20. Oh general!


Lu Wei thought that he was out of his mind. What was he even doing? Finally gaining some sense back, he stopped.

Lili felt him stop and so she asked, "Ah General, have you figured out what he placed on me?"

Lu Wei did not know what to say in response, really, what can he say?

Lili knew that Lu Wei must be thinking now, and that's not good news for her. So, she quickly went down the table and kneeled in front of him. Then she stroked his hardened manhood.

Lu Wei stood up in alarm.

Lili tried not to smirk, 'very good. Stand up so I can pull your pants down.'

"Lili, I think…" he said.

'ah! he even says my name now!' she thought. But of course, Lili did not bask under that knowledge for long as she was a very smart and alert girl. She won't let the chance pass so she quickly said, "General, I'm so sorry! Because you wanted to help me figure what it was by tasting it yourself, you must have also been afflicted like me. Please, let me try to make it up to you." Then, she started pulling his pants down.

Lu Wei wanted to deny her but felt that he was completely powerless. Then as if possessed, he thought, since she wanted this, why not just give it to her? He has never done it before, but that's not to say he did not think of it. He was still a man.

Lili finally successfully pulled his pants down and saw his huge erection. Gods, it was even bigger than Zhang Zuo's. It looked so hard, and it was pulsating. She wrapped her hand around it to measure. Ah! It's really big. She can already imagine it stretching her like never before.

Lu Wei looked down and saw her looking at his manhood in appreciation. The expression on her face saying that she wanted him so much aroused him.

Lili brought out her tongue and tentatively licked him. What? Although she wanted to have her pussy pounded by him, that didn't mean she wanted to give him a blowjob if he smelled foul. Thankfully, like Zhang Zuo, his cock and he himself smelled fresh. Thus, she had no problem continuing doing what she began to do.

Lu Wei saw her licking him slowly, and unlike his usual character, he grew to become impatient. Abandoning his initial reluctance, he grabbed her head, then he pushed his cock inside her mouth.

Lili was surprised. She never thought that Lu Wei would be like this. She gagged on his penis. It was so big and long and she can't deep throat him at all. "I'm sorry, I can't…" she said as she coughed.

Lu Wei hearing her gag stopped what he was doing. What if he accidentally pushes too much and she dies because of his penis penetrating her throat? Still, he was not done with her. "You have to take responsibility." He said.

Then, he hoisted her up. He made her lean forward on the table while he stood behind her. He started licking her ear, fondling her breast with his right hand, while his left was holding his cock using it to trace her opening. Not being able to wait any longer, and her pussy was already very wet, he pushed his cock hard inside her in one swift movement.

"Ah!!!!" Lili screamed and Lu Wei covered her mouth with his hand. Lili's eyes were wide, it was quite painful and gave her a shock. He was so big.

"Don't be too loud, people would hear." He warned.

Lili nodded her head. As he said that, she realized that she was not able to close the window. Thankfully their table was far from it, but then again, there's an establishment in front of them and if someone were to open the window there, the person on the other side would clearly see them having sex. Instead of shame, the thought of that aroused her more.

Lu Wei feeling her nod started moving. She was so tight, and it felt so good. He knew that she was no virgin based on the fact that there was no red mark on her upper arm. Not that he had anything to compare sex with her to except for his hand.

However, he heard the soldiers talk saying that the women's hole would feel a little lose when they have had sex many times, but Lili's was so good and tight and snug that he felt like she would cut his dick off. Strangely, he did not mind that she did it with another person first but he did feel competitive.

Lili felt him stretch her over and over as he moved in and out of her. His dick reaching parts of her that made her want to scream. It was so good. Sex with him was unlike anything she ever felt in her life.

Lu Wei licked her ear, then whispered, "do you feel good?"

Lili moaned, hearing his sexy low baritone voice made her pussy tingle, "Yes…"

"Better than the other one who you did this with?" he continued as he pushed harder and stronger.

"ah! Yes!"

"How many times have you done this?"

"Just once. I only had sex once before. This is better and more amazing, you are amazing, please, general Lu Wei! Fuck me more." Lili just said it all in one go.

Lu Wei uncharacteristically smirked. Then, he turned her around and he placed both his arms behind her legs. Then, he lifted her up and made her wrap her legs on his waist. He penetrated her that way. She was not heavy, and he was strong, so it was not difficult.

Lili felt each thrust go deeper inside her with their position. It was something only the strong Lu Wei can do, and her mind has long turned into a puddle of goo. She had come over and over on his dick that she lost count.

Lu Wei continued to fuck her feeling her cum over and over. It made him feel proud. He has quite the stamina despite it being his first time. Finally satisfied, he laid her on the table.

Lili thought it was over, but then, Lu Wei continued and this time he was faster and stronger, finding his release too. It was amazing and for a second, she worried that her pussy would never be the same again.

Lu Wei felt that he was near, not wanting a souvenir, he pulled out from her and continued ejaculating himself with his hand until he let out a guttural groan and spilled his seed over her tummy.
