Yoko Ono

When Izzie and I arrive at the party, a bunch of people are there. Most of them are dancing. "I don't know, Newton, looks like enemy territory." She's right, many of them are from different track teams. "Tonight, we dance with them, tomorrow, we crush them." I tell her. She smiles. "It does look kind of fun." Izzie says, looking out at all of the people dancing. "Oh. I forgot, you hate fun. So let's go back in the room and study something, anything." I joke. She rolls her eyes and pulls me onto the dance floor. We find Sharice, and dance with her. The song is upbeat, and everyone is having fun.

After dancing for a while, one of the songs is a little slower. I find Izzie, and get up close next to her. We dance around each other, until we are facing each other. She smiles. We get close together, and move our shoulders towards each other with the music. I feel the heat between us intensify, as we get even closer on every beat of the song. Izzie looks into my eyes, until she can't take her eyes off my lips. I want to kiss her again. As I am about to kiss her, Izzie backs up. I look down at her, confused. "What are you doing?" She asks, with a hint of anger in her voice. "Nothing. I'm just dancing." "We talked about this." Izzie butts in. "I don't need to advertise my personal business to the world." She says. Not this again. Why is she so scared to show me any affection in public? Why is she scared of people knowing? Is she ashamed of me or something? "I'm not trying to-" "I just…" She trails off. "I need water." She walks away from me. Another girl grabs my hand, and tries to dance with me. Even though I feel like I want to explode, I dance with her reluctantly. I try not to think about Izzie, even though she is all that fills my mind. I dance alongside Sharice too. Multiple songs go by, and Izzie is nowhere to be found.

I finally see her, talking to some guy. They are smiling at each other. I feel my stomach hurt. She's off, having fun, like she doesn't remember what she just did to me? I keep dancing, until I see what I never expected to see. Izzie is kissing him. My smile drops, and I stand there, unable to move. Her lips attach to his, and all I can think about is our kiss. That magical moment that she is throwing away, and giving to someone else. Some random guy. How could she? I thought what we had was special, but I guess not. I walk off the dance floor, and sit down. I cry, hard.

Sharice finds me, and takes me out of the party. We go up to my hotel room, and sit on the couch. I tell her what happened. "I'm an idiot." I say, after I told her what happened. "You're not." She replies. "I am pining after this confusing, hot and cold mess of a person. I just never should have done any of this." I tell her. I start to think about Evan. Evan would never do what Izzie just did. He would talk to me and tell me what exactly is wrong. He wouldn't just kiss someone because he's confused about his feelings. Sharice is right. Izzie is a villain. "You're right. You should have pushed these feelings down, and down, and down, forever, and never looked at them. That sounds healthy." "Shut up." I reply. Sharice is right, if I didn't act on my feelings for Izzie, I would feel guilty around Evan, and uncomfortable around Izzie. I would end up losing both of them. Maybe I already have.