Dakota was eagerly doing her paperworks in her office when suddenly her father barged in.

The sudden noise made her paused what she was doing and looked at her furious expression on her father's face. She knew she wasn't supposed to laugh but it was just so funny that Dakota was laughing in heart while keeping a composed expression on her face.

"I have been contacting you for hours!" Mr Kaede shouted that even his assistant, Norman, that has been working for him for years couldn't help but shudder upon hearing his furious tone.

[He really is angry]

Norman thought, he had already been used to Mr Kaede getting angry  but this is the first time he had heard him very furious. Norman even admired Dakota for being calm and composed with such situation, as if she wasn't the one being scolded.

"You want me to handle business and aren't I already handling it? I take big projects very seriously without the help of investors using my own money to back up the financial needs and you expect me to have time to fiddle with my phone? That even you needed an assistant to take care of your messages and calls because you are way too busy!" Dakota replied in a cold and intimidating tone while staring at her father with her ice cold gaze.

"If you have nothing more to say, you are excused to leave" She added as she stared at the people before her.

"Have you ever learned...respect?" Mr Kaede gazed at familiar eyes before him, those pair black obsidian eyes with void of any emotion like a bottomless pit.

It was like he was staring at his own reflection.

"Father....respect is earned not easily given even if it is because of familial bond" Dakota responded as she flipped the pages of the papers in her hand.

"Then father have you ever heard of....not disturbing someone while working?" Dakota shot him a glare leaving Mr Kaede speechless.

"Ungrateful brat! Don't show yourself for a while!!" Mr Kaede pointed at Dakota as he left her office.

Dakota stared at the woman who was with her father and Norman, she recognized her as she always with her father.

"State your business" Dakota spoke towards her, her father and Norman have already left yet the woman chose to stay behind.

"Dakota you have been way too hard on your father" Sonnet responded towards Dakota.

Dakota's darkened as she stared at the woman intently, although the woman before her looked like a vixen that would seduce men at a glimpse of her she did not expect such gentle words coming out from her mouth.

Dakota doesn't held any malice or hostility towards omegas but she despise omegas that bounds alphas with her heat, the same as how she feels towards alphas that bounds omegas with a mark.

And the woman she sees before her, is the type of omega that seduces alphas with her heat. Everyone in the company knows her as she is the only omega that stood longest with her father.

"Your words brought delight to my heart" Dakota took Sonnet's words as a compliment, which made Sonnet slightly glare at her.

"You know what I am talking about" Sonnet pouted her lips as she crossed her arms.

"How old are you?" Dakota asked putting down the papers in her desk and stared back at Sonnet with her calculating gaze.

"I'm 25 this year"

"So young, I am 19 myself. Now imagine having a father for 19 years most of your life and barely seeing him. For 19 years the amount of time that you spent with him did not even reach a month, always busy with work and women.....how would you feel?" Dakota added expecting an expression from Sonnet's face.

"He was a terrible father but not all fathers expresses their love in such ways as people stereotype. And some do care but is too ashamed to face their own children" Sonnet's words brought surprise to Dakota, she never expected such an answer.

In her past life her father was a gang leader, although he looked tough he really did care about her. Dakota could even remember the warm and gentle smile on his face whenever he sees her, she even rides on his shoulders as they both stroll around the park. Dakota even remembered being bullied and cried as she went home, seeing that her dad immediately took action and faced the parents of her bully.

Until now she couldn't forget their terrified faces, her past life with her dad was the best memories she had with her.

And in her new life she did expect that her new dad will love her the same as her previous dad was or rather her new dad will love her not the way her previous dad did but she will be as happy she once was, but as she grew up she did realize she was just being delusional.

It was then she cut off that hope and pushed herself away, she wanted to free herself from the pain the being empty.

"Aren't you just stating an incompetent father? A father that loves his children will give up anything and even his pride, he has no shame of being a father even when everyone doubted him.....I guess Ms Sonnet wouldn't understand" Dakota spoke as she stood up from her chair looking very emotional as sadness illuminates her pair of black obsidian eyes.

Flashes of painful memories flashed through Dakota's eyes as she reminisce her past, the way her father begged the mafia bosses to lend him money so that he could pay for her hospital bills, how everyone doubted him that there's no point of prolonging her life when it is obvious that she is dying.

And how he could still put up a smile on his bruised face saying that she will be fine.

Dakota closed her eyes and turned her back on Sonnet.

"Your father does care about you" Sonnet spoke softly as she closed the door.