

"You sure can take all the alcohol huh?" the bartender spoke towards Dakota.

She did not respond but only raised her glass towards him as a sign of acknowledgement.

[Most of the times its still hard to think that this world I am currently living is a manga]

She thought as she drank the beer in her glass in one go.

"Hey there~" a hand seductively touched her shoulders as a woman dressed in a very tight red dress that exposed her curves and delicate figure.

Contrast to what Dakota was wearing a black cargo pants, black boots, black sports bra and a black kimono jacket with a gold dragon embroidered to it, despite being dressed like that Dakota gives off a 'bad girl' aura that charmed many people catching a glimpse of her.

Just one look at her and they could already determine that she was an alpha which made them much more interested in her.

Dakota snapped her fingers and multiple men dressed in black suits appeared and dragged the woman away from her.

"I am living such a hard life" Dakota spoke as she poured herself a beer.

"..." Bartender

Seeing such scene those that had the intention of getting close to her immediately backed off.

According to the manga the female lead, Yui Kagami did enter a nightclub along with her friends in the Haven University, the top university in Sector Cinq where only the most talented and wealthy students enters and a top prestigious school where many alphas go to. In the manga it was said that Yui got drank and almost got exposed when her heat suddenly pop out of all the sudden.

One of her so called friends found her, who is a beta and black mailed Yui for exposing her as an omega in which the so called friend asked for fifty thousand yen to keep her mouth shut.

Fortunately the manga stated the time and location where the female lead went the party so she was able to appear at the same time.

A familiar face so delicate and pure caught Dakota's attention, the girl was surrounded with her female friends while they are dressed so fancily with an obvious intention of attracting attention.

Her long blonde hair and pair of bright red eyes that could be said as similar to rubies. Her eye catching figure attracted many eyes towards her and an obvious discomfort could be seen in her expression.

[Yep that's her]

Dakota stood up as she slammed a handful of money towards the bartender.