4. Morning after

After Lili was done contemplating about her next move, she went to lie on the bed to get some sleep. However, she twisted and turned, but sleep could not find her. Could it be that her decease of needing to masturbate before sleeping followed her there?

However, what if this body dies if she does that to herself? She still has some residual phobia from her cause of death the last time. Besides, she will have 4 men to herself later, she should at least experience them first before she goes to the next novel world.

Thus, she just closed her eyes hoping that she gets some rest. Luckily, she did fall asleep. While sleeping, memories of Lili came to her in dreams.


The next morning, a maid knocked on the door, "Princess, may we come in to serve you for the morning ritual?"

Lili was woken up by the voice. Recognized it from her dream, she tried, "Lihua?"

"Yes, princess it's me. May we enter?"

Lili was naked but she knew that it's normal for them to see her naked. But the problem was, she still has the red mark on her upper arm signifying that she's still a virgin.

"Who's with you?" Lili asked.

"The personal maids from the ducal house sent with your dowry. I followed your instructions not to bring people from this marquess house with me as they might not be able to serve you well, princess."

Lili sighed in relief. If it's just them then it's alright. "Ok, enter."

Then, a batch of Chinese looking maids wearing hanfu came streaming in.

They assisted her in bathing and getting prepared for the day. Thankfully, the novel used Tang dynasty hanfu for women, so her clothes composed of a tube looking dress and a shawl. This way, it would be easier to seduce the male leads. She thought to herself.

When she was done, Zhang Zuo suddenly went inside their room. This time, she looked at him with more appreciation.

'Ah, Zhang Zuo, you're so hot! I guess the candles last night nor my dream did you no justice. I can't wait to jump you. Hehehe ' She thought, but on the outside, she gave him as shy smile.

"Husband, you're here. Will you be joining this wife to serve tea to our parents?" Lili asked while recalling that in the novel, Zhang Zuo hated Lili more because she felt that she was above his family, and they should be the one bowing to her instead.

Zhang Zuo nodded his head. Although he still did not like her, he needs to at least show up in their family hall. Truth was, most of his family members were ok with his marriage because this was considered marrying up. However, what they did not know was that he was already under the 3rd prince's faction. Being married to Lili was not a good thing for she was the queen's niece.

Lili went beside him to wrap her arms around Zhang Zuo's left arm. "Husband, I'm ready." She said sweetly.

Zhang Zuo pulled his hand from her hold.

Lili did not really care about what this 2D character thinks, but she showed him a sad and almost going to cry expression. "Does husband still hate this wife? Is it because, I have not served you well?"

Zhang Zuo did not want to spend time with her anymore, he just wants to get this over with. "Let's go." Then he turned on his back.

Lili was not pleased, but she has to please him. 'Ha! Zhang Zuo, you just wait and see later, I will make you fall in love with me then I will put green hat on your head!'

Well, Lili thought about it. Wanruo will not be coming back from the temple until next month when the hunting event will be held. At the same time, she won't have chance encounters with the other male leads until then. Except for the 3rd prince that she can catch in the palace. But since she's a newly married girl, she should postpone her visit to the palace for at least a few days after she and Zhang Zuo are done with her bride's home visit, or else the queen might think that she's just a useless pawn that can't even seduce Zhang Zuo!

So for now, she will play the good wife, and make Zhang Zuo fall in love with her and have snu snu with him as soon as possible. As the Assessors said, whichever comes first. Be it seduction or love. Besides, skinship will also develop that sense of love.

When they arrived just outside the hall where Zhang Zuo's family were waiting, Zhang Zuo turned to face her.

"Yang Lili, I know that you are a princess, but you better show some respect to my family. I will not forgive you if you don't." Zhang Zuo warned.

'Why should I if you did not even show me some?' she wanted to ask back, but of course she didn't. She smiled at him and wrapped her arms around his, "Husband, if I'm good, will you reward me?"

Zhang Zuo furrowed his brows. "What do you want?"

Lili wanted to say, 'spend the night, wait, I mean, let's go back to our room right after and do some snu snu.' But she thought that Zhang Zuo would just pull away if she says that, and it's not in line with the character she wanted to project. So instead, she looked up at him.

"Zhang Zuo, please call me Lili from now on… also…" then she pouted her lips as if waiting for him to kiss her.

Zhang Zuo took a step back. "Okay, I will call you Lili. That's all I can say yes to."

'why not just kiss me you virgin boy? What? Even your kiss is sacred and only for Wanruo?' Anyway, at least she got him to say her name. It's a start.

"Okay, husband. Then it's a deal." She replied showing him her dimples as she smiled.
