getting caught by the foundation

[i cant really do anything until he wakes up i messed up dident i] ...3 hours later...

foundation guard 1 "how long have we been running?" guard 2 "about 3 or 4 hours" guard 1 " why dident they give us any speed boosting equipment, this could have been way easier" guard 2 "yeah i kn- wait look i think I see something!" guard 1 "really!" guard 2 "yeah let's go look to see if its the thing we are looking for"

...a few minutes later... "ok we are next to it let's see" guard 1 "this looks like it" guard 2 "hey look at this" guard 1 "what is it?" guard 2 "doesn't this look like a remote attached to the cube" guard 1 " yeah it does let's look at it" guard 1 " each button has a label it says something for each button" guard 2 " hmm It says (laser) (explode) (fire) (ice) (electric) (water) (corruption) (acid)"

guard 1 "thats alot of dangerous sounding options the least dangerous might be water" guard 2 "let's try water to get a hint at what this might be" guard presses water *super pressured water destroys sand in front of it guard 1 and 2* "what the hell this is dangerous we need to take it back"

[oh fuck I really shouldn't have pranked mason well not that it matters actually nevermind about it being bad]

...5 hours later... both guards "we got the anomaly" director "put the anomaly in a cell" guards "ok" ...minutes later... anomaly/mason in the cell mason "what happened" [you got put inside the facility] "well that was fast I guess they did see me pass by"

"well I kinda want to know what they will test on me I might stay for some days" [bruh] don't bruh me [if you say that again I will bruh even more]

...hours later... doctor " try to press all the buttons on the remote D-28471" D-28471 presses fire *fire sprays over the wall and burns through it

mason " huh I dident know fire could do that" [it can't, it isn't normal fire. it is black fire] "oh" doctor "how is fire that powerful!?" D-28471 presses acid ignoring the doctor *acid completely melts the wall until there is none left.

mason "are all my abilities with elements way more powerful than I think!?!" [its powerful because it's otherworldly and because of your magic mastery] mason "that is why it's more powerful than I already thought"

D-28471 *tries to escape through the wall but is shot down* doctor "well that was more interesting that I thought and it was only the remote of it, and the bullets dident even damage it at all!?"

mason "oh she's in some shock how powerful my remote is" [well your abilities are way more powerful than people can ever create] ... that powerful?! [yup] wow!