Chapter 24 - Training For The Festival...
"This is Izuku Midoriya, file number 24 recording on the progress made prior to the Sports Festival….well, it's going somewhere certainly. The goal that I've been trying to reach is of vibrating through different objects such as I did back when I fought against Nomu at the USJ. My theory so far is that instead of going faster in just my legs I have to make the entirety of my body go at these hyper fast speeds at the same time. Perhaps the vibration of my body would be just what we need in order to go through solid objects. I did it before with Nomu by complete mistake so I'm not completely sure what it was that I did."
The boy paced back and forth as he tapped the recorder gently against his chin thinking of ways to improve the technique that he was working on. It was a weekend and he really wanted to get this trick down before the festival in two weeks. The training with Aizawa had been more about Izuku calming his mind and thinking about the best possible way to do anything while in his quickened state, also something about clearing his mind of all problems and only focusing on the problem at hand.
"Applying Eraserheads teaching about clearing the mind while going through objects has a small chance of working since I need to essentially be nothing as I go through things instead of being a person with all these problems. All in all the vibration through objects has worked on average forty percent of the time with minor drainage to energy. Still haven't attempted to fully go through a large object such as a wall but the progress that has been made is good enough for the month as it can be used to avoid a punch or other projectiles." He looked at the watch on his wrist as he mentally calculated how much improvement he had done that day.
"The expectations for me to do well in this are pretty evident by Aizawa as well as my mother who told me that she plans to record the events as they unfold so that I can watch them when I get home. I'm also planning on training up a bit with a few of my classmates over the weekend to improve just a tiny bit on some of the techniques that I've been trying to nail down. The sonic clap has been dealt with properly and I'm now only suffering minor cramps in my hands when using it as well as a slight twitch in my left hand. Additionally it seems that I've increased my speed by just a tiny bit which brings me at just around the 1000 mph mark, a feat that I'm quite proud of."
Pulling out a chocolate bar from his backpack Izuku simply devoured it in a single bite due to how much energy had been consumed since the start of the day. He had been training extra hard these days and he wanted nothing but to show the world exactly what he was capable of.
This was not to say that he was worried about the villains coming after him again, that was a certainty. Izuku knew that they had stolen some of his blood and his goggles when the USJ attack had occurred. What they would end up doing with all of his DNA was beyond him, but at this point there was really no hiding who he was since the people who wanted him the most already knew where to find him. Now he just needed to be ready when they did come after him or his loved ones.
So far this training thing has been tiring, but the results are looking better by each session. I'm constantly getting faster so I think I'll be more than ready to take on the competition at the festival. My biggest competition is going to be Bakugou, Uraraka, or Todoroki who can effectively cancel out my abilities with changing the field. I still haven't had a chance to fight against Todoroki, but he got in through recommendations so he must have been good. I could ask Momo about him, she got in through recommendations as well so she must know something. I'll ask her right now…
Putting the wrapper of the chocolate bar in his bag, the boy adjusted his goggles and stretched slightly. He looked around the track once again to make sure that nothing was left behind this time, like his phone. The place looked great especially after Izuku had begun taking care of the plants growing at the edges of the track, also it gave this place a bit more life.
He smiled at all that he'd done in this place and sped off at his usual speed heading towards the household of his classmate who had gotten in from recommendations. It would probably be a bit unexpected, but it would allow him to test out the phasing through a gate which wasn't completely solid….
Okay….let's put this entire process into practice and try not to go splat as we go through the gate….I'm going to have to go through this gate at a speed which would really suck if I don't land this little experiment….
Izuku had quickly made his way from the track over to the estate of the Yaoyorozu's. His plan was very simple, 'phase' through the gate surrounding the estate and then knock on his classmate's window in order to ask for her help. Now that he thought about it, it seemed like he probably should've informed her that he was coming before going on ahead with this plan, oh well.
Is this really the best course of action Izuku? Well make a choice quickly you have about thirty seconds till impact and….never mind you have ten seconds to make that choice or your legs are going to have to make it for you….looks like the legs are going to win once again….
The boy kept going...the gate in front of him continued getting closer to him as his legs ever so slightly slowed down just enough for the impact not to be fatal if this didn't work. The metal in front of him seemed to be a quite sturdy material so it would be extremely unwise to crash into it, but being wise wasn't one of the things that Izuku was known for. Being wise would come with experience and age, something he didn't have much of just yet.
There we go...five, four, three….close your eyes and don't think…..please work for the well being of me….two….this is going to be a very cool moment if it works and something I'm going to record….one….no time to worry or stop anymore, life if this is going to be it then it has been an honor serving under you and…..wait...where'd it go….
Looking around him for just a second the boy wondered what happened to the gate that had been in front of him. He turned his head backwards for a mere second and saw the gate that he'd been fearing was behind him. Apparently his body had taken over and had done what he wanted without him being aware of it. Then again he had been thinking about going through the bars for a while….was he like Mirio now?
Since he cleared the gate without the authorization of the family then it was probably a good idea to not go to the front door since it would be unwanted. Now that he thought about it, he had yet to meet Momo's parents when he came to visit her home in previous visits. She had often explained it as them being quite busy and not having time to interact with him since he was a simple friend.
He slowed down to a complete stop and walked over to the window which led to the 'library' as Izuku referred to it. It was the room in which Momo spent most of her time since it contained a large number of books which directly helped with her quirk. It was also a room which for some reason continued getting new books each time that Izuku visited. This was probably due to how the speedster devoured them by the roomfull each time, something that could not truly be helped.
"Okay, so the trial was a success and it looks like I can in fact go through solid objects at these high speeds. Right now I don't know if this also applies to elemental forces such as some of my classmates' quirks but I still have some time before the sports festival starts. This is a large jump in progress and…" He stopped for a second in his recording as he tapped on the glass which he hoped Momo was behind. " I think that now that I replicated the move I used against the Nomu it will be significantly easier to do it more consistently with practice."
The boy waited for a minute outside and then pulled out his mobile phone to see where Momo could possibly be. It was a bit odd for her not to be here since she had been in this very room about ninety percent of the time. Then again he couldn't expect people to simply be there whenever he needed them, that wasn't a good way of interacting with people.
"Hey Momo, do you have time right now? I was experimenting a bit with my quirk and I really wanted your help with some more trials. Also I had some questions about school that I thought you could answer. Can you call be back when you have the chance, thanks." The speedster finished recording his message and put his phone into his pocket, curious as to where exactly the creation girl was.
The sun was still high in the sky and it was a weekend, both signs that Momo was most likely home right now. A former version of Izuku, last year, would have been fine waiting as long as he needed to in order to get where he wanted, but right now his speed was making him a little bit jittery. The energy in him was also making him lose his patience quickly, even pushing him to run a bit more just to get rid of some of it.
Izuku, stop it...sit down and try to channel that energy into something more productive. Momo is probably just away from her phone at the moment, I'm obviously not the only person that she talks to, maybe….wait a second….is that her?
In the distance a reflection of light hit Izuku in the corner of the eye and forced him to turn his attention over. He picked himself up and began walking over with increasing curiosity as he slowly came to recognize what the flash of light had been. In an open field, which apparently Momo's family had, there stood a lone figure spinning her metal staff and attacking several high quality dummies with skill and ferocity.
There was something very clearly on her mind as she had yet to put any attention to him. As he thought about it more and more, it was probably the upcoming sports festival that had gotten her to training this much, the boy could clearly see the tension in her muscles, something that he knew himself a little too well.
I guess that she's trying to get some training in for the combat part of the tournament. Everyone knows that the first two events are up for random choosing, but the one-on-one battles are a mainstay for these things as the third and final event. Something about putting two kids together in a ring to duke it out is what really get the people going...who would've known? She seems to be pushing herself to the limit, even I give myself hour long breaks to heal enough to keep going….and that's with an increased healing factor that works like crazy.
The green-haired boy continued staring from a distance as to not stop the girl from doing her routine. It wasn't till five minutes passed by when he stepped in. If she had been training since before he arrived then that would mean that she needed at least a small break to not overexert herself and cause some injuries.
"Hey Momo!" Izuku yelled from a distance as to not repeat the situation in the library that had occured before the UA entrance exam. This didn't seem to be getting her attention so he tried again. "Hey Momo, are you alright?" Again she seemed to be ignoring him or simply more occupied with something else, probably something more important.
Going for a more practical approach, Izuku snapped his fingers. It was a lower tier version of the sonic clap that caused a much less destructive force and in general was just a really loud bang which had been mistaken for a gun when Izuku had used it at the track a while back. The resulting noise was just what Izuku wanted as his friend broke from her concentrated stare and looked wildly to her sides for what had caused such a ruckus.
"Hi Momo, how's it going?" He gave a quick wave before tossing a bottle of water her way which she seemed to be in dear need of. She caught it and took a drink from it before starting her conversation with Izuku, clearly she was confused of exactly she was here.
"Um Izuku, what are you doing here? I thought that you were going to be training all weekend for the sports festival just like everything else. Why didn't you call beforehand just to give me a heads-up?" She picked up her phone and looked to see that he had called. "Maybe a warning of more than a minute would be good to at least make myself look presentable."
"Well it looks like you needed a break." Izuku smiled slightly as he began pulling out a notebook from his bag in order to share his discoveries with Momo. "I've been working on a bit of a side project developing my power set and I think that I have a new way of using my quirk. I wanted your help in testing it a bit further…" Izuku was going to keep going until Momo cut him off with a more pressing concern.
"Izuku, not to be the bearer of bad news, but right now my mother is being a bit uncooperative when it comes to my heroic career or anything that is in any way connected to it. This might not be the best day to help since she's been in a mood that's only been a pain in… she's heading over here right now…."
Izuku looked to where Momo was looking and saw a professionally dressed woman making her way from the main building to where the two teens were talking. Perhaps him snapping his fingers wasn't the best idea. Even from this distance Izuku could tell that the mother of Momo was visibly upset about something, probably having to do with the speedster present.
"Um Momo...why does it look like your mother is about to kill someone?" He was trying to make light of the situation and keep Momo in good spirits, something which seemed to not really be working.
"My mother is going to likely scold me for having friends that she didn't approve of or who she deems worthy of my presence…." The tone was very cold as she said that last bit, s bit scornful as well. This indicated that the problem went a bit deeper than just a squabble between daughter and mother.
"I feel that I chose a particularly wrong moment to come and visit….am I wrong in this belief?" He was actually a bit worried now since most parents he met actually seemed to like him and find his drive to be a hero quite interesting and admirable.
"No, my mother isn't exactly approving of anyone who doesn't have a grant title or a sum of money which is equal or greater to ours….she's a bit elite in that way….and she makes it very clear what her standards are…." The older woman reached the two of them shortly after and quickly began to examine Izuku from head to toe.
His clothes were street level which instantly gave her the impression of common class. His hair was wild and untamed which gave her an idea that Izuku had little class to him, maybe even a bit uneducated. His smile was that of a child, one that clearly showed a slight bit of delusion, the delusion which she wanted to get away from her daughter. The only redeeming quality of this child was the pair of goggles which were slightly over his eyes. They appeared to be high-tech and actually be worth a significant amount of money compared to the rest of his attire.
"May I ask who this is Momo? You know that you are not supposed to bring any visitors unless with my approval." Her tone wasn't one which made Izuku feel any better. In fact, it made him go on the defensive as he was about to respond himself until Momo placed herself in front of Izuku and spoke for him.
"This is my classmate and friend, Izuku Midoriya, he has been helping me since the start of the year to improve in how I utilize my quirk. Additionally he has used his speed enhancing quirk to help me train in different scenarios which would require multiple people if done without him. In the UA entrance exam he was the top scorer in both the written and practical exam and was a main effort in ridding the USJ of villains last month." The UA student finished her introduction and stared into the eyes of her mother daring her to say anything about her friend.
The silence between both parties was deafening, so much so that Izuku decided that it would be a good idea for him to step in and introduce himself as to allow Momo's mother to judge him for who he was and not for what he had done previously.
"Umm, hello ma'm, my name is Izuku Midoriya and it's a pleasure to meet you." He gave a small wave and hoped deeply that this would turn out like he expected, just a tiny bit.
"He is welcome to be here for this one occasion. During any future visits you are required to get permission from me and not your father of whether he can be brought back onto the estate. Don't think that you can simply push the boundaries whenever you feel like it. This training better amount to something or we will be having that conversation again…" Momo's mother then simply turned around and began walking back to the house without any other words.
This left the two teens standing in the middle of the green field, one of them shaking with fury while the other was simply confused about what had just transpired. The speedster was more adapt to recovering and was just about to start questioning her when he saw the raw emotion that she was displaying.
Oh that did not go like I had thought it would go….maybe I should say something to try to calm her down or at least make the situation a little less tense….
"Momo… you want to talk about it?" Right now that was the best that the boy could do as he had very little experience in dealing with conflict with parents. His mom and the speedster had always been on good terms and had only ever fought about Izuku's dream of being a hero when he had come home battered after the USJ attack. He couldn't really blame her for being worried at that point.
"No Izuku...I am definitely not alright at this current moment….I just need a little bit of time to cool down" Izuku's female classmate hit one of the dummies again and with a wide swing managed to decapitate it.
It would be extremely smart for me to simply step away and give her room at the moment. Whatever she and her mom have going on between them, that isn't for me to get in between. I could try helping but I feel that my help would end up being more troublesome than it'd be useful. She's never like this in school, maybe she's just really good in containing her anger...
The creation-quirk girl took another swing at a different dummy and decapitated that one as well leading Izuku to believe that an angry Momo was not a good Momo to have opposing you. Though she was angry, she maintained the same skill that Izuku had come to expect out of her, although right now it was a little more sloppy.
It doesn't look like she's doing so well right now, I guess I'll simply let myself out. This wasn't a good use of a visit, in fact it was possibly one of the worst ones that I've had in a long while. I think that I probably should tell her that now…
"Hey Momo, I have to go now, I hope that you're feeling better when classes resume. Anyways, have a good weekend…" He gave a small wave like the one that he had given to her mother just a handful of minutes earlier. Seeing as she probably didn't notice him, Izuku adjusted his goggles and began running back towards the gate that he'd gone through originally.
That was highly unproductive for me, kinda sucks, but you can't win ever encounter you have….wait that's the problem I've been having. I haven't won any of the encounters that I have been having, well that's going to be changing real soon. Just wait everyone, I am going to surprise you at the Sports Festival….yep just went through that gate again. I'm getting the hang of this….
The green-haired speedster ran through the gated estate and picked up speed as he began to make his way back to the track. There was no way that he was simply going to end his day without getting this technique down to muscle memory. Sure trying to talk with Momo's mom had been a disaster but there really was nothing that he could do about it now.
"Hello Izuku, once again it's me trying to make these small entries that should be a timeline of everything that you've gone through in your journey of becoming a hero. I think that you originally started this because you thought that someday you'd want to look back and be able to remember what it was to be inexperienced. Frankly, I really don't care what you originally intended, this is just going to be me telling you that you need to win that Sports Festival or else there's a good chance that you won't be able to prove to yourself that you can be a hero….just thought that you would want to know that this was on my mind at the time..."