Chapter 25

Ethan's POV

I felt something lightly touch me around my neck, I shrugged it off and continued reading the book. After a few minutes, I felt it again. I turned my head sideways and saw him smiling.

We were in his office, I was currently sitting on the sofa in front of him so that I was seated in between his legs.

"Let me read" I said and he looked at me innocently, his eyes held mischief. "What? I didn't do anything" he shrugged.

I focused my attention back to the book, I felt him wrap his arms around my waist. I sighed in content until he started tickling me.

I laughed, the book fell on the table as I clutched my stomach. "S...Stop" I said still laughing but he didn't stop.

"D..Damian S.. stop" made a weak attempt to remove his hands since I was laughing so hard. He finally stopped after a few more seconds. I laughed so hard, I can feel tears in the corner of my eyes.

"Cute" he said. I pouted, he really likes to tease me. I looked at him, I've an idea!

I turned around and got on top of him, he seemed surprised by my sudden movement. I placed my hands around his stomach in an attempt to tickle him but he remained unfased.

"You're so cute Kitten, but it won't work on me" he said. It won't work on him! I leaned closer to his ear "Hmm but I know what will" I said giving a kitten lick.

I was sitting right on right on top of his crotch. I gently rocked my hips against his making his hiss. He placed his hands on my waist firmly as if to stop me but I kept going.

"Kitten" he said in a dominating tone and I moaned "Ahh~". He smirked and I could feel my face growing hot. "Oh Kitten" he said and pulled me towards him so that are noses were almost touching.

He was about to attach our lips together when I door suddenly opened making me jump. We looked towards the door to see Angela standing there.

"Wh-What are You doing here!?" she asked pointing at me accusingly. 'What does she mean by what am I doing here' I thought.

"I-" I was cut off when Damian pulled me closed to him "He is my boyfriend so of course he can be here. Now What are You doing here?" asked Damian.

She looked taken aback by what Damian said probably because of the fact that he called me his Boyfriend. But she soon regained her composure and glared at me.

Damian's POV

What does she want!? I have told her a thousand times before that I'm not interested in her but she doesn't listen! Why is she back? She said she came here do to business but I highly doubt that.

She has other intentions behind it and I'm sure if that.

I raised an eyebrow, still waiting for an answer and wanting her to leave already. "I...I came to see you" she said. I resisted the urge to roll my eyes, Of course what else can I expect from her. I don't understand why does she keep doing this!

"But I guess you're busy so I'll come later" she said. "Yes I am and you don't have to come later" I said curtly. She was about to say something but decided against it and stormed out of the room.

I looked at Ethan, he was spaced out. "Kitten" I said grabbing his attention. He looked at me "Are you hungry?" I asked and on cue his stomach growled. I chuckled seeing his face turn red in embarrassment "Let's have lunch" I said grabbing his hand and together we exited the building.

We entered the restaurant and took a seat at a table. A waiter arrived "What would you like to have Sir" he asked. I asked Ethan what would he like to eat and gave our orders. The waiter nodded and walked away.

"I need to use the restroom" said Ethan. I nodded and he stood up and went towards the restroom.

Ethan's POV

I did my business and exited the restroom and came face to face with none other than Angela. "...Are you following us?" I asked.

She scoffed "Yes and what will you do about it? huh?" "That's not–" She interrupted me "Listen here, Damian is Mine OK!? Stay away from him!"

Why does she keep insisting That Damian is hers. I've had enough! "No Damian is Mine and I'm his boyfriend. So please stay away. He doesn't love you. In the end you'll only get hurt" I said trying to convince her.

"YOU.....I don't need your advice" She looked at me "You'll regret this. I always get what I want and I'll get him sooner or later" She smirked.

I looked at her in disbelief "You cannot force yourself onto him" "Just wait and watch" she said storming off towards the exit. So she really is like this. Mom said to be careful around her. I wonder what is she going to do.

I went back to Damian and took my seat. "What took you so long Kitten" He asked. I just shook my head. He didn't look convinced but let it slide. Our food arrived and we started eating.

After we were done he paid the bills and we exited the restaurant. We walked towards the car and got in. After a few seconds, he still hadn't started the car. I turned my head towards him to find him already looking at me.

"W-what" I asked. "What's the matter Kitten" I looked down shaking my head again. "Kitten" he said and I gasped when he suddenly pulled me onto his lap and made me look at him.

"Will y-you ever l-leave me?" I asked timidly. His eyes widened. I shouldn't have asked that, "I'm..I'm sorry" I apologized. "Hey...Kitten you can ask me anything" he said. "I would never leave you, I'm too jealous for that" he said making me giggle.

He looked me in the eyes before kissing me softly. It was a sweet and gentle kiss. He pulled away after a few seconds and cupped my cheeks "I love you, I could never leave you" he said sincerely.

"I love you too. Promise?" I asked. "Yes Kitten I promise" he said and I hugged him.