Practical Entrance Exams...

Chapter 5 - Practical Entrance Exams...

'This is an extremely bad Idea Izuku, I hope that you know that I do not support your rash choices in any way or form even if I am you. You really need to get your legs checked out to make sure that they are working like they are suppose to because THEY WON'T LISTEN. Each time that I try to tell them something it always ends up being blocked by something like I'll have to listen to these legs once more and attempt to do the impossible like I've done way too many times already. I mean seriously, what kid should be charging a robot several stories high in any situation. How did I even get to this situation, it all seems so illogical. Wait...I remember now…'

After finishing the exam, the examinees were given an hour of rest to be at their own devices while the officials of the school set up the practical examination. Izuku decided to use his time in order to stock up on calories which he was sure to burn in the exam, at least he hoped he got enough. He brought out a box of granola bars that he had bought the day previously and began making his way through them when a spot of blue caught his eye.

"Hey Iida over here!" Izuku called his friend over in order to share some of his snacks. "How are you doing? Do you think that you did well in the written exam? What do you think the practical is going to look like?" The other boy brought his index and pointer finger to his temple in order to massage out the incoming headache. Seeing this Izuku saw what he was doing and attempted to stop. "I'm talking at extreme speeds again aren't I?"

"That you are my friend, though I don't think that your speed is worse than that exam we just took. Despite having studies heavily, I wasn't sure what to answer for some of the questions." Iida then took a seat besides Izuku and was offered a bar immediately. "Ahh, you to always seem to have food on you which I find most convenient." Izuku smiled at this, finding himself to be ever so helpful to his friend.

"As for the practical exam, I'm sure that they will tell us what to expect once our hour is over." The still eating shorter boy nodded at this seemingly realistic reasoning before he went back to his food in front of him. "How about yourself Midoriya? How did you fend for yourself in the exam?" Izuku's face became very red, that was something he didn't want to discuss and make himself sound cocky or anything of that sort.

"W-well it was a difficult test for sure….I wasn't sure if I would be able to finish all of it and have time to go over everything." He swallowed his food before going on to continue lying through his teeth. Or he would have if Iida hadn't put his hand on Midoriya's shoulder and looked into his eyes. He had been able to spot some of the other boy's faults that gave him away way too easily, this was one of them.

"Is that really what you thought of the exam Midoriya?" He asked inquisitively as he tended to do when he was trying to figure out something. "It seems to me that you are in fact hiding something or you did something that you do not wish me to know…" The green-haired boy began scratching his mane of hair as he tried figuring out what to say exactly.

"Well you see….my quirk doesn't really have an off switch…it sometimes just goes off on its own when I'm nervous or afraid" Iida's eyes went wide as he realized what this could possibly mean. His hand went to his chin as he thought about this before returning back to his friend, who was still eating granola bars.

"Does this mean that you went and did the entire test at the speed at which you tend to run?" Midoriya nodded with a sideways smile on his face as he tried to find a better explanation for it. "well , you should work on bettering your mental control as to not get accused of cheating by others."

"Yeah I know's just so hard maintaining focus all the time and sometimes it just slips without me even realizing it. I'll try to get better at it, it'll just take a bit of time." Nodding Iida excused himself to use the restroom leaving Midoriya sitting by himself waiting for what felt like the fiftieth time.

He picked himself up and began walking around to see what this school had to offer. He mostly walked aimlessly wondering what made this the number one school to go to if one wanted to be become a hero. The halls were obviously nice and clean with lots of room to maneuver, the doors of the classrooms looked like they had been built to allow people of all shapes and sizes to enter, and the floors were quite shiny.

As he looked at the floor, he was unaware of a coming bend that indicated a turn onto the hallway. Continuing the path that he was taking, Izuku came crashing into a fellow examinee who was currently listening to some music and hadn't heard Izuku coming. Izuku was able to regain his footing right away because of his speed but the other boy fell on his face and groaned in pain. Oh dear, I think I may have just injured Pikachu, of course I would be the one to hurt Pokemon's prized mascot.

"Hey are you alright? I'm very sorry but I didn't see where I was going, are you alright?" Izuku made sure to repeat himself in the chance that h hadn't been heard the first time. The boy only groaned in response which made the speedster very nervous. I killed him didn't I? Now my entire plan is ruined and I can't go on to become a hero despite just having gotten the motivation to become what I could do.

Preoccupied by his own mumbling,the standing boy didn't notice as the one on the floor rolled to his side and began rubbing his head. Looking at the floor once more, Izuku yelped as he saw the dopey face of the boy he had just knocked over.

"Once again I'm very sorry." Izuku apologized trying to make the situation better as he offered his hand in order to pick up the other boy. As their hands touched, the speedster felt an exchange of energy and saw as the boy yelled out in pain before he went tumbling back into the ground.

"Ouch, I think that was my quirk misfiring or something like that. It's alright though, I've electrocuted myself many times before. Name's Kaminari, Denki Kaminari. Pleasure to meet you." The boy on the floor picked himself up and gave a smile to Izuku.

"Hello I'm Izuku Midoriya, sorry once more for making you fall on your face. I hope that no permanent damage was done." Denki simply waved him off not wanting to appear as if he had been hurt at all by the fall.

"It's all good, not the worst tumble that I've taken" The electric book seemed to be alright now that he was off the ground. "Anyway thanks for helping me out I appreciate it." With not much else the Pikachu-esque boy kept walking on his way to get ready for whatever presentation UA was going to give.

After their one hour break, the potential students were shuffled back into the hall in order to receive the information needed for their practical exam. This time the seat were elevated and all the lights were aimed towards a stage in the middle which Izuku assumed would be the place that the official came out of. Checking his bag on his side, Izuku made sure that he had all the materials needed in order to complete whatever the test was.

"Hello there Little Listeners! Can I get a Hey?" Looking away from his bag and towards the stage, the speedster was able to see the Pro-Hero known as Present Mic. Wow! They actually have pro-heroes teaching at a school….that is something else. I wonder if that guy who attacked me is there? Ha of course not, they would hire someone like that, they are the number 1 school for a reason.

Preoccupied by his own thoughts once again, Izuku missed most of what the shouting hero had said. The parts that he did catch had to do with villains and of their various scores depending on the villain. A hand went up in the seats slightly in front of Izuku in order to ask a question. Supporting his head on one hand, the bored teen looked on in curiosity to see what his friend was going to do. Iida had been one to call out mistakes made by others and it looked like this school would receive the same treatment from him.

"You mentioned three villains, but on the handout that you handed us there are four instead. "He pointed at the paper that the examinees had been given when they walked to their seats. "A mistake like this from such a prestigious academy such as UA would be most unacceptable." Unconsciously, Izuku nodded from the amusement and didn't realize that he had done it till Iida turned in his direction.

"You there!" Iida called out to the seats behind him not really being able to see who had laughed due to the poor lighting. "This is a test for those of us who are serious about becoming heroes, if you aren't here for the same reasons then you should leave." Midoriya looked a bit like Christmas at that moment because of how bright red his face turned.

The blue haired teen then went on to turn forward and listen to the response that was given by the blond hero. Izuku would've done the same except his brain began to mess with him and distorted reality or at least the speed in which the world was going. Something, Something, obstacles, something, something, run away, and good luck. Yeah I think I have all the information that I need now.

Let's go over all these facts quickly and see what the plan of attack is going to be. There are going to be ten minutes for me to get as many points as I possibly can. These points will be acquired from destroying 'villains' that will be in the form of robots that get more dangerous the more points they are worth. There is also a Zero pointer used to block the path and cause destruction or something along those lines, I'm not really sure. On top of that, I have to compete against other people who want the exact same thing as I do. This is certainly going to be fun.

Walking around, Izuku got down and began to stretch in order to make sure that he didn't pull a muscle or anything. He still suffered from that fear after he had begun running without warming up a few days prior. He had been able to heal from it relatively quickly but he could still remember the pain. His mom did think it was a bit weird for him to be hobbling around the house that day instead of the usual speeding that she had grown accustomed to see.

He checked his outfit one more time in order to ensure that it wouldn't interfere with the use of his quirk. His goggles of course were already over his eyes as a preparation for a sudden departure. His suit was more or less the same that he had been wearing in his spars with Iida except that this one was newer and hopefully more reliable when it came to being aerodynamic. His shoes were the last part of his outfit which were new and hopefully wouldn't have the soles rubbed off by the time that this was all over. He really wanted to make them last and normally he couldn't because of obvious reasons.

He spotted Iida once more in the large group of people but chose to not talk to him as it looked like he was trying to focus. His jaw appeared to be biting down which was something that he tended to do when stressed. Going to talk to him would most likely break his concentration and could possibly lead to a poor score on the exam.

"And Start!" The yellow haired man yelled from the top of a wall. All the examinees stood around and looked at the man in a confused manner. "What are you waiting for? The practical exam has begun! A villain isn't going to wait for you to be ready. See that kid in green is already going at it!" All heads turned to look in the distance as Izuku ran off way ahead of the group increasing the distance between himself and the rest of his competition.

As soon as Izuku heard the word 'start', he was off like a bullet. Bullet maybe was a little too fast for the pace he was going. He simply wanted to pass the exam without giving up too much away about himself. It wasn't like he was going to save a life or anything of that sort that would require him to use his full speed. Instead he decided to stick with the speed that he had trained alongside Iida, which was to say approximately 400 or so miles per hour.

Due to the speed at which the boy was going, he was unable to hear any noise going on around him. He was moving too fast at the moment for that but the rest of his vital sense continued to work. With his eyes he was able to spot a cluster of three one point robots which he headed for. Okay, you can do this, the technique that was developed should be more than enough to deal with these robots, I hope.

The speedster's strategy wasn't anything like any of the teachers at UA had seen in a long time. In their observation deck, they watched the monitors and saw that he was the first examinee to reach the villains. While they were unable to see him exactly, the slowed down version showed him "pushing the villains and running away". He used his legs to jump onto them and with the same legs jumped off their metal. The speed at which he went and the sudden stop caused the machines to continue the motion at which he went and were pushed into each other.

The teachers straightened a bit in their chairs and leaned slightly forward. This was certainly a new and intriguing quirk that they hadn't seen before, something new which could be cultivated into something great.

The headmaster had a smile on his small animal like face, pleased to see such promising talents. The other teachers had similar looks on their faces, with the exception of two of them. The Number 1 hero's face had gone blank and paled considerably after seeing the boy in the slow motion. Something his old master had told him came to mind, but he quickly tossed it away believing that it couldn't be true. It was something that he would have to talk with Gran Torino later but right now he would continue with this.

The other teacher that wasn't so pleased by this was one known as Eraserhead. For the better part of a month he had been looking for someone who matched the powerset of the kid that he had run into that night but had come out dry each night. His eyes glowed with satisfaction at finally being able to put a name to the one who had outdone him. Run while you can kid, you and I will be having a conversation very soon.

There we go, another three pointer for the count that should bring me up to 23 points if I count the one that I hit before the navel loser kid stole it. Can't take too many points for myself, I just need enough to get me into the school which was thirty I think. I should've put more attention to Present Mic, well that's for next time.

The green blur ran all across the model city looking for villains to defeat. After the rest of the students caught up to him, he found it increasingly more difficult to accelerate and decelerate with the wide variety of quirks affecting the landscape. More and more hazards sprung up from all around him and he also didn't feel comfortable taking points from other participants.

Spotting yet another three pointer, Izuku made a v-line for it trying to claim the points for himself before anyone else could do the same. This one, unlike the others before it, was able to recognize him before he reached it and fired its missiles. They weren't overly big but there were four of them coming straight towards him and he wanted nothing to do with any of them for his own sake. Wait, these things are moving really slow...I want to try something to see if it's going to work.

The first two that came drifted harmlessly besides him not really coming close due to their slower pace. The third one fell a bit short of its target location and Izuku had to jump over it in order to not go boom. Number four was the missile that he was looking for and it was right there, right in his grasp. He took it and like a madman, redirected the missile to where it had just come from. Trying to be a movie trope, the boy turned around and began walking away when he was blown right onto his face.

Note to self, always make sure to look at the explosion. Not looking at it just makes it more likely that you are going to hurt yourself and probably end up with….yep that's a broken nose. The faster healing better come up with a fix for this. Picking himself up, Izuku's new score was now 26 points which he assumed to be not bad. There were times when he could have gotten more, but that would mean using more of the speed that he was busy concealing at the moment.

Doing another lap around the test area, the boy with 26 points saw that the majority of the villains had already been dealt with and the remaining ones were already in combat with a few examinees. Slowing himself to a more reasonable pace in which he began to hear things clearly again. Yep...the sound of conversation was one of the things that he missed while being in his quickened state.

Looking around, everything seemed to be just a tad bit too quiet. He pulled up his green tinted goggles and gave everyone else a look. They all appeared as if they were done with the exam and were all just lounging around waiting for time to be called. Izuku himself had burned through quite a bit of energy and was ready to replenish himself with the granola bars that were in his backpack. Just when he began to make his way back, things took a big drop in how they were going.

He heard it before he saw it, or at least heard the destruction in its path that is. The loud crashes all around him had him activating his quirk once again and turn around. With his enhanced speed, he was able to see the hundred foot tall zero-pointer that he had assumed would be way smaller. Well I think my brain just broke from the sheer size of this thing. He froze for a second as the villain continued rampaging down the street as it destroyed more and more buildings.

Around him, people ran away from the incoming contraption as he maintained his spot looking on in slight fear. He tried taking a step back but fell backwards unsure of what to do, fear deep in his heart. Just get up Izuku, just get up and run away, you can't beat this thing with your speed. Just run away, do it to save yourself. More participants ran away from the contraption, trying to remain alive till the time run away.

Picking himself up, he ran away obviously incapable of doing much of anything. He frowned, not being able to control his quirk properly. Receiving random bits of speed, the boy began running into walls unable to run properly without the control. Calm down, just calm down so you can control yourself again. You can't save yourself if you continue with this fear. Just take a deep breath and run!

Looking back, he saw a girl with brown hair that was trapped under a giant piece of rubble. He could do nothing to lift it having his abilities amplify his speed and not his strength. The giant obstacle grew ever closer and he closed his eyes in order to think. To clear his mind and in order to do what needed to be done. In doing this, he entered the state that he had done during the written exam and his mind raced.

Izuku Midoriya, the speedster, the eight month long coma patient, the green blur. It's not your job to save this girl but at the same time it is. If it's in your power than you have no other choice but to at least try. You might get hurt, but if you thought about your injuries before acting then some people you know would be dead. Just Run now!

Slipping his goggles back over his eyes, he closed his eyes once more and took a deep breath, allowing his mind and heart to relax. His eyes sparked with green flickers of electricity as he opened them one more. He smiled slightly at the sudden surge of energy that he felt after calming down, his control over his speed had returned once more to him. There really wasn't more that could be said at what happened next, he ran.

At first all the examinee looked as the blur in green ran away from the problem. He would be the one to outrun them all and remain the most safe if the time didn't run out soon. They saw it run past them and disappear in the distance, probably wouldn't return for any of them. Then, they all looked in awe as the speedster came back, running straight for the robot that was terrorizing the street.

His movements were precise, each arm stroke, each step, each breath was calculated. His eyes looked at the metal man, looking for a weakness where he could find it. His speed would make his punches cause greater damage than a normal human fist but there was only so much that it could do. He felt a bit of a shake as he recognized the same feeling of breaking the sound barrier. Closer and closer he got, pushing himself forward with each step, going faster, pushing farther. This is it Izuku, one last push. With that though, the boy dressed in green forced himself to go over the edge and put more energy than he thought possible.

He jumped off the ground, or pushed himself off actually. He was a human bullet at the moment, deadly and dangerous. He flew through the air, feeling his messy green hair fly behind him. There was a moment longer for his decision to take place, the deadly choice of destroying the chaotic machine. He looked for any place to make his strike, and he found it. Pulling his arm backwards, the boy waited for just the right moment before striking. He went for the neck of the creature, that most likely being the weakest part of its structure in exchange for the enhanced mobility that the part offered.

His right arm hit the part which could be called a neck and something occurred that no one could truly expect. First, the recoil of the impact made its way through his arm and broke it, the energy that had been released had simply been too much. Second, a thin break began to stem from the point of contact and it began to increase in size. Third, the boy who had just hit the robot began falling backwards and downwards quickly and without any particular direction. The pain in his arm hadn't yet registered but when it did, now that would be a jolly day for him. Fourth, the piece of machinery had its head fall backwards and the rest of the body soon followed as it went up in a spectacular display.

Falling through the air, the boy had a limited amount of time to think about possible solutions as there weren't so many. His quirk could only work on the ground and not much else, it wasn't like he could defy laws of physics that had been set in place much longer than he had been around. Try Izuku, try to figure out something. The ground quickly approached and the choices still weren't any clearer than they had been in the start. Okay let's try to roll, try to roll and see if that works… He was out of options, nothing he could do would be much of use now, he had to hope for a hail mary and….


There was a sudden sense of both pain and weightlessness. He looked sideways to see the girl who had been caught under the rubble a few moments earlier. Her face was strained in focus and her hands pressed together, probably something to do with her given quirk. As she let her hands fall apart, he too fell towards the ground, at least now it was only a few feet off. Trying to use his hands out of habit, Midoriya regretted the choice in an instant as pain shot up his right hand and he was forced to bring it to his chest.

He saw and heard the hero from the presentation informing them off the ending of the test. The hero with the broken arm sighed in relief of no longer having to run, but was quite angered at having this broken arm which would take more time than any of his previous injuries had.

Bringing himself to a seated position, the young male pulled off his goggles and looked at them in sadness. One of the lenses had completely fallen out and shattered while the other had quite a large break in them that was unlikely to fix. His shoes were also a very large problem given that one of them had actually caught fire. He kicked it off and groaned at the thought of having to get another pair that would be able to handle his running speeds...

Maybe it was due to the pain, maybe due to going into shock, maybe it was because he had run well past his previously established limit. Whatever the reason was, Izuku certainly couldn't account for the fact that he was in his room sitting on his bed and looking at his notebook with a logo design on it. He remembered a fire involving one of his shoes but that was about it, there wasn't much after that. An old lady giving him a kiss to heal his arm, a few praises from fellow participants, and some rainbow vomit?

Well Izuku, looks like you did it….You finally did it….you were able to do what many told you was impossible

Collapsing onto his bed, the boy succumbed to a well earned rest. His mother came into his room and smiled as she saw her son asleep. She was proud of what he had accomplished and would continue to support him as he continued on his path to be a hero. She looked at his desk and turned off the lights before closing the door. On his desk, there was the logo that Izuku had decided upon as he got home that day. In its entirety it was simply a bolt of lighting inside a circle, but that was for a later time...