Greyson asked Sasha and Carter "how did Evelyn parents were died?".

They both were said "today is her parents memorial day ,if you want to know , ask her by yourself".

But our Greyson is too fast as light. He went to see Evelyn.

Evelyn is sitting in the tomb of their parents and crying very loudly.

Greyson slowly went to her and conveyed his condolences . Evelyn not at all bother him. Suddenly our Greyson hold her hands and comforted her.

Greyson said to her, that he also lost his parents when he was in middle school, it was happened, when his parents came to pick up him in the park,

"I'm also blaming myself and cried for six months.Later I realised it was an accident, it has nothing to do with me and it was also my parents fate and Evelyn don't hurt by yourself , you having a nice life. Let's live a good life for our parents and it will be proud for them. And don't hide your pain. Share your pains to someone, it will give you some reliefs and refreshments".

"Greyson thank you for comforting me, I want to tell how my parents were died, before one year, that time we both worked together and invented a soul camera, after three days of that invention, I drove a car, my parents were sat in back seat, suddenly our car didn't well connected to a brake, I hit the car in one bridge and after that my parents were died in the spot. I'm the one who hit the car and I didn't die in the spot with my parents. Doctors were saved me".

"I opened my eyes slowly, I don't have anyone with me, that time I felt very guilty. That's why I'm always alone and depressed. From that day I decided to spend time alone". Greyson told her, it was not your fault, it was just an accident, your parents will see you from the heaven and don't make them sad by crying. I'm here for you, don't worry. Although, live happily for yours parents. Go home and sleep. Tomorrow start your day with happiness.

Next day morning, the research centre suddenly called Evelyn, Greyson, Sasha and Carter. They discussed something very seriously.....