The Return

As soon as they entered the castle, the noise from outside was completely isolated. Looking around Karim found the castle unfamiliar.

The carpets were now milky white, no longer the maroon he remembered. The gigantic chandeliers he remembered that lined the hallways ten feet apart, now appeared smaller and not as bright as he remembered. These sights only stood to confirm the changes brought about by the passage of time as well as Karim's growth. What he remembered from a three-year old's perspective now looked slightly different at thirteen.

"I'll have Salma take you around so that you can familiarize yourself with the place later. Right now, there are important guests waiting for you." Said Korina.

"Important guests?" questioned Karim, furrowing his brows.

Korina chuckled as she led Karim forward through the labyrinth like ground floor of the giant castle. "Don't worry, it's not a lot of people. Prince Kufu and his father stopped by to congratulate the Old Master on your return as well as to discuss other matters. You'll just quickly greet them then you and Prince Kufu can head to the garden to play."

After five minutes of speed walking the two finally arrived at a large living room, one of many on the ground floor of the castle, however this particular room was reserved for receiving guests.

Naturally it appeared grand, matching the House's status. There were eight huge black pillars at the four corners of the room, layered with ancient inscriptions and a giant spirit beast core at their center constantly released a refreshing air that seemed to cleanse and calm one's spirit making one feel relaxed.

On the walls, paintings of various sizes depicting everything from the handsome visage of a previous House Head to Ancient epic battles between Beasts could be seen. There were literally hundreds of them all unique masterpieces however, if that was all then it wouldn't be all that impressive as any wealthy merchant could procure similar paintings. What made these paintings stand out was the fact that the scenes they depicted appeared alive. Those depicting battles showed the fierce struggle playing out on a loop while those of respected Ancestors gave of a fearsome presence, their eyes even exhibiting signs of life, blinking occasionally.

One of these paintings was priceless but hundreds gathered in one place, all unique and different was simply awe-inspiring. This because, only the Hayawani that reached the pinnacle of power could create these paintings or rather memory imprints as they were actually called. How they were made, Karim didn't really know.

"You're here." Said Karim's father, beckoning him forwards with a smile.

"How rare it is I get to see you smile Nazil." Chortled a rather handsome middle-aged man who resembled Kufu only two dozen years in the future. His gaze appeared playful and despite being a King his dressing, a reddish gold robe and a black sash draped around his shoulder to his hip, appeared quite lighthearted. His scarlet red hair hung loosely down to his waist, and his lips seemed to be eternally smiling.

Those who saw him might mistake him for a carefree young Master or a scholar that had lost his way, indulging in luxury but those who knew him referred to him with many names most involving the word, fox.

Paying no mind to the King, Nazil took Karim's hand from Korina, motioning for her to leave with his head. He then led him to the side of an older gentleman dressed in black from head to toe, his attire formal and his face unwelcoming. Take away the wrinkles, the grey and the signs of time from the man's face and you'd find he also bore a resemblance to Karim.

Looking up to the seated Old master with his smoking pipe in hand, Karim could not help but notice the slight differences compared to what he remembered.

'He looks older.' Karim thought to himself.

The Old Master was the strongest person Karim knew of and for the Hayawani, the stronger one was the slower they aged. Considering ten years had passed, for someone like the Old Master, he should not have aged as much as he did.

Although he looked around sixty, he was well over the century mark in terms of age.

"You're still too young to be concerned about someone like me." Stated the Old Master, his gaze visibly softening upon noticing how Karim looked at him. "Come here let me see how you've grown."

"Yes grandfather." Replied Karim.

Even seated, the Old Master still towered above Karim. He was even taller than his son Nazil and more muscular. However, Karim was not intimidated because this was his grandfather, the same one that had tried comforting him during his fear-stricken tantrums and also the person that had arranged the mansion, the teacher, the guards, as well as facilitated the resources for his training. In most respects, Karima was living a rather good life because of him, one with no responsibilities other than to attempt to recover from his 'mental demon'. And now he was back.

Taking Karim's wrist, the Old Master pretended to examine the youngster before him knowing full well he did not need to as he would periodically drop in to check on Karim at the lake side mansion without the boy knowing. He was aware of Karim's phenomenal progress in training even before the boy's own father knew. However, to preserve his aloof image before his son and the son of his great friend, he could only pretend.

Faking a pleasantly surprised smile, the Old Master proceeded to lift Karim onto his lap before praising him, "Not bad, your foundation is already incredibly solid. Who knows, if you work a just little harder, we can bring forward your awakening ceremony to this year instead of waiting for your fifteenth birthday."

Having said that, he patted Karim on the back, the width of his hand bigger than the boy's entire back.

Nazil beamed upon hearing that. He'd been the one to mention his son's incredible talent to his father (in his mind) but only his father, the Old Master, had the right to sign off on an awakening especially a premature awakening before the age of fifteen.

The King on the other hand was shocked for a moment, the mask that was his carefree demeanor crumbling for a moment. However, the relationship between the two families was one of absolute friendship, one that was as much complicated as it was strong thus, he too was happy that House Night had a genius son.

Nazil had told him of his son's talent and his own son, Kufu, had told him (complained) of Karim's work ethic but having never seen it for himself he naturally underestimated the boy. For one's awakening ceremony to be brought forward, by two years no less, was something rarely heard of.

Feeling the three gazes on him, Karim felt like an ant and someone was shining a magnifying glass on him thus he wriggled out from his grandfather's lap and asked, "Where's Kufu?"

"Outside in the garden, the girls should be with him by now as well. You can go." Replied Nazil.

"Okay." Said Karim, scurrying out of the room however, he had just stepped out when he had to begrudgingly go back in.

The three who were about to begin serious discussions were curious as to his return.

"How do I get to the garden?" Karim asked, inwardly annoyed. 'Damn this maze-like castle."