Several weeks had passed since my husband informed me of our problems. I was getting close to my due date now. The threat of revolt had vanished in the wind. There was no longer a threat. The people had begun a full on revolt. From taxes, tyranny, and hunger the people could not take any more.
I think the old man is reaping what he has sowed. His personal guards know what he did to his own son. Several of them have voiced that they are loyal to me, but not to him. Several of them have offered to help. But I am not that kind of a person.
It looks like no matter what happens now though, my husband and I will not make it much longer. Supplies has been cut off, and the people inside the walls are beginning to look like enemies. Even to me! I fear I will not survive this encounter either.
The old man had been so thoughtless towards the people and now that he was younger he was no better. He had tried to change but for men like him, its not in the cards. He even has now turned on me. I have been locked in my room for a little over a week. Only approved maids are allowed in.
I am so close to having this baby! I feel the labor pains coming and going. I am suffering in silence though. No one will be allowed in to help me give birth. On top of labor pains, I can feel something else coming on as well. I feel like I have read the last chapter of a book. It was a good book too.
I rub my tommy as I look out over the fields. I know what this feeling is! I am about to lay an egg. I wont make it long enough to see either my baby or my egg I am afraid. The only thing I can do is leave a message for myself.
I can hear the people at the gates again today. My husband is trying to talk to them. He has made all sorts of promises. The people will not hear it. They are chanting death to tyrants.
I look in my floor length mirror. I tell my tale. I rub my tummy and cradle my unborn baby. I write a note saying I would like the boy to be name Joshua, and my daughters name to be Joy. She will bring back happiness to an old soul.
I started coughing and threw up blood. I was laying my egg first. I heard my husband scream out in the darkness of the castle as the entrance doors gave way, smashing to the ground. I heard people running throughout the castle. With one final gigantic gag, I threw up my golden egg.
Right now I knew it was the size of a chickens egg. After a few years of growth though it would be the size of a real baby. I put it in the bassinet first after I gave it a kiss and hug in the mirror. I wanted her to know she was wanted and loved.
That is when the major pains hit. I barely was able to catch my breath. I was screaming at the top of my lungs. I was doing this on my own! I squatted down and pushed but the baby was not coming out. Oh, the pain was excruciating. My whole body was screaming!
Finally, a maid came in with my husband running. He ran over to me and picked me up off the floor. He carried me to the bed. The old maid checked me and told me to breath. I mean what do you thing I was trying to do! Then the worst pain came.
The maid reached up inside of me and found the baby was breach. She had to turn him. This caused me to scream out louder than ever before. The maid got onto me, "Stop screaming like a stuck pig! You will bring the towns people here. Don't you want your baby born alive!" I tried to keep my mouth shut but the pain was to much. I screamed out!
As I did my husband noticed the golden egg in the bassinet. He did not say a word. He pulled his knife out and slit my throat spraying blood all over the maid and myself. He had done this to sever my vocal cords. He flipped the blade around and slit my stomach open. The maid pulled out the baby and laid him on my tommy.
I cradled him for only a moment. I had tears flowing down my face. I could not even tell my baby I loved him. My husband leaned in, "Son, this is your mother. She can not talk right now but she loves you very much." He leaned in and kissed the baby on the forehead, and kissed me as he took the baby and handed him back to the maid.
My husband cradled me in his arms, "Not like this! NOT LIKE THIS!" He had tears flowing down his cheeks. The baby started to cry as the maid cleaned him up. I heard the door fly off the hinges but I did not see it. Everything had started to get hot and go dark.
As the room disappeared in blackness, my body began to burn. My body took my husband with me. We both died in peace as the maid snuck out of the room with bassinet in her arms. She did not know she carried not only the baby boy, but also the baby phoenix in her bundle.
The people won that day. The fire from the phoenix burning, burned down the entire castle. From the ashes new life had sprung. The entire castle was gone. What was left were the remnants of the shape. Grass and trees took over the area.
The maid took the baby and raised him as her own. Eventually he was even able to take his throne back. It took many years of fighting. He kept the golden egg near to him at all time. He considered the egg to be a good luck charm.
Through the years he did end up marrying and passed on the egg to his children. For the next two generations. Eventually the egg was put into the royal family jewels. No one watched the egg. So, no one noticed the egg growing. After three generations the egg was the size of a full grown person. It was ready to crack open at any point in time.
The new phoenix had already learned all that the last phoenix's generation had to pass on. Remember each generation passes on the knowledge of all the past generations. There was quite a lot of information to be passed on. The new Phoenix was ready to emerge.