Greyson chased Evelyn and asked "why you are not sign the contract?" You only told yesterday to me to live happily and how I'm happy when we were in the haunted lab. That's why I didn't sign the contract. Listen to me Evelyn , this is the golden opportunity to enjoy and understand ourselves. Lets go there enjoy and they provide food and snacks for us. You know there is no spirits and it's a myth. We can pretend to agree the contract and I'm always with you. Let's go Evelyn.
Later, Evelyn also signed the contract. And they have two days to start the mission. Evelyn prepared some gadgets with powerful light and it is very brightest. Sasha and Carter always having fun. They packed some stuffs like comic books, music recorder and some cameras with them. Greyson made a communicate radars which will record the spirits voice. And they packed some personal and sentiment things for them.
They all are going to shop together. They bought some clothes and snacks for them. And they asked some peoples about that lab. Some people said there is really something strange. some said they clearly saw some videos about that lab in the internet. Our team got scared because of some stuffs they said. Greyson convinced them and he said " hey guys it was graphics, don't worry about that, we all worked in a dark with a dead humans. That time did you guys scared. This all were rumors.
They all are going to enter that lab. After entered the lab, they were really surprised and get some goosebumps.....