16. Unexpected encounter

After Lili's failed attempt to have some smut scene with Feng Jun, she exited the palace a bit discontented. How come in the novel she read, transmigrated MCs who enter the body of the villainess had it easy? Why was she not experiencing the same fate?

Annoyed, she asked Lihua to inform the coachman that she wanted to make a stop in the shopping district. Well, if she can't get it on with the male leads, perhaps she should try her luck with other handsome gentry in the capital. Like whom said she should limit her partners to only those 4?

When they arrived, she got off the carriage and instructed Li Hua not to follow. Like, how would she be able to attempt to do what she came here to do if she has these servants following her around? She gave Lili and the coachman one silver coin each.

Lihua tried to discourage her, but what can Lihua do? she's just a servant along with the coachman, aside from that, they rarely get a day off. So, they just followed what Lili commanded. She said to come back and fetch her after 3 hours.


Lili walked and looked around. She was thinking of just bumping onto some handsome fellow and go through the cliché route of them getting to know etc. However, soon, she realized that she wasn't up to having an illicit relationship with another man. Besides, she just wants to experience some smut. Like, why would she even fall in love with these 2D characters?

With a clearer objective in mind, she decided to try out the red-light district. It's a bit early, but she can just pick up a man there by pretending that she's some freelancer courtesan. Do they exist in this novel? She doesn't know, but who cares?


The red-light district was livelier than she expected. There were men walking around with a woman in arm. While some were looking at the women waving their handkerchief from the top of their establishment.

In summary, she can say that it was a street filled with men just wanting to experience some debauchery and paid women willing to provide them. 'Not bad!' she thought as she tried to find a handsome man. Well, although she wants to have a one-night stand with a guy, she still has a preference. Though they were all just 2D characters to her, she wants someone hot and handsome. At the very least, someone who's not too far behind her 4 MLs.

Thinking that she won't have that luck on the streets, she entered one of the establishments where gentlemen sit and drink while ladies would come and serve them.

As she looked around, she spotted someone very handsome. Since she thought that there's no possibility that one of the MLs will be this here, she thought that he must be just some random character.

He was alone and kept to himself while looking at the people in the establishment. Thinking that he's just looking for a hot girl, she walked towards him, confident with her skin.

"Excuse me kind sir, if you don't mind, can I accompany you?" Lili said seductively as she invited herself to sit beside him and seeing the wine, she poured it to his now empty cup.

The man looked at her strangely but just chose to drink the wine she poured him.

Lili felt elated. Finally, someone easier to seduce! She faced him as he drank the wine. His adam's apple bobbing as he stared at her.

"Who are you?" he asked.

"I can be whoever you want me to be." she replied as she leaned closer to him. 'Come on, let's go get a room!' she was screaming in her head.

The man tsked, and then pulled her closer. He sniffed her then pulled back. "You're not someone who should be in this kind of place. Go home." He said.

Lili doesn't know what he's talking about, but when he went near her, she wanted nothing else but to feel his mouth on her skin. So, because she wanted to, she moved closer to wrap her arms on his waist.

"I am where I want to be right now. I know you also came here looking for this, so why won't you give me the chance?" she said like some professional courtesan. Smiling seductively at him while licking her lips.

The man furrowed his brows, not even the most famous courtesans would dare do what she's doing. Still, he gave her a once over.

"What's your name?" he asked.

"My name is Mimi, so want to get out of here and get a room?" she asked.

The man smirked as he placed a silver teal on the table. "You better make sure that this will be worth my while." He told her. Then, he stood up, hoisted her up and slung her on his shoulder like a sack of potato.

Lili screamed in delight. Oh god. Did she just hit jackpot?
