Chapter 22

Ethan's POV

I was currently getting dressed for the Gala. I'm so nervous. My outfit consists of a white button down shirt and black dress pants and white unstructured blazer. It is a semi-formal outfit. It is comfortable. I hope Damian likes it.

There was a knock at the door. Taking one last look in the mirror I unlocked the door. There stood Damian in white shirt and a royal blue slim fit custom made tuxedo paired with matching dress pants and a matching tie. He looked so damn handsome.

"You look beautiful" he said making me blush. "You look hot" I said before I could help myself. He smirked and leaned closer "So do you Kitten" he said lowly gently biting my earlobe. "ah" a moan slipped out of my lips unintentionally. My blush turned darker.

He backed away and smiled "Ready?" he asked and I could only nod, not trusting my voice anymore. We went downstairs and saw Mum. She was looking amazing in her black lace middie dress and matching black heels. "You look gorgeous" I said giving her a hug. She smiled "You look lovely Sweety" she said.

Together we exited the house, she locked the door and walked towards her car while Damian took me to his. The driver was waiting for us in the car. Damian opened the door for me and sat along with me. We reached the venue and exited the car. We entered the venue and all eyes turned to us. He placed his had around my waist protectively making me smile.

Mr Han, Damian's assistant came to inform him that he has to deliver a speech. Damain nodded and went to the front. He took the Mike and started with his speech "Ladies and Gentlemen as you all know today we all have gathered..."

Everyone clapped after the speech was over. He proceeded to come towards me but some associates approached him. "Hello" said someone and I turned my head towards the man and the lady beside me. They smiled warmly at me "Hello" I said. They asked some questions and then left to talk with others.

I looked towards him and saw he was still busy with his associates. Seeing as he was taking some time, I made my way towards the desert section. I looked through the dishes and took a small portion of chocolate cheesecake. I took a bite and it tasted so good.

I didn't notice when someone came beside me. "Hey" he greeted. I looked up at him, he was taller than me but not as tall as Damian. He had blond hair and brown eyes. He was wearing a black suit. You could say he was good looking.

"Um hello" I said not wanting to sound rude. "Let me introduce myself, My name is Jose" I nodded and smiled awkwardly. "Why is a cutie like you standing here all alone?" he continued. I looked at him 'Is he trying to hit on me?' I thought. "uh-" I started but decided to ignore him and walked away from there.

I stood somehere far from him and looked at Damian to see him talking with other associates. He kept looking at me as if wanting to come beside me but they weren't letting him. He looked at me once again and signaled that he will be done in a few minutes. I smiled and nodded.

"Here you are cutie" I heard a familiar voice say. I turned my head towards Jose. "It's not nice to walk away like that" he stated. I continued to ignore him. He moved closer to me "If you are bored, I can help" he said. "I'm not interested" I spoke finally.

"Come on cutie, you can come with me" he said placing a hand on my shoulder. I pushed his hand away "I don't want to". "But-" he started but I cut him off "It's not nice to bother someone either" I stated. He took my hand in his "We'll have fun, I promise" he said. I pulled my hand away "Leave-" I started but was cut off when someone grabbed my waist and pulled me into his embrace.

Damian's POV

"Thank you" The man said and I nodded. Finally left. I turned to look towards Ethan to see him looking irritated. I finally noticed the man standing beside him. Jose. He wasn't a good person. I've heard from the employees of the company he works in. He placed a hand on Ethan's shoulder. My eyes narrowed on his hand. He placed his hand on my Kitten.

I felt a bit relieved when Ethan pushed his hand away but I was still angry. Jose didn't get the hint. He grabbed Ethan's hand. How dare he? I balled my fists and in three long strides reached them. "Leave-" I didn't let Ethan complete and grabbed his waist, pulling him flush against me.

"What do you think you're doing?" I asked Jose gritting my teeth. "I was just trying to have a little fun with this cutie here" He stated. 'Is he trying to provoke me?Or is he just that stupid?' I thought. I held my kitten close to me, my hands possessively holding his waist.

"He is off limits" I said angrily. Jose looked a bit intimidated but nevertheless spoke "Woah woah chill dude I was just trying to-" "Are you testing my patience Jose?" I didn't let him speak "He. Is. Mine" I said possessively. "He is mine. Got that? Now leave" I growled.He scrambled away.

I took Ethan's hand in mine and took him with me and exited the venue. I took the keys from the driver. He didn't speak a word, good choice. I opened the passenger's door and closed it after Ethan got in. I got in the driver's side and put the key in the ignition, starting the car and drove off.

I hadn't cool down yet. How dare he touch what's Mine. I looked at Ethan. I placed one hand on his knee. He gasped in surprise. I looked back and focused on driving with the other hand. I slowly moved my hand up, towards his thigh. He tried distracting himself but looking out of the window but I knew he was well aware of my hand.

I rested my hand on his upper thigh, my thumb drawing sensual circles onto his inner thigh. My hand was so close to his crotch area yet not touching him. I continued teasing him, I could feel him reacting to it. I finally placed my hand on his crotch, palming him through his pants. He let out a soft moan and I continued my movements.

I pulled my hand away drawing a whine out of his lips. He blushed and I smirked. We had reached my house, I got out of the car and went to his side. I opened the door for him and picked him up bridal style, he squeaked in surprise.

I entered the house with him in my arms, locking the door behind me. I took him to my room and threw him on the bed. I looked at me waiting for my next move. I climbed on top of him "You're Mine" I said and attached my lips to his before he could reply. I kissed him hungrily, possessively. I kissed him hard and he moaned into the kiss but I wanted to hear more.

I pulled away and took off his blazer and shirt. I kissed him down his jaw to his neck. I started leaving wet kisses around his neck, sucking and biting occasionally. He moaned as I bit and sucked at his sweet spots. He started pulling off my tuxedo and I sat up to removed it along with my shirt.

I leaned back in and kissed him again. I explored every inch of his mouth, I sucked on his tongue. The sound of his moans muffled into the kiss. We pulled away to breathe. I started trailing kisses down to his chest. I took his right nipple into my mouth and I rolled the left in between my fingers making him moan.

I graced my teeth over his bud and licked it after, his body jolted in surprise "Ahh~" he whispered. I latched onto his other nipple as I thrusted my hips against his. I did the same to his left nipple while grinding onto him making him moan. I felt him get hard under me. I stopped and trailed kisses down his stomach until I reached his pants. I took them off along with his boxers, he yelped.

I lifted his one leg over my shoulder and started leaving kisses down his leg. He moaned as I neared his inner thigh. I bit and suck on the skin creating a mark. I reached his dick and took him in my mouth making him moan loudly. I continued to suck him off. I stopped when I felt him tense under me indicating he was close. He whined as I sat back up, looking at me through hooded eyes.

"Patience Kitten" I said as I stood up removing my pants. I took out the lube from the drawer and coated my member. I spread his legs apart and lined up against his entrance. I needed to be inside him. "Is it okay Kitten if I don't prep you?" I asked not wanting to hurt my Kitten. He nodded "Y-yes P-please" and that was all I needed.

I slowly pushed inside him, he cried out and I captured his lips into mine. I pulled away from the kiss when I was fully inside him. I waited for him to adjust to my size. He nodded after a while and I slowly pulled out only to push back inside. He moaned. I pulled out again but this time pushing back harder making him moan again. "Yes baby moan, let everyone know you are Mine" I said picking up my pace. His moans got louder with every thrust.

I thrusted again and he moaned louder than ever and I smirked knowing I hit his postrate. "Yesss" I continued to hit his prostrate dead on and he continued to moan, broken words coming out of his mouth. "I'm...close" he whispered after a few thrusts. "You're Mine" I said possessively. I slowed down, "P-please" he said wanting me to continue. I wrapped my hand around his dick, my thumb pressing onto his slit, "Tell me you're Mine and I'll let you come" I demanded.

"I'm yours....all yours, P-please make me come. Show me I'm yours" He spoke. He doesn't know what his words do to me. I picked up my pace thrusting into him almost animistically. His thighs tensed and he screamed as he came. His cum all over my chest and his stomach. I came right after him "Yes you're mine Kitten.....All mine, only I can make you come" I said as I came inside him. I laid beside him, pulling him into my embrace. I was about to pull out of him but he whined exhausted. I chuckled and stayed inside him.

"You're so cute" I said caressing his cheeks "I love you" I thought he was already asleep but I heard him mumble out a "I love you" sleepily. I smiled 'How did I get so lucky' I thought.