"Are you sure this will work?" Virgo asked Dakota as he stared at her.

He was holding a diamond Gemini necklace that Dakota sent him.

"I want you to regain my mother's love using that necklace" Dakota replied as she took a sip from her cup.

Virgo couldn't help but to stare at the necklace further, no matter how much he sees it for him it was nothing more than an expensive jewelry.

"But I don't feeling anything towards her anymore....nothing but anger" Virgo spoke with a sad tone, his eyes were void of any emotion that makes one feel pity just by staring at him.

"You have to.....after all you were marked by her and your body cannot take much further with your heat being supressed by mating with other alphas" Dakota simply replied slightly gazing at his direction to see his expression.

"Just treat her as a s*x toy like she treated you but this time it will be different" Dakota smirked as she added.

"How?" Virgo gripped his fists, he was very eager to hear Dakota's words.

He wanted revenge as his youth and future was tarnished by the woman he loved.

"My mother used to have a first love years ago as a sign of her love she gave him that necklace, sadly he disappeared and she didn't see him anymore. I want you to pretend to be that man and earn her affection" Dakota narrated recalling her past.

When she was young her mother used to tell her about her first love and it was the only movement where she could see her smile so genuinely and gentle as if those times were her happiest moments.

"Don't worry I will arrange you to get into a party and to 'accidentally' bumped with her. All you have to do is act like you didn't remember your childhood and suddenly wearing that necklace as it suits you in party" she added.

"What's the catch?" Virgo stared at Dakota, he knew she wouldn't be helping him so easily without any benefits.

"Aren't you so quick witted?" Dakota laughed lightly and suddenly her expression turned serious.

"Convince her to retire in the company" Dakota gazed at him seriously as she rested her chin in her hands.

"I'll make her" Virgo spoke with determination as he put wore the necklace.

"Great....tomorrow will be the start of your acting lessons" Dakota replied with a smile as she flicked her fingers and one of her men stepped forward to have Virgo a file that contains the agreement.

If he was able to convince her mother to retire then Dakota will seize her spot in the company, her assistant and her loyal employees will surely side with her as they are on the opposing side with her father.

With that she can monopolize the company to scheme against her father and forced him to break off her engagement with Desmund.

As soon as he meeting with Virgo ended Dakota immediately got in her car and drove towards the Haven University.

She had already accessed Kannon's schedule in the University and was eager to catch a glimpse of her.

"Isn't her class supposed to end now? Dakota kept staring at school doors waiting for Kannon but somehow no one seemed to going out then again Dakota glanced at the schedule and realized that it was Thursday and the schedule she was expecting is Wednesday.

She sighed as she slumped on her car and decided to walk around the campus since she was already here.

[Everything looked exactly in the manga]

She thought as she gazed at the surroudings.

"Kyahhhh!" a shriek caught Dakota's attention as she stared at a girl who suddenly lost her balance at the uneven pavement.

"Are you alright?" She asked while she swiftly caught her.

Looking up close Dakota was startled to see the female lead's face, she stared at her beautiful face and her pair of brilliant ruby eyes that shone under the sunset making her look very stunning that makes one unable to look away from her.

The gentle breeze swept Yui's long hair and it tangled on Dakota's jacket.

Yui was surprised as she was caught by Dakota's hand, it made her feel safe and secured as she closely gazed at the other person.

Dakota moved her hand as she tried to lift Yui but it seemed like her action made the other person a little embarrassed. Yui stumbled a little bit as she tried to stand up, her feet hurt as she twisted her ankle when she lost her balance.

"Are you alright?" Dakota caught her again as she asked with a gentle tone.

"It seems like someone have to fix the pavement" Dakota added as looked at the uneven ground that anyone would easily stumble.

Yui's face flushed as she realized the way Dakota was holding her, her hand was holding her waist so securely and her other hand was gently holding her palm.

"It seems like my ankle was twisted" Yui replied very embarrassed.

Dakota shifted her gaze to Yui's feet, indeed her left ankle didn't look good and as Yui tried to slightly move it, the pair was evident in her face moreover Yui was wearing a pair of high heels as she doesn't even look very comfortable wearing them.

Dakota decided to lift Yui as she carried her in her arms.

[She carried me so easily.....as a girl with this much strength she might be an alpha]

Yui thought as she stared at Dakota who looked very serious while carrying her, Dakota who caught Yui staring at her smiled back, Yui blushed slightly with Dakota's slight teasing, she was then gently placed in the nearby bench.

"Thank you....." Yui spoke shyly spoke, her hand pushed back her hair on her ear.

"Next time don't wear such high heels....don't worry you'll still look beautiful" Dakota laughed as she crouched down and grabbed Yui's ankle and massaged it.

Her words made Yui touched, her family wanted her to look perfect and classy at any angle and she was even forced to wear high heels to get that hint of being a high class woman, even though wearing heels always made her uncomfortable and weary.

Staring at the pair of hands that was gently massaging her feet, Yui's eyes grew wide as a tinge of surprised could be seen in her face.

That cherryblossom tattoo on Dakota's knuckles deeply resembled the hand that gave her the medicine when she was in heat while trapping herself in the cubicle.

She looked for her for days and was unable to find out her identity, Yui even thought that both of them wouldn't meet again.

But it seems like it wasn't the case.....