Dakota knew how much toll it took Kannon to put up such brave face.

She stares at her crying face and gently kisses her cheeks while cupping her face.

"Kannon" Dakota called out.

Kannon's eyes widened as she heard Dakota said her name, it was full of affection and unyielding gentleness.

"Dakota" Kannon smiled as she wipe a tear in her face and took a step as her lips met with Dakota.

It was so gentle and sweet that made Dakota crave for more.

"Don't hold back" Kannon whispered.

Dakota forced her tongue in as Kannon accepted it with delight, passionately intertwined with each other.

Dakota pulled out first as she covered half of her face with her hand and stared at Kannon's face.

"That's enough and a little more would really drive me crazy" Dakota spoke as she shifted her gaze away from Kannon and maintained her composure.

"I told someone to buy you clothes as we drive here, you can change into that after you take a shower" Dakota replied as she walked away and went to the guest room.

Looking at her lower half, it was something that she could not control.

[I am sorry Kannon]

Dakota spoke as she punched the wall.

"Is this what you call clothes?" Kannon walked out of Dakota's room and stared at her.

Dakota who was reading documents in the living room while drinking milk immediately spits it out as she slightly choked.

She stared as Kannon was wearing a white spaghetti string dress, the side strings made it look very attractive and the dress was so small that it highlighted Kannon's curves not to mention it was short that it revealed her slender legs, it was also hard for Dakota to shift her gaze away from Kannon's collarbone and her gaze gradually fell a little lower towards Kannon's chest and Dakota immediately looked away.

[Damn!! Leto you bastard! I told you to buy casual clothes for women but this...]

Although it was a sight Dakota walked towards her closet and picked out a jacket.

She looked at her phone and read Leto's message, it was an emoji with a wink. The fury in Dakota was awakened, what would Kannon think about her?

[She'd probably think I made her wear in on purpose!!]

"I apologize I did not think my acquaintance would pick out such clothes" Dakota coughed handing Kannon her jacket.

"I think it's cute" Kannon replied as she stared herself in the mirror.

"Go wear it!!" Dakota furiously handed it to Kannon as she walked towards the couch while Kannon went to the kitchen to look something to eat.

Opening the fridge there were nothing to be found other than cartons of milk.

"How does she even eat when all she have is milk?" Kannon tapped her chin with a finger and walked back towards the living room.

She could see Dakota working with some documents and signing them with her pen. Her relaxed expression on her face and her neat movements made Kannon look at another side of her.

"Dakota you have nothing on your fridge" Kannon spoke as she walked closer.

"Ah you must be hungry! I don't really do cooking so I don't have food in my fridge" Dakota replied as she raised her head and stared at Kannon.

"You could list down any food you want and I'll just let my men buy it" Dakota added as she handed Kannon a pen and paper.

"Do you always do eat like this?" Kannon asked she was kind of worried that Dakota probably don't eat much.

"Sometimes I do have a maid clean the condo and make some food" Dakota responded.


After both of them ate, Kannon volunteered to clean the tables yet Dakota still helped her.

"It's already 3 AM, let's sleep we both have a long day tomorrow" Dakota spoke as she held Kannon's hand.

"I thought I am going to sleep in the guest room why are we going in your bed room?" Kannon replied her cheeks flushed.

[Is this rascal side of her acting up again?]

Kannon deemed Dakota to have a split personalities, one moment she was gentle, she could be wild as a rascal, serious and overbearing. And each one of them makes her feel completely different.

Dakota did not reply but only pulled Kannon in her arms, holding her tight as both of them landed in the soft bed.

"This position" Kannon was completely in Dakota's arms and unable to breakfree no matter how hard she tried to escape.

She then looked at Dakota who was closing her eyes looking fast asleep, Kannon then stopped resisting as she continued to stare at Dakota's sleeping face.

Her sharp facial features and smooth skin made her very attractive, her eyes that seemed to pierce anything and anyone she looks at seemed relaxed. Under the light from the lamp that illuminated her face added a tinge of charm to her.

Kannon knew about Dakota's enagemnet but there was a tiny part of her in the inside screaming to still hold on to Dakota and most of her was telling her to not cling anymore knowing that it would hurt her.

She would rather choose the latter.

Upon gazing at Dakota's sleeping face, Kannon could feel her eye lids getting heavy and slowly fell asleep.

Dakota woke up with Kannon in her arms, she had a smile on her face as she stared at Kannon.

[I never had such a good night sleep, as soon as I hit the bed I immediately fell asleep]

She thought as she caressed Kannon's cheek. Things have gone haywire from the original plot, the previous villainess Dakota was not a king alpha but an ordinary alpha and Kannon is not her paired omega. Perhaps the changes in Dakota is because she replaced the original soul of the villainess.

For now that is the best she can come up.

"Morning sleepy head" she spoke in a playful tone as Kannon opened her eyes.

"Wha-???!!!" Kannon was shocked to found herself still in Dakota's embraced and was greatly flustered.

She tried to move but Dakota's arms around her was like a cage restraining her.