Night Hunter?

I turn towards the wide open kitchen door and see a man in a full black outfit, with a white mask with black markings (The mask Ichigo wears when he hollowfies, after he uses the form he used to beat Ulquiorra Cifer.).

I say "Who are you?"

He says in a raspy voice "I am NH."

I say "What does it stand for?"

He says "Night Hunter." (His voice is raspy forever btw.)

I mutter "What kind of a name is Night Hunter…"

The cookie monster elbows me and whispers "How rude."

NH says "I lost my real name so I go by my title."

I nod and then a loud rubble comes from NH.

I say "Was that actually you?"

NH says "Yes." in a quiet but still raspy voice.

I begin grabbing things out of the fridge to prepare for breakfast. NH bows to me in thanks and walks out, he goes and takes a sit on the couch and everyone starts talking to him, then the kitchen door shuts the rest of the way forcing me to focus on what i'm doing and not on him.

As I finish the breakfast I decide to add my mana to it, in much, much larger quantities than last time.

Actually, I wonder how much mana I have…

'Mana, ?????????'

Unknown… Looks like I have a lot, I decide to add a ton more until they made everything look like they have blueberries in them, which I nod satisfactorily at.

I grab the towering plate of waffles and bring them to the table, I then grab the bacon, sausage, and fruit and bring them.

I see Rose trying to steal one and I send a small energy blast at her hand, which causes her to cry out cutely "Ow!" She looks up at me like an abandoned puppy which I just smile at.

I sit down at the head of the table and say "Everyone knows the rules, No killing, no maiming, and most of all, leave at least 4 for me. Now then, MAY THE FEAST COMMENCE!"

Everyone pounces towards the waffles except for me and NH, who patiently waits, well, at least he waits until his stomach rubbles so loud that it shakes the table and causes everyone to stare at him, he looks away quickly and everyone adds one of their waffles, one bacon, and one sausage from their plate and adds it to his. I grab the giant fruit bowl and dump a good amount on my plate before passing the entire bowl to him.

He mutters "Thank you…" at the massive mound of waffles, bacon, sausage, and fruit in front of him.

I say "Just let me know if I should make more."

NH begins shaking his head super fast, it makes me think he just gave himself brain damage at how hard he was shaking.

I grab my four waffles, bacon and sausage and begin to tuck into it. NH's mound of food disappears before I can even finish my waffles.

I stare at him and hear a light rumble coming from him. I say "I'll make you some more when i'm finished."

He nods and waits until i'm done. Thank god for the auto stocking fridge!

I decide to make something insane…

I grab out the biggest pan I have and bring it outside, I then create a fire and something metal to set over it. I set the giant pan (1 meter diameter pan btw.) on the metal grates and go grab some pancake mix and the stuff to make it. I grab the pancake mix dust and infuse massive amount of mana into it until it becomes a deep sea blue, I do the same for the rest of the ingredients.

I look at my giant pan and start infusing massive amounts of energy into it until it turn a deep sea blue. I pour the dark blue pancake batter into the dark blue pan, I manage to fill it up halfway. (Its six inches tall btw.) I look at the grate and start infusing mana into till a familiar deep sea blue becomes its color.

I look at the flames and the near silent sizzle of the pancake. I start infusing a gigantic amount of mana into the fire causing it to turn white.

I start infusing more mana into the pancake as it cooks, sweat dripping down my forehead from the mental exercise. I continue this until the pancake bubbles, I then flip the pancake and infuse even greater amounts of mana into the pancake.

I smell the scent of a perfect pancake and I grab the pan, not thinking about the white 1500 degree Celsius flames that we just touching it, and surprisingly enough, I didn't get burned.

I bring the pan and pancake through the house to the dining room, where everyone is waiting to see what I made.

I continue infusing mana in it as I go to set it on the table.

Rose mutters "What is that?"

Terra, Serephina, Nore, Luna, and Sunny look at it in shock and say "How much mana did you put?!"

NH looks at it thoughtfully, before taking a big bite. He suddenly starts crying and his tears are blue.

I say in distress "WHATS WRONG?!"

NH mutters "Ive never felt so full in my life… Thank you."

I remove a piece of the pancake and eat it, suddenly I feel like i'm going to explode.

Everyone looks at me with worry until…


Everyone looks at me with shock before laughing at the blue dust cloud behind me. I turn red from the embarrassment and run right out the door.

I feel something enter my hand and see HB.

I say "Whats up HB?"

He says in his creepy voice "You didn't thank me for saving you."

I look at him and say "What do you mean?"

"When you watched the cookie monster eat your cookies." He says "I had to absorb your blood lust and killing intent and my oh my is it potent."

I say "Thank you very much for making me not go berserk."

I suddenly have an idea and fuse some mana into HB, I wish I hadn't because he moans like he just got a blowjob from Aphrodite.

I say "I'm never doing that again."

HB says hurriedly "One more time… Please!" he then says in a dark and scary voice, no creepiness anymore to his voice "or I will haunt you in your dreams…"

I get frightened silly so I set him down on a rock.

I hold my hand out and use APS.

Maximum Energy Transfer skill created, using skill.

What type of energy would you like to use?

Mana or SP?'

I mutter quietly "Mana." and I feel a gigantic amount of energy leaving my hand and entering HB, every second he is filled with the twice the amount of energy I used today.

I stop after 10 minutes and say "HB?"

After about one minute HB yells "WHAT THE HELL IS YOUR MANA LEVEL RIGHT NOW?!?!"

I say "It just shows question marks."

The sword begins to move and morph into a young man, around 18 with black hair and reddish blue eyes, giving them a great depth along with a purple tint.

He says "So Janus, we meet in person."

I say "HB… Would it hurt you to warn me before you do this?"

HB says "I would have exploded so yes, it would have."

I stare at him and go "Mmhm." In an exaggerated fashion.

I start to walk away when HB says "Where are you going?"

I say "I'm heading back to my house why?"

He says "But Night Hunter is there…"

I say "You got something against him?"

HB says "Kind of, we are rivals, he was the weapon to the God of Balance, which makes Him and the Reaper God the exact same except for the fact that the Reaper God stores the souls of dead gods within his body."

I look at him and motion for him to come along, he shuts up and walks dejectedly with me back to the house…

(Make some comments or I will eat you. I don't care about the stones just give me some suggestions.)