after math or some shit, idk man titles be buggin


a purple mist suddenly appeared in an unknown bar in Kamino Yokohama, this was the secret hideout of the league of villains and formerly the drinking place of Sasuke, the purple mist grew in size and out of it came a man covered in the same purple mist wearing a bar tender's outfit and a blue haired dry boy with a hand fetish he was also wearing red sneakers for some reason

the dry boy fell on the ground and started whining like a child, "kurogiri who was that purple red eyed bastard that you were talking to, I thought he was a villain from the way you were talking, then why did he kill the Nomu and how did he do it so easily"

the monitor then switched on and a voice asked from it, "yes kurogiri, would you mind telling me about the one who killed the Nomu"

hearing the voice, kurogiri bowed and said, "yes master, the one who ruined our plan was Uchiha Sasuke, the one we hired for assassinations around twelve years ago, it seems that he was being held in the mental facility we attacked, while we were executing the plan, he suddenly showed up and started conversing with me, from the way he acted I judged that he wasn't going to get in the way of our plan, after all the one who captured him was all might, but after he was suddenly attacked by one of the students who could create explosions, he held out his hand and the explosion seemed to be absorbed, the pattern in his left eye also changed from the black and red six pointed star iris pattern with black sclera to an entirely purple eye with black ripples covering the entire eye with 3 tomoe in each of the two ripples closest to the middle, after his eye changed he easily dodged the nomu's attack, pinned it to the floor by stepping on it and burned it to nothing using the black flames he used to fight all might"

the voice was then silent for a few seconds but then said, "ho it seems he has gotten stronger, he might become a problem for us in the future however it doesn't seem that he did it to help the heroes, send him an invitation to join the league later, in the meantime we should analyse the surveillance footage of him in the facility to discover his weaknesses"

a video from the hospital appeared on the monitor, it started with Sasuke sitting in his room, the students teleporting there, him leading them back to their teacher and taking out the canon foder villains in the way, it then showed how he suddenly appeared Infront of kurogiri and Tomura which shows his astonishing speed, he then absorbed the explosion launched by the student with anger issues, after that he casually walked to Nomu, dodged it's attack, and pinned it down before killing it

"it seems that he has become at least as strong as all might, and his purple eye is the result of an evolution to his quirk, you should be careful as he might have gained other powers from it, but this confirms my hunch", all for one commented

hearing his master Tomura asked, "what do you mean sensei?"

all for one chuckled sinisterly and said, "kurogiri don't you think it's out of character for the kid who made sure to always work under the cover of the night to suddenly challenge all might whom he avoided constantly"

kurogiri then replied, "maybe he thought that he could take out all might, after all he always had a preference for pray with a lot of muscle"

all for one then laughed loudly and said, "maybe it was so, but maybe it was all a ploy, a clever scheme to go off radar, a way for him to find a place where he can cultivate and grow the quirk related to his eyes, after all don't you remember, in his fight against all might that's when the pattern with the six pointed star appeared, before that it was the one with the tomoe, what if he realized that there are more evolutions and knowing that, he got captured by all might who then sent him to the mental asylum where he was able to train to get that evolution"

kurogiri was silently thinking before Tomura shouted and pointed at the screen that was still showing footage, "master look, what is that?"

the screen showed a large black cocoon in the place where Sasuke has just been standing, after a seconds the cocoon cracked and opened to reveal Sasuke in his new form, it then showed how he destroyed the entire building with one swing of the staff that he made out of one of the black orbs floating behind him before flying off to somewhere

seeing such a sight kurogiri said, "it seems you are right sensei, although it's not my place to say this but I don't think that we should get involved with him as he is too dangerous"

all for one was silent for a while before saying, "so it would seem, however I might need to meet him myself, after all having him on our side will help us greatly, Tomura you should take this time to grow, after all you still have a lot of space to do so, you should also get other subordinates"

Tomura replied, "yes master, I won't let you down"

and with that the monitor turned off


one day later

in the meeting room at U.A, it was a large room with big wooden table, there were many teachers gathered here, they were here of course to discuss yesterday's incident

"I take it that you all know why we are gathered here", nezu

"we are here to discuss about the attack by the villain group known as the league of villains and the escape and subsequent destruction of the Musutafu mental rehabilitation center by the villain ghoul who had been held there", eraser head

"thankfully none of the students got hurt so we will be able to avoid hurting U.A's reputation, however that does not change the fact that one of the worse criminals in Japan's history has escaped and is now on the loose", nezu

"he doesn't sound like a bad dude to me, I mean didn't he help three students and dealt with that thing that gave eraser head so many injuries", present mic said as he pointed at the mummified eraser head

"although he helped me, he only did that after talking to the purple smoke villain, from their conversation it seems that they have known each other for quite some time, as for the reason he killed that Nomu thing, it's probably because he found it as an eye sore", eraser head

"what about that transformation", ectoplasm

"your guess is as good as mine but it seems that he knew about it", eraser head

"what do you think midnight", nezu asked midnight who had been just silent up until now

"I don't know what that transformation is, but there was something else that Sasuke had told me about that might have something to do with it, though he told me it was a secret and to not tell it to anyone", midnight said with her head down in a way that no one could see her eyes

"what is it", nezu

"it's about the origin and reason behind the existence of quirks, but I'm not sure if it's true or not", midnight

"what", recovery girl

"woah that's crazy", present mic

"please calm down everyone, midnight could you please continue", nezu

"yes, he said that all humans and animals have a certain energy inside them, one that if unlocked, can be used used to strengthen one's body, walk on walls, Sealings or even on water, it can allow one the use of fire, water, earth, lightning, and wind, however rarely did anyone unlock it much less harness it to it's full potential, and due to that that energy kept building up, generation after generation until the point where it needed to be let out, and that resulted in some of that energy being released, which created quirks, however that energy is just a fraction of what is contained in our bodies", midnight

"wait does that mean that if we unlock that energy we can get stronger, and is that the reason why he's so strong", present mic

"no, he said that if anyone with a quirk were to try unlocking it, they would die on the spot, so the only people who can unlock it are those without quirks, only children that haven't manifested their quirks or quirkless people can use it, but those children might still aquire quirks and in their case, they can use that energy with their quirks to make them stronger or trigger evolutions in them, which is what happened with his eyes which have several evolutions, and the one where his eyes turned purple is probably one of them, but from what I know it's hard to trigger evolutions", midnight

"that makes sense, do you know how that energy can be unlocked", nezu

"he said that they need to make specific hand sighs and then guide the energy through their bodies since if they don't they would hurt themselves but I don't know the hand sighs", midnight

everyone was silently mulling over the information for a bit until nezu broke the silence, "well that aside we still need to find Sasuke's location and deal with him accordingly"

"I don't think we can deal with him as easily as you think", eraser head

"I agree, taking him down won't be easy especially with how I am now", all might who hadn't spoken the entire time meeting finally spoke

"you think so too?, all might", nezu

"you didn't feel that suffocating pressure he was giving off, it felt like he could easily kill everyone there as easily as stepping on ants", eraser head

"yea, I haven't felt such a domineering pressure even when I was facing all for one", all might

"it's a good thing that we already dealt with him", nezu

"I don't think that we should be treating him as a villain", present mic

"what do you mean", recovery girl

"I mean he just doesn't seem like a bad guy to me", present mic

"yes, we might be able to reason with him, after all he only knocked out the villains, we might be able to keep him from doing any crimes by just giving him a fake identity, since no one has seen him ever since he was 5, I doubt anyone would notice", nezu

"yes, that might work I think we should try that", said recovery girl

everyone else also agreed that they would try to convince him to change his identity, after all having someone who can make ten story building disappear not be a villain would be a great thing for obvious reasons

just as they were about to end the meeting, and leave, a staff member burst through the door, he was panting seemingly from running all the way to the meeting room, after catching his breath he said, "I'm sorry for disturbing your meeting but there is something urgent you have to see", he then walked to the tv screen and turned on the news, what made the people in the room confused was that he didn't turn on the news from Japan but from the USA which could be observed from the bottom text on the screen reading, "super villain appears in Washington thousands of lives lost"

the screen showed two giant craters one had was empty while the other one had a giant meteor inside, most of the city had been reduced to ruins with hundreds of bodies of heroes strewn around, only six people were standing and seemed to be locked in combat, five of them were America's top five heroes, they all seemed extremely haggard, their clothes were ripped and they had various injuries, one of them even seemed to be missing an arm, they all seemed to be fighting one person, that person was an extremely handsome purple eyed young man with white skin, two horns that resembled rabbit ears extended out of his black hair, he wore a white robe with black pants, behind Him were 7 floating balls, and in his left hand was a black staff while in his right was a giant black sword, they both seemed to be made out of the same substance as the black orbs behind him, he was looking down at them with disdain through his purple eyes that seemed to seemed to burrow into their souls

seeing such a sight everyone was shocked, after all Sasuke was fighting the top five heroes in America all on his lonesome, each one of them can beat all might without a doubt, although all might is strong, he is still only among the top 100 heroes in the world, while the ones he is fighting are in the top 25, they then watched with their eyes wide open as Sasuke swung the sword horizontally to the side, obliterating not only the meteor next to him but also cutting all the buildings on that side of the city, he then swung the sword at the heroes, killing them, only leaving a single bottomless ravine, he then clasped his hands and what he did next shocked not only them but the entire world

[A/N: well that's it for this chapter, sorry for not uploading for the last few days, was busy with something, I would also like to apologize for the ending of this chapter, I Know it sounds a little click baitty but just bare with me, well c ya]