
Chapter 13 - Improvements...

"Slow and fast...the two opposites that are fundamentally important for any speedster to know. One can't call themselves one if they can't differ them and combine them at the same time. This kid is really making himself better though. He shows great potential for the future so to speak. Legends usually arise from practically nothing and it seems that this boy is an example of just that….how I wish he would grow up just a tad bit faster, now that would really make my day….no matter, everything will fall into place soon enough…Just you wait Flash, just you wait"

The young speedster in question was currently flying backwards from a blow given to him by his homeroom teacher. The Erasure hero had been serious about the extra after-school sessions which Izuku Midoriya would be required to attend in order to improve his hand to hand fighting skills that at the moment were pretty limited to the few moves he knew from his early childhood and the basic martial arts training which he held. That sadly wasn't enough to compete with the hero who held pride in using martial arts as his main form of fighting and capturing villains.

Falling onto all fours, Izuku attempted to regain his breath and try to use his speed in order to heal himself before trying to go up against his teacher once again. His muscles so far were screaming in pain from the several blows that Eraserhead had delivered and the several joints and pressure points that had been exploited. When Aizawa told him to ready himself for the worst, he was not kidding in the slightest. He was given exactly one minute between spars to rest, not a second less nor a second more.

"Midoriya, your minute of rest is over...please get up once again and I will point out your many errors right now." The homeroom teacher had removed his capture gear from its place on his neck in order to give Izuku a fair shot at him. This however hadn't worked so well as Izuku's few weeks of training with him prior to the commencement of the term seemed to have made very little impact in the way that he fought. Previously, he had at least a bit of the enhanced speed that gave him the edge in their many spars, now he had none of that.

The speedster looked down at the bracelet that he had been given earlier in the training session and mentally cursed the advancements of science. As he stared into the dark-green and black piece of thin metal, Izuku wished for just a second to be at home eating katsudon while watching some Doctor Who or something of that sort, those old shows were quite entertaining. As Aizawa explained it, this piece of technology was made to slow him down to the point of being a regular human being, or what would go for being human these days.

The thing about this dampener was that it was yet to be perfected. Right now Izuku would have to remain in a state of enhanced speed in order to appear as if he was even moving at the normal speed for a human. It was both mentally and physically draining trying to keep himself from slowing down to the point of inhuman lethargy. It was an imperfect solution that Aizawa hoped the support kids would be able to figure out before too long, think of it as a pet project.

"Yep...just give me a second…" The once frail boy coughed as he tried to clear his lungs from whatever was in them preventing them from working at their most efficient. His slowed state was odd, especially since he had grown so accustomed to being able to move so swiftly through whatever environment he came across that it was just a bit shocking coming out of it. All of his functions had been taken down quite a notch and his heart was been put under a lot of strain at the current moment.

"We don't have a second Midoriya, we need to get you in a place where you will be able to defend yourself without relying on your quirk…" The Erasure hero appeared to be more irritable than usual after having suffered with the press invading the school. He wasn't sure exactly what had occurred but the main gate spoke for itself in that it wasn't something pretty. The disintegrated ashes of the famous UA gate had been swept earlier after lunch and many students were shocked to say the least.

"What do you mean Aizawa Sensei? I thought that you couldn't erase my quirk...aren't you the only person who'd be able to do something like that?" Izuku was clearly confused by the 'not relying on your quirk' bit that had been told to him several times by the same person. It just wasn't clear when this would ever happen to him seeing as his quirk itself was completely different in nature than most others.

His teacher gave him a long and cold stare before closing his eyes and putting his fingers to the bridge of his nose. He was trying to figure out how to best explain the situations around the hero community right now and of the potential dangers certain drugs had in one were to be subjected to them. It wasn't completely out in the public just yet so he would have to tread carefully in his explanation.

"Midoriya...there is technology similar to this one that you have on that won't be used to help you train. It is illegal and used against other beings around the world in order to take advantage of them once they are rendered powerless. As you rise in the hero community, you will naturally accumulate the fame that is most regular nowadays. Sadly, we live in a world where you will also be targeted by more and more villains of bigger caliber as you go on...there will be times when your quirk will be rendered useless and you will have no choice but to rely only on your own skills in order to survive….that's why you must train without the use of your you understand now Midoriya?"

There was a moment of silence shared between the two before anything else occurred. Nodding at this Izuku picked himself off the ground and got into a fighting stance that Aizawa had taught him a while back, or about an hour ago. Left foot back, right foot slightly forward with his right fist in front of his chest in a protecting manner, his left arm was also in a fist but it was instead pressed tightly to his left side. Obviously, his defense had been unable to do much against a person of Aizawa's level who refused to hold back saying that 'the world won't hold back' and other phrases along the same lines. He'd just gotten used to them and had gone along with it since there wasn't much else to do.

"Your left foot is placed too back and your right foot is too open leaving much of your defense open to attack." His teacher gave him the criticism before commencing his attacks which weren't at all to be expected. Before, he had been given a second or two in order to fix his mistakes before starting but this time was most likely the last spar of the day since he was given none of that previously.

Using his right palm, the pro-hero attempted to renew Izuku's place on the floor by hitting him in the temple with the same speed and ferocity that he had used the last several times. Unlike those times, Izuku was actually ready and had a mediocre defense which was able to compete against his teacher.

With his right arm to deflect the blow, Aizawa's arm went off to the side and left him open for attack. Trying to use this miniscule advantage to his favor, Izuku punched with his left trying to get the chest but failed miserably as he miscalculated how fast his arm was going. As this Izuku lifted his right leg and went for a quick kick to the abdomen in hopes of it connecting. Unluckily, his mentor knew of this tactic and jumped backwards just enough to avoid the incoming kick.

Unable to stop the momentum of his kick, Aizawa was easily able to grab the leg of his pupil and toss him overhead onto the ground. Izuku hit the training mat he was on with another loud thud that wasn't any less painful than the first time. His back muscles were very much in pain and could easily be the worst pain he'd had in the last two days.

"Midoriya, you were making mistakes from the first to guess what they are?" His teacher knew that he would require some mental exercises as well in the training to remain completely interactive with the activity. This would simply allow him to be more motivated to do well.

Ok let's do the usual….can't do that with the bracelet on now can I? The boy tried using his speed in order to get his mind to go the usual rate that it went most days during class, but with the new bracelet on there was very little that he could do to come up with ideas at the rate of a normal human.

" kick was too slow and predictable allowing myself to be open and incapable of defending myself. I also missed you with a punch from like two feet away..." That was currently the best guess that he had but couldn't really be sure as he had only a few seconds to respond before his teacher lost patience.

The Erasure hero looked into the tired eyes of his student before giving one of his signatures lunatic smiles. It was one that made you uneasy and afraid for your life in the common occurrence that he did something unexpected. The green-haired teen gulped visibly making the smile grow even bigger.

"You also need to find a way to think without the advantage of your quirk. I can see how the bracelet slows your train of thought down but it will be needed in the case of the scenario we discussed a few minutes ago."Aizawa grabbed a water bottle from the side of the mat and tossed it to Izuku before taking a seat besides him.

The pro-hero, although rarely showing it, was stretching himself very thin. The session that he had just had with Midoriya would eat into his sleeping time but he really didn't care about that as long as his pupil learned and remained alive.

"There's another thing that you do…" He continued talking with his eyes closed not really wanting to open them at all. "In all the small spars that we've had today, you've reacted times after time to my attacks, never acted on your accord. You have yet to commence and have yet to land a hit on me. "

Izuku raised his hand to argue the point but was once again cut off by the continuing feedback/criticism that he was being given. "From now on I expect you to wear this bracelet to all of our sessions and to all of your afternoon classes with the exception of the one's in which your quirk is needed." With his eyes remaining closed, the tired hero stood up and headed for the exit as if he knew exactly where it was. Along the way he picked up his fallen capture gear/scarf and tossed it over his head.

"Wait Aizawa Sensei!" Izuku had some concerns about having to wear this new device on his wrist which would render him, normal. "Why exactly are you going out of your way to teach me beyond what the curriculum is?"

The man dressed in black stood in the doorway for a second as he thought about the answer which would serve him best. It had been a while since he'd last taken up a student who he'd train himself one-on-one. The last one ended up being a rich brat who was so damn annoying about his dead parents and was a huge playboy nowadays.

"I don't know what you mean….you just aren't as good as the other students yet" His response was short and confusing to Midoriya but it did what he intended it to. Walking out of the room, the very tired student was left on the ground of the room trying to figure out what it all meant.

After removing the bracelet from his wrist, Izuku felt his body accelerate to the point at which it usually did. The familiar rush of energy came to him and the power in his limbs as well as his mind was restored. The feeling of power was intoxicating to the speedster who had gone a whole few hours without using the quirk given to him by the bolt of lightning.

The feeling of speed lasted a whole minute before Izuku had to lean against the wall for support. His body had caught up to him and he was simply really tired. As Aizawa had explained to him, the piece of technology didn't take away his speed but instead it slowed him down as if he were to go through jello. His speed still had to be used during the entire session so that his movements appeared to be normal. The thing was that he couldn't really feel the actual speed flow through him during the period of time when he wore the bracelet but now he did.

Using the wall to support himself, Izuku walked slowly to the locker rooms in order to take a shower and let his muscles relax for the period of the shower. His muscles slowly reconstructed themselves in the most painful and slow process posible that was imaginable. The muscle fibers inside of him were slowly knitting themselves back together and would be able to make him better.

Luckily, Izuku was able to step into the shower and turn it on to its coldest setting possible. He instantly felt his skin numb and his pain became more tolerable. The boy leaned against the shower wall and simply allowed the near freezing water come upon him and make his condition more tolerable.

Ouch, this is pretty painful...Izuku rubbed his back and quickly cleaned himself before getting out of the shower and going to his chosen locker. Back corner, left side, fourth locker from the wall, and the code is….Izuku stopped walking as he saw another of his classmates sitting on the bench in front of his locker.

From what he could tell, the boy in front of the locker was tinkering with a rubik's cube while there was the black box with the number 18 printed on top of it besides him with a red bow on top of it. He didn't seem to notice the speedster who was trying to get his clothes out of his locker.

"Umm Cisco...what are you doing here?" The inventor turned around and saw that his friend was standing there in nothing but a towel. He looked away in an instant before attempting to respond. Before he did so, his face had just caught

"Woah! Those are some pretty nice abs that you got there mate..." Cisco tried waving to him but didn't look at him. "I asked around and I was told that you'd be here...I looked and saw that you hadn't left so I've been here for a while." He put down his cube and then continued to talk, his voice rose in pitch just enough to be noticeable. "I'll let you change just let me go over there."

The goggle wearing boy went into the the opposite corner of the locker room and simply stared into the corner making Izuku a bit confused. "Don't worry...just put on your clothes like you did last time and…"After changing in an instant, Izuku tapped his friend's shoulder now wearing a complete set of clothes with an 'All Might' shirt and a pair of comfortable sweat pants.

"Ok so what did you want me for?" The green-haired boy put on his green hoodie and quickly solved the rubik's cube before handing it to Cisco. The support course student smiled at the achievement and laughed at how amusing it was.

"That's pretty cool...oh right!" Cisco rushed over to the box on the bench and opened it up to reveal Izuku's new and improved suit which Izuku assumed had been an entire day's project. "This is what I call 'the speed suit', it was pretty easy to make all the problems that you told me since there really wasn't any large components to change.

Izuku sped over to the case and pulled out his hero suit which he had worn pretty much every day since he'd gotten it the second day of class. Examining it, Izuku saw that the boots of his suit had been modified to something that he wasn't completely sure. Picking up one of the black boots he saw that the material on these appeared to be more resistant but felt lighter than they had the previous day.

"Cisco what did you do to the boots? They feel a lot lighter than they did yesterday. What's that about?" Cisco came over and picked up the boot that was still in the case before beginning his explanation of the improvement.

"Okay so I know that lighter normally means faster and you are all about speed so I went for a material that was more resistant while at the same time being very light so you should be able to accelerate much faster with these." Putting the shoes back in the box, Izuku pulled out the arm braces that he had made and handed them to the curious heroics student.

"So how exactly do these work?" He put on the black cloth that was more like fingerless gloves that went up to his elbows. As they were currently, they looked to be nothing but simple cloth that served for aesthetic purposes.

Letting out a giddy squeal, the inventor closed the case and grabbed Izuku's arm directing him towards the outside. "Come on..we need to be outside for this to work properly… wait you should change into the suit first." Reluctantly, Izuku did just that, finding the suit to be noticeably lighter than it had been previously.

Stepping into the personalized work space of Cisco, Izuku noticed how Cisco had been given a separate corner where he already had several white boards, chalk boards, and glass boards filled to the brim with ideas that looked bizarre and unique at the same time. One that caught his eye was a treadmill that according to design, was able to withstand his speed.

The speedster continued going over the notes while the inventor of the two went through his tools looking for what he needed. Finding it, he tapped Midoriya letting him no to follow him.

"Ok so obviously that sonic clap of yours is quite damaging to yourself and to your surroundings, thus we aren't able to go anywhere near any normal building that would suffer tons of property damage and we've already had plenty of that so I'm going to take you to a very special room that us support kids like to call 'the cage'. It's a room that is built to contain a nuclear blast, or you know, All Might's maximum power least that's what we've been told….point is that it's essentially unbreakable and if All Might can't break it than I don't think that you have to worry about it."

Reaching the end of a long hallway, Cisco pressed a button to what appeared to be an elevator containing a door which had similar dimensions to that of the door leading to his classroom. It was big, menacing and was made out of a material that made it blend into the wall so that it was almost impossible to see if one wasn't looking for it.

After the doors opened, the pair went into the elevator and waited a few seconds for the doors to close. The elevator had music that must've been chosen by one of the students as it was Metallica's 'Ride the Lightning' playing at an insane volume all the way down to whatever floor they were going to.

"I AM SO SORRY IZUKU! ONE OF THE OLDER SUPPORT STUDENTS KEEPS ON DOING THIS!" The confused heroics student tried to hear what his friend was trying to say but got nothing. The other student simply fiddled for a few seconds before the music went offline and Izuku's ears returned to relative sensitivity. "As I was saying... get ready to break some stuff…hopefully not any bones…"

Reaching the bottom, the doors of the elevator opened up once more to reveal another long passage which just seemed to be part of everything that was the support course. They also seemed to be hiding a lot more things down here than met the eye but they had the right to do so seeing that it was probably a part of who they were.

Nearing the end of the hallway, Izuku began to hear the loud whirring of machines and feel a small amount of vibrations coming to his feet. As he approached the end of the hallway the intensity of these vibrations increased in power making Izuku wonder what could possibly cause something of such magnitude.

"Ahhhg…" Cisco groaned as he began typing in a code to the door. "I told Hatsume to be gone before seven and that was a while ago….does she ever learn.." He began to mutter incoherently to himself and finished inputting the rest of the code as the door slid to the side revealing an equally odd person as Cisco.

"Hiya Ramon! What are you doing down here?" A figure with pink hair and equally steampunky goggles seemed to be holding quite a large gun in her hands and holding it in a very nonchalant fashion which made Izuku worry for what she could do with it,

"Hastume what are you doing here! I told you that I needed the space like two hours ago and you said that you only needed like five more minutes tops. What's the deal?" Cisco seemed to be quite annoyed by her still being there but the girl appeared not to notice or maybe not care.

"Come on Cisco I told you that I was almost done two hours ago with my babies. Those were the ones that needed five minutes...that time was for me….now I'm trying to make something that'll look nice on a table which I could use one day but never truly appreciate till know the usual." The girl with pink hair had yet to recognize the presence of the speedster which Izuku was quite glad for.

"Your babies? Do you ever talk about anything besides your babies? Why don't you just..." At this point Cisco had lost it and had begun to speak louder and louder till he was yelling. What didn't help was the fact that the other support student now turned her attention to the once ignored speedster.

"And you must be the most sought after heroics student in the support course. Seriously you should've seen how much fighting there was in our class just to get you...sadly I lost…but hey my person beat you so I suppose there is a win in there somewhere…" Her sudden change of attention had caught Izuku by total surprise and left him with nothing to say and quite confused.

"Umm who are you? Not to sound rude or anything of that sort b-but…" The heroics student would have kept going if he weren't interrupted once again by the same person who was driving Cisco up the walls.

"Oh how very rude of me…." She lifted her goggles off her eyes and onto the top of her head revealing a set of very interesting eyes which Izuku stared directly into. "My name is Mei Hatsume and I am clearly the best inventor within a two foot radius."She said that as she stretched her arm and touched Cisco much to his increasing fuming. "But that's enough about are Izuku Midoriya, first year student in the heroics course, with a quirk that makes you extremely fast, your favorite hero is All Might and your favorite food is katsudon!"

Now many thoughts went through Izuku's head as he heard Mei's description of him. The first one was something along the lines of Oh well looks like I'm quite popular with the support kids. As she progressed in the sentence, Izuku's thoughts began to wander more in the area of wow she is quite a knowledgeable person. Once reaching the end, the poor boy was thinking Run and don't look back, she is going to kill you and anyone else who looks like you if she can get her hands on you. No person should know that much about me.

His face became red and his thoughts struggled to come in full sentences which really wasn't at all beneficial in situations like these. Luckily, the speedy hero had an equally creative and helpful friend to come in and save him from the pink-haired inventor and her too knowing self.

"Well Hatsume, as much as I would love to stay and chat, which I don't, we really should get going and test out Izuku's upgrades which, not to toot my own horn, I personally made and modified the entirety of the suit to make it better for my hero person." On his face Izuku had quite a smug look on his face as he entered the room which Izuku followed quickly behind.

The room, if it could even be classified as a room, was massive to say the least. For one thing, it was completely white, the walls, the floors, and even the air seemed to have that white color but Izuku couldn't be sure. There were times when Izuku imagined what dying was like and this room was a pretty good example of what that was like in his imagination.

Looking around some more, Izuku just stopped thinking and went running to see how well he could traverse a space like this one. In a day where he barely had used his gifted powers, it sure felt good to cut loose in a place that could take a hit from All Might.

As he ran, he slipped the goggles right above his eyes and was instantly marveled at the new design of them. Before they held a green tinge to them which wasn't too bothersome but was still present. Now they were completely clear with only the outside being or appearing to be green. The color wasn't what made the difference though, it was the program that had been added to them to make them even more fantastic.

If Izuku was given the blueprints of the room and was able to see them in a 3-dimensional fashion while he ran, then that would probably be the best way to explain what he was seeing. The goggles he wore told him how far a wall was from him, how fast he was going, the energy he was exerting, how much kinetic energy he was generating and…

Izuku had felt that around his arm the braces had grown a bit stiff so he wanted to test the new technique that he had used only yesterday. If what Cisco had said was true, he shouldn't be hurt much by his actions, else, he'd probably try to find himself a new support student. While running, he allowed his hands to go straight to his sides, spread widely.

He spun on his heel and faced Cisco, wanting to test it on his friend if it did work. Using the goggles correctly, Izuku saw that the distance between he and his friend was closing quite quickly with Cisco making little effort to move. Instead he held two thumbs up in the air with a wide grin placed cleanly on his face. He brought his hands together just as he had done several times the previous day and….


The force of the impact stopped Izuku completely in his tracks, making his tip slightly backwards as he tried to keep his balance. The two other people on the other end of the room weren't as lucky as he was. The familiar displacement of air forced a gust of strong winds to be thrown in their direction and knock them off their feet and into the wall where they remained until the wind finally calmed down.

Izuku's hands….they hurt slightly with the palms of his hands stinging as if he had clapped one too many times. The good thing about this, his hands weren't broken and were still fully functional despite the small setback which really wasn't a setback. He had essentially cleared his first obstacle when it came to fixing his mistakes.

In summary, I've been elected as an official for my class, my suit has been upgraded to serve my increasing power output and speed increase. My homeroom teacher has taught me enough to hold my own in a basic scenario, thank you quick mind...and I am capable of stopping myself with a sonic clap. Not bad, for day three at UA if I do say so myself. Can't wait for what tomorrow brings, ought to be a good day...