As the dyas rolled by, I felt like I had slowly begun to change. I enjoyed my time with my friends so much that I had started to smile more before I noticed it. The last time I smiled like this was when I was with Luca. "What do you want for lunch?" Ray asked me poking my face. I've gotten use to the personality gap between him and his shut-in self too.

"I don't mind eating whatever." I answered with a smile.

After joining the others in the Division Room, we all sat down and began our usual talks. Lately, we've gotten even more lively here, with everyone alwats in a good mood. While I was eating a cookie, I thought to myself that U want to protect scenes like these. Happy days, where people can smile and be happy, so that no one will turn out like me. Without family and driven by nothing more than grudge and hatred. Just then, I felt a warmth in my chest, a feeling that keeps spreading throughout my every being. "You okay?" Jade asked bringing a canned soda to my face.

"Yeah." I said as I drank my tea. "I've just been thinking, lately... it's been so peaceful."

"Yeah, it makes you forget about the fact that we could die in our next battle." He said and Yuri kicked him. I've noticed some things about everyone too.

Jade is blunt and tactless, Yuri is a tsundere, Lia is calculated and calm, Aria is gentle and like the sun bringing light. Shin is like a beautifully crafted sword, clean and steady, not faltering when it matters most. Bell is sullen and serious but also a bit of a mystery, Ray is unpredictable and like the wind with his glasses while without them, he is like a turtle, refusing to come out of his shell. Mizuki is keen and timid, with great intuition. Arthur is brave and caring, with a helpful nature. Alrescha is cautious but also open. Lucia follows her curiosity with a pep in her step seeking adventures and discoveries while Aurora is rather shy but can be very daring when push comes to shove. These people with different personalities seem to spark something in me making me wish to change.

While thinking such thoughts I hold the necklace that belongs to me and Luca. Just then, the alarm goes off. We all got ready, rushing to where the Shadows were seen. There were a few Lights present at the scene but most of them were frozen. What could have made them stop in their tracks? We looked at the scene and saw, Shadows shaped like humans. Moving like humans, and eunnung about, destroying the area. What is this... the Shadows unlike usual are coordinated and are using weapons. They are mainly swords, but those swords... aren't they Arcs? Destroyed and dismantled then reconstructed... these Shadows what are they. "This... is so horrible..." Mizuki said averting her eyes from the gory scene.

Just then, I felt a sudden pulse, so strong that I fall on my knees. "T... there!" A Shadow shouted and pointed at me.

"Give... us... the Sword!" It exclaiemd charging at me.

"Not on my watch!" Rat said blocking its sword.

With that one Shadows shout, the countless others came charging at us. The other Lights helped at keeping them at bay as we got our bearings. "Are you alright?" A pink haired, black eyed upperclassman with brown skin asked me.

"Yes." I answered.

"Ray what is this?" He asked.

"I have no idea, wgat happened here exactly, Teru?" Ray asked him.

"There were apparently some people walking around when we heard a gun shot and the next thing we saw was them." He answered.

We all tried our best to fight back, but there are so many that we easily get overwhelmed even with the large amount of Lights fighting. As I was fightung, something pulled on my leg and I saw a Shadow's hand trying to pull me yo the Hive. I was suddenly engulfed in a darkness I had seen before. "Welcome, Sword." A voice said, this isn't the old man's voice but a different voice.

"Who are you!?" I exclaimed.

"I am the darkness taht shall take away the light." He answered and showed me the battlefield while I was restrained by the black mist.

"Licht! Are you okay!?" Ray called out to me whowas engulfed by the black mist which was hovering over the waters.

"I'm fine!" I answered him and just then the voice said something.

"Watch carefully, I'll show you how powerless you are. You're Light isn't a light that shall help others but the light that shall kill them." The voice said for all to hear. "The darkness in your heart, you are like us Shadows, a force that can only destroy and destroy till you are destroyed."

A-am I really a just a force that can destroy? Can I really not save someone with these hands of mine? What was I trying to accomplish with these trembling hands of mine?

"Don't listen to it Licht-dono!" Shin shouted at me.

"That's right! You aren't like them, you are fighting for the family you've lost." Aria shoured at me. "What would your family say if they saw you know?"

"You don't have a family, they died because of you." The voice whispered. "Have you ever wondered why so many Shadows attacked you hometown? It was to retrieve you. The Sacred Sword. They died trying to protect you!"

I... I was the reason my family died? Because I was Sacred Sword they died? No! Noo! Luca! Mom! Dad!

"Licht, don't listen to it!" Jade shouted at me. "If they died protectibg you then you have a reason to move forward!"

"To let the life your family saved go to waste!" Arthur shouted. "Everyone has a sin they carry. But we mustn't stop moving forward!"

"For those we love." Alrescha said

"For those we've lost." Aurora said.

"For those we have by our sude now." Lucia added.

"For the ones we're about to meet." Lia followed.

"And for ourselves." Yuri added.

"We all move forward!" Bell finished.

"If you don't have the strength to keep moving, then turn to us." Ray said, landing in front of me. "We are your friends after all."

"Ray... everyone...!" I'm an idiot, for my family that died protecting me. I'll fight, this time not for vengeance sake. Bit for my own sake, for the friends I've met and for the wonderdul brother I have.

I took his outstretched hand and he pulled ne free from the mist. He's right, from here on, I'll fight so that others won't have to suffer the sane fate I had.