this is really weird.

after being asleep for who knows how long I have finally woke up, but soon to notice I don't have any legs, arms, torso, and a head? how am I even alive, wait what even happened?

after thinking for a while. I began to remember something and finally im done.... oh that's right I got picked for an experiment about being an scp?

I think I'm right. ok I need to stay calm I have been waiting for something to happen and it did, just not like I thought it would. I probably should see where I am. wait where even am I?

hmm, it seems im in a house with the average TV, carpet, ceiling, and other average house items. wait... ooof I messed up why didnt I see what my body is?

it seems to be... a cube? just what am i?! [hello user welcome to the experiment I'm your system that will help you] is it me or did I just hear a voice, or am I an idiot? [an idiot] wth is this supposed to be a system, and also it called me an idiot... that's not a normal system is it... oh no. . . why me why does it have to be sentient, just why!?

[because I am] *sigh* wait what? nothing came out I cant even speak how am I supposed to talk!?! [you cant] ... time to put the words to use, NO SHIT SHERLOCK [. . .] wow it worked [no it didn't] fuck.

well anyways where am I? [I cant tell you] I wish I could sigh now, how are you useful? [try saying status] out of the sudden? well anyways. *thinks-status*

[name] legendary game console with remote (mason)

[race] ??????

[durability] unbreakable

[strength] 0

[dexterity] 0

[mana] infinite

[skills] |extra dimension/game|size manipulate| floatation|telekinesis|immunity to all effects|summon anything that exists in games|play any game ever made if connected to tv|turn people into anything that exists in games|breaking the fourth wall|summon items that exist in games|mastered magic control|appraisal|special invitation/invitations|teloportation|*end*

*special abilities within remote* |laser button|explode button|fire button|ice button|electric button|water button|corruption button|acid button*end*

WHAT THE FU- [like god said its an experiment]