Revisit Once More


Suddenly, someone opened the door and got into the meeting hall of the ten masters' clan. "My Lord! My Lord!"

"What happened?... Why are you in such a hurry?"

It's about that room! My Lord! The Black Suit! The Legendary weapon! ..... IS NOT IN THE PLACE MY LORD! " as he was throbbing for breath.

"What??!! How is it possible? "

Hearing this news, everyone was shocked as well as astonished. "How could it happen?" said one of the masters.

"I do not know... I was on my duty to clean the front hall. Suddenly, I realized that the secret door was open. So, I tried to take a glance inside to see if there was anyone. But when I looked inside the room, there was none and the enchanted glass holder which holds the weapon was also broken down into pieces and there was nothing in that black room. "

"How could it happen Alige? Except you, no one should be able to open the door. "

"I know, but I can remember that I closed the door properly with my enchantments."

"So, how could it happen?"

"Stop you both. It is now not required whether he had left the gate open or not. Now the main thing that we have to consider is bringing it back. "

"I think we should send our troops to search for it."

"I refuse. I think that we should send suit users in search of it."

"Appear Red User."

"Appear White, Come FORTH"

"adfafaYellow afarmsfmsowh." [Translation: "Descend Yellow User."]

All at once, all of the so-called suit users descended into the hall.

The Red suit user said, "What happened to my Lord? Is there any work for us? "

"The legendary weapon is not in its place."

Hearing this, all of them were astonished as well. "How could it be? No one was able to steal it. How could it happen? "

"I know it shouldn't have happened, but it has happened. That's why we have called you all. We want you three to go and search for it. You three are now assigned the task of bringing the suit back. Go to different parts and destroy all barriers and bring back the suit at any cost. Take as many soldiers as you like, but do not come back empty-handed. "

"No need, my Lord. I along with the white and Dirty Fellow. "

"Hey, mind your tongue, Red."

"Ok ok, Yellow. We will bring back the suit. We promise that we will yield good results. " After saying this, a beam of light fell on all of them and three of them vanished in it.

On the other hand, Magscana was at peace now. The birds were chirping, the trees were green and full of flowers, and the streets seemed to be rather quiet and the thief cat had stolen a fish from a neighbouring house. On this wonderful day on Earth, Rohan was in his room. He was lying on his bed and was watching comedy shows on TV. He had nothing to do except sleep and watch TV. He was around 15 years old and was going to attend his first day of high school at Magical Academy tomorrow. He is a low-graded student with a low magic-wielding capacity. Yes, he was a magician, though he did not possess enough magic ability. As a result, he was taunted by his classmate Susan. Susan was another magician with a high magic capacity. Rohan belongs to a middle-class family. Though neither his father nor his mother was a magician, They have one more child who was a magician too. Rohan's mother was a housewife and his father worked in an office at a manager's post. They had a two-story house in which they lived. There was a small garden in front of their house in which bloomed red and pink roses, marigolds and sunflowers. They lived in a city called Magica in Magscana. They used to spend their days happily.

"Rohan! Will you come with us for cycling? "asked Rohan's friend. Rohan heard his voice and looked out of his room window to see who was calling him. When he looked out of his second-floor house window, he saw that it was Robin, along with his other best friend, Simon. Both of them were his best friends and had always helped Rohan in the time of his need. Rohan thought for a while as something ran across his mind, and then replied, "Yeah, sure... Just wait for a while, I am coming down to you with my cycle. " Rohan quickly went down the house staircase and said to his mother, "Mom, I am going out for a bicycle ride with Simon and Robin." His mother replied, "OK dear... But don't be too late, I have been cooking your favourite meal today, "he said with a happy voice. Rohan instantaneously said, "OK!" with a big smile of happiness and rushed towards the main entrance door of the house to get to the garage. Suddenly, at the same time, his sister came out of the dining hall and BANG! Both of them collided and fell to the ground. Luckily, none of them were hurt except for some minor pain. Rohan quickly apologized to his sister for his mistake. But his sister didn't seem angry with him, rather she said politely, "It's fine. But please be careful while running in the doorways. "with a little pain in her voice.

Rohan had a sister named Sumina. Both of them were of the same age, but Sumina was older than Rohan by a month. Sumina is another high-skilled magician like Susan, and she knew that her brother was not good at magic. Though they read in the same school and the same class, there was no discrimination between highly skilled and low-skilled magicians. By faith, they were going to attend the same school tomorrow. Apart from this, despite their family relationship, they have another relationship that Rohan was unaware of. Sumina had liked her brother since they were children. However, she could not express this feeling in

Sumina swiftly but softly asked Rohan, "Where are you going, brother?".

Rohan replied without hesitation, "I am going for a bicycle ride with my friends, Robin and Simon..." He added, "Would you like to join us?"

Sumina replied, "OK, anyway, I am free now. So, let's head out for a bicycle ride! " She seemed to be happy with the offer, but all at once, a loud sound came from the kitchen, "Sumina, could you please help me bring some items from the market? I am cooking your brother's favourite dinner today and I am missing some of the ingredients.... "

Sumina said, "Uuuuuuuuh!" by looking in the direction of the kitchen.

But suddenly she thought about something, after which she agreed to her mother's request. Then she turned to her brother and said to him in an unhappy mood by looking in another direction, "Sorry brother, I could not come with you, but next time I will surely take care of it!"

Rohan said, "Hmm... OK! Got it. "

They both stood up from their spots and Rohan said, "Then see you later..." Both of them bid goodbye bye by waving their hands on their way. Rohan went outside at the same pace, opened the main door, and said to his friends, "Wait just a little more, I am coming..." while continuing to run. The garage was situated beside the house and near the main gate, so it did not take much time for him to get there. He opened the garage door, took out his cycle and put on his helmet and gloves. He then took his cycle along with him to the main gate where his friends were. Before that, he closed the main door of the house.

Rohan was a kind-hearted boy and had always thought of his loved ones first before his own self. Though of his kind nature, no one was interested nor even valued him and had always left him behind, except his dear friends Robin and Simon and his elder sister Sumina. Upon reaching there, he apologized to his friends."Sorry, I have made you two wait for so long...". Robin said, "No prob. But let us hurry now, otherwise we will not be able to return home before dark. "

Then they all rode on their cycles and began to leave the place. Actually, they didn't have any plans in their mind about where to go. It is now destiny that will decide their journey.

While cycling, some thoughts ran across Simon's mind. However, suddenly, Simon came up with an idea. He thought of going to the back of the mountains of Magscana. He heard that an unidentified creature had been sighted in that place recently, but none had even tried to find out what it was. Simon likes adventure and thrilling things. But he knew that his friend, Rohan, was very much afraid of these things. So, he kept it a secret and told a lie to them. He said, "Hey, why don't we go to the back of the mountains?" Both of them asked with surprise, "Back of the mountains? Why? ". Simon replied, "I have heard that an amusement park has been installed in that place recently." Rohan has liked amusement parks since he was a little kid. So he really seemed to like the idea and said, "OK, I have no excuses." As there was nowhere to go, Robin also agreed to his proposal. Seeing this, Simon somewhat realized that none of them really knew about the mysterious creature sightings. Simon exclaimed with joy, "Yeah! So amusement park, here we come! " Both of them cheered as well. But suddenly, Rohan realised that to go to the amusement park, they had to cross the forest of the mountains, and he had always feared going into the forests.

Rohan said hesitatingly, "Wait! To reach the park we have to cross the forest."

Simon said without hesitation, "Yes. We have to. Why? "

Rohan said with fear, "You know that I have always feared the forests behind the Magscana mountains since childhood as many wild animals roamed in that area."

Suddenly, all three of them saw a fatty girl of the same age who was their classmate in their primary school. She seemed to be going somewhere. All three stopped in front of her and greeted her, "Hi! Fania!" The girls greeted them, "Hi! Robin, Simon, and Rohan" and asked," Where are you all going?" Robin said, "We are planning to go to the back of the mountain, but Rohan..." Rohan interrupted him immediately as he knew that that girl was a huge information leaker and if she knew that he feared going into the jungle, even being a magician. She would surely spread this fact to every one of his friends, and the little bit of reputation that he held would also vanish. Rohan continued, "I am very much furious about going into the jungle and can not wait anymore. I want to see those fierce wild animals. OK, friends, let's head towards the forests! " After saying that, he pulled Robin and Simon out of that place along with him and rode towards the forest at a high speed. The girl could not understand what had actually happened just now. Both of them could not understand what happened just then, but now they are moving very fast to reach the forest.

After some time, they reached the jungle. It was around 3 p.m. Rohan seemed to be a little exhausted after the incident. Robin asked, Rohan, "Are you OK?" Rohan replied, "Yeah, I am fine..." They kept their cycles outside the jungle and began to walk straight. Rohan entered the jungle with his friends, carrying along with him the little bit of courage that he had.

They kept on walking and walking for a long time, but they could not find anything. Suddenly, Rohan realised that something was watching them. So, he turned back to see who was it. But when he turned! He saw nothing other than trees. Robin called him, "Rohan, come on. Do not stand there! " Rohan replied, "Wait for me you two." and ran towards them. But he still seemed to realize that something or someone was watching them.

After a long time, the walk, Robin said, "How far is the amusement park from here, Simon?" But Simon didn't reply. He carried on with his expedition. Seeing his quietness and adventurous nature, Robin asked, "What are you searching for?" However, Simon replied without hesitation, "Path to the amusement park, of course." But he was actually trying to look for that creature. Suddenly, Rohan's eyes fell on a signboard in the middle of the bushes. It seemed to him that something was written on it. So he pulled it out and saw, "BEWARE!! An unidentified creature was sighted in this area!! " Rohan got extremely frightened and called his other members immediately, "Guys, come here fast." On hearing his frightening words, both of them ran towards him. When they reached and saw that board in his hand, Robin got frightened as well. Both of them were in deep water. Realizing the heavy atmosphere, Simon thought that it would be better to apologize now, otherwise it might go in a bad direction. So he said softly, "Sorry friends... Despite knowing the fact that I had brought you two here. "

Both of them were surprised and said, "Whhaaaatt?"

DO YOU KNOW IT? " Both of them shouted in anger.

Suddenly, the weather began to change drastically. The winds began to blow at a fast rate and the sky was overcast with dark clouds. The surroundings began to grow darker.

In the meantime, Rohan heard a distinct voice saying, "Rohan... come to me." He turned his head around but could not find anyone. It seemed to him that only he could hear the voice.

Robin said, "I do not think that it will be right to stay... Let us escape from this place. " All of them agreed with him and began to run towards the exit of the jungle. Rohan heard the voice, again and again, calling his name. After a long run, they successfully got out of the jungle and the voice stopped as well. Then they didn't stop anymore and took their cycles, rode them and began to hurry down the mountain. In block 3, Robin and Simon separated from Rohan and went to their respective homes. When Rohan got separated from the rest of his friends, he heard the voice again. Suddenly, the winds stopped and the clouds were removed from the sky. Now the sky looks darker than ever. It was pure black with no stars and the moon through all clouds were removed. I thought it was about 5 p.m.

Suddenly, something caught Rohan's eyes and he saw a white light falling from the black sky. After some time, all at once, it changed its course and hit the back of the mountain in the forest where they had gone. Rohan stopped his cycle and thought about it for a while. "What is it?" Suddenly, he decided to look for it. So, he took his cycle, changed its direction, and began to ride towards the same place.

Rohan continuously rode towards the back of the mountain without thinking of anything. His mind seemed to be empty except for the thought of the white light. However, when he reached there, there were two dustbins knocked down and he tired of riding over a cat in his path. He was even saved from falling into the river while crossing the bridge.

He kept his cycle outside the jungle and began to walk inside. He began to hear the voice again and again. But this time, he didn't seem to concentrate on it, rather he continued to search for the white light object. His eyes suddenly fell on a dazzling white light amid the trees. Suddenly, the voice stooped, calling his name. But he didn't notice it. When he approached the light, it began to become brighter and brighter. When he reached the place of landing, he found out that a black coloured ball was inside of a big alien capsule. It didn't seem to have a human origin as it had different technology used in it. When he tried to get a good look inside, the capsule case suddenly opened. The back ball was still inside it without any movement. When Rohan raised his hands towards it in order to touch it, the ball all at once jumped towards him, expanded and covered up his whole body instantly. Rohan got frightened and closed his eyes. But when he opened his eyes, he saw everything was white around him. There was nothing besides him, not even a tree.

Suddenly, a voice called his name. But this time it was different. The Voice said, "You are Rohan. Am I right? " The voice seemed to be of a boy the same as Rohan's age.

Rohan replied, "Yes." with fear and continued, "Who are you?"

"Finally I have found you, Rohan."

"Me? But why? And how do you know my name? " Rohan was puzzled and was still floating in the white place.

"Patience, patience boy. You are too loud, you know. "

"Loud!!! I want to know where I am and what's with all this stuff and you?"

The voice softly laughed, "Hahaha."

"Why are you laughing?"

"You are the chosen one, Rohan."

"The chosen one? What are you saying? What is with this 'chosen one'? "

"Let me introduce myself. As for me, I am the black suit with whom you are talking to. "

"Black suit?"

"Yeah, I am a weapon. One of the ten legendary weapons of the universe. I have been searching for a capable user for several years who would be able to wield my powers with good motive and my search was successful today. "

"Who is the user and why are you holding me here?"

"It's you, Rohan."

"Me? What can I do? I am a low-graded magician on whom everyone laughs, especially Susan. How can I wield such powers? "

"Hahaha! You are not the normal one... It is your destiny. "


"Yes, among all the users who have tried to wear me till now, turned to dust as they were not able to wield me or with a bad will."

"So how can I?"

"Your stance here proves it... I was looking for a suitable user who was good-hearted and would be powerful enough. However, there are some more ill-willed people who can wield me with some rituals... I know that you have many questions on your mind, but don't worry, everything will get cleared with time. I only want to ask you to please use me for good works and save the universe from the upcoming disaster. I think you need to go home as it is too late now... "


Suddenly, a full black uniform with all the gears appeared in front of him. Rohan said, "What is it?" A voice came from the uniform, "It is me, Rohan." Rohan replied, "What?" Suddenly, the uniform approached him and covered his full body, got attached to him and disappeared within him.

At the same time, a black light flashed in front of him and he found himself back in the jungle. But now the capsule has disappeared out of the blue. Nothing was there. Rohan surveyed his full body but there was nothing, not even a scratch. Then he looked at the sky full of stars and thought about what had happened to him. The sky at that time seemed to be very beautiful and the stars and moon returned as well. Many questions were popping into his mind and he didn't get all his answers. The future of the universe now depends on him.

However, the suit has now been acquired by a capable user. The future has now been separated into several paths and only the black suit user will be the key towards saving the planet.


After such an unbelievable experience, Rohan could not think of anything else. His mind was empty. He rode his bike and began to move towards his home. He was completely emotionless this whole time, only thinking about what happened to him. Upon his return, he saw two angry faces staring at him and his little sister standing along with them at the front gate of his house. They looked like devils at that time to him. "ROHANNNN!!!" both of them shouted in an angry tone. However, it had somehow helped him to come back to his senses from his emotionless behaviour.

"What is the time now?! Did you forget that I told you to not be late? "his mother shouted.

"MOM.. sorry..." Rohan was filled with fear from top to bottom of that voice.

His father scolded him too, "Do you know how tense we were for you? We were going to the police station to register your missing report!!! We called your friends, Robin and Simon, but they said that they didn't know about you after you had separated from them. "

"Sorry, dad..."

"What sorry?" with a loud voice again.

His little sister said, "Dad, mom... Let's leave this matter. At least my brother has come back home. " Hearing these words, his parents seemed to be somewhat convinced that the ad had cooled down their rage to a great extent. Rohan's mother said, "OK... This time we will pardon you, but next time you will be punished surely." Rohan's father turned to Rohan's father. "OK honey," he said with a little smile. His father replied, "OK." He added, with a smile on his face, "Now come inside, your mother has cooked your favourite dinner tonight. Get yourself cleaned up and then finish your dinner. " Rohan was looking down this whole time, but his parents' permission had enabled him to raise his head. Rohan apologized again to both of them before entering the premises, "Sorry, mom... sorry dad, I will not do it again." and then went towards the garage without any more words to keep his cycle.

He opened the garage door and went inside, near the hanging shelf mounted on the right side of their green car, on the wall. He removed his gloves and helmet and kept them on. Then he took his cycle inside and kept it in his cycle stand and began to walk outside. But during this whole time, he couldn't understand what happened to him at the back of the mountain. His memories were clouded. After closing the garage door, he went straight to the main building, opened the door, entered, removed his shoes, kept them on the shoe shelf, closed the door and went to the bathroom. After some time, he came out of it with a clean self. His clothes were already kept ready inside the bathroom by his mother. He had worn them and went outside towards the kitchen. His food was ready on the dinner table and the others were sitting at the table, except for his mother, who was cleaning up the dishes in the basin. Upon entering the kitchen, he apologized to all of them again. His parents, including his elder sister, said, "It's alright..." Then he had his dinner and everyone went to their respective rooms. Rohan's and his sister's rooms were on the second floor, while his parents were on the first. Before entering the room, his sister said, "Please do not go outside for a long time. I really got very tense... " Rohan replied, "OK..." Then they entered their own rooms and got to their beds. His sister easily slept that night, but it wasn't the case with her brother. Rohan's mind was full of questions about what happened there and why the black suit mattered. Due to this, he slept a deep, sound sleep for a long time.

In the meantime, searching for the black suit user, Red, White and Yellow descended on the Earth, on the back of the mountain of Mascana. They had felt the strong presence of the suit on this planet, but the essence of the power had progressively faded away before their reach. Red said, "I think the suit has been acquired by any one of these creatures of this blue planet. So what should we do now? "asked Yellow.

White suggested, "We have nothing to do except to watch over these creatures and to find out who has stolen them... So to do that, we need to turn into them. "

"I know that it might happen, so I have collected information about these beings. There are many things these creatures do that are useless and... "

"Quick! Do not waste any more time and share it with us. "

"Hey, look there!" pointing towards the nearby city. "I think these are the settlements in which these creatures live."

"So one of them might be the thief. Let us go and find it out... "

The next morning, Rohan's mother got up on time and began to do all the household chores after getting herself fresh. As said earlier, today was Rohan's and Sumina's first day at the high school of the Magical Academy. So Rohan's mother was somewhat in a hurry today. She went upstairs and knocked on both doors. When she knocked on Sumina's door, she asked her softly to get up and get herself ready for school. While in the case of Rohan, she said roughly, "Rohan! Get up, otherwise you will be late on the first day of high school. " It was her usual dialogue with Rohan regularly. She did so because she knew that he was so lazy that sometimes she had to knock on his room door continuously several times to make him leave the bed. Eventually, due to this habit, he used to get late for primary school and many times he got punished as well. Still, he could not leave this habit.

As today was their first day of high school, Sumina was filled with excitement, but Rohan had not given any single sign of excitement. He knew that, as his grades were low, his same classmates would again taunt him and everyone would again leave him behind. He was filled with despair. He got up and left his bed. Both of them prepared themselves and went downstairs towards the kitchen. Upon entering, both of them wished their parents, "Good morning dad and mom..." Their parents wished both of them as well--"Good morning..."

Rohan's mom was cooking two omelettes for them and his father was watching television in their kitchen. Rohan's father was watching the news channel and he was accompanied by his two children as well. A news reporter said, "Last night a mysterious object was captured by a state-light and this is the picture of it. According to the space centre, it was predicted to hit the back of the mountains of Magica. To capture this mysterious object, the Magscana government sent soldiers on the spot to identify it, but they could not find any signs of its landing. However, the only thing that the soldiers noticed was a black spot on the ground. Nevertheless, many people claimed that the mysterious object had hit the back of the mountains. Now we move towards our today's weather report. "

Rohan's father seemed puzzled and said, "What astonishing news?!?" and gave his paper in his hands. But Rohan was in deep water. The news matched exactly with the last night's incident that happened to him. He was thinking the last night's incident was a dream. All at once, their mother turned back and severed them the omelette. She asked them politely to finish their breakfast quickly and to get ready for school. Their father wished them, "All the best for the first day of your school." and asked them, "Do not forget to enjoy yourselves fully to your hearts' content, OK?"

"Yeah..." both of them said.

They quickly finished their breakfast and got ready for school. Both of them wore their uniforms and respective shoes, opened the door and went outside after biding their parents, "Mom, Dad, we are going to school..."

"OK," two voices replied.

The sky was bright blue and the sun was shining. The weather seemed to be clear and there was no chaos in the neighbourhood. Everything seemed to be peaceful as usual.

Sumina said while walking, "Hey Brother, do you know any info about our new school?" His brother replied, "Nothing special, but I have heard that these high schools are good at producing high-quality magicians and the entrance examination at that school is quite tough." His sister replied, "Hmm, I see."

After some walking towards the school, she suddenly saw her friend Sumana was going the same way to the school. She was Sumina's best friend forever and also knew her top secret. They were of the same age and class, plus they went to the same high school. Sumina called her name, "Sumanaaa!!" Sumana suddenly stopped and turned back after hearing it. When she turned back, she saw that her best friend was waving her hand. She said, "Hi, Sumina... Good morning... " Sumina suddenly ran towards her brother, pulling him along by holding his hand. When she reached her, she was a little exhausted. Upon reaching, she asked her, "How are you Sumana? Ah! I forgot to wish you Good Morning... ". Sumana replied, "I am good. Are you ready for the first day? "Sumina replied, "Yeah, I am very excited about the first day." All of a sudden, Sumana went near her friend's ear and asked, "Hey! Is there any development between you and your brother? " Sumina immediately responded to the harassment by closing her mouth with her hands, "Sumana, please keep quiet. Do not tell him in front of him, "she whispered slowly to herself. Rohan was completely puzzled at that time, thinking about what happened to his sister and what they were talking about.

After that, Sumana looked at her watch and said, "We should hurry, otherwise we will not be able to reach the school on time. We had only fifteen minutes left and I did not want to be late on the first day. " After hearing the time, the other two were shocked as well, "Uhh! We must run! "and all of them began to hurry towards the school. After a minute, two were at the front and one was at the back on the run to school. Rohan was bad at running and had always come last in marathons since primary school. Sumina said, "Hurry up brother, otherwise we will be late."

"I am trying my very best to catch up with you. Both of you do not wait for me..." and he thought about, "Ahh! If I could be a little faster... " And suddenly, his shoes were covered in black and he felt like he was getting stronger and stronger. "Aah! How am I feeling so strong all of a sudden? " Due to this sudden feeling, he tried to run a little faster now and SURPRISE! He began to run as fast as a bullet train and was cutting through the air at a very high speed. He left his sister and her friend behind and was far ahead of them. The other two were surprised when he crossed them at a high speed all at once. Both of them asked him, "How could you run so fast?! " But as he went so far away from them, their voices could not reach his ears.

Sumina asked her friend, "Sumana, how can we reach him?" She thought for a while on the run and said, "Hey, let's activate our speed spell. I think that with our magic capability we could catch him. " Then she opened her eyes and suddenly a white circular light passed through them from the top to the bottom of their bodies and a grey-white box with a flower petal began to appear on the ground in whichever spot any of them had kept their feet. At the same time, their speed began to increase by leaps and bounds, and they were running much faster than marathon runners. Like Rohan, they began to run at the speed of a bullet train too. After some time, they saw Rohan running in front of them at the same high speed towards the school. Both of them asked him to "Stop!!!!" but Rohan could not hear. It seemed that he had lost control of his legs.

Suddenly, the school became visible to him. He was now very much worried about, "How will I stop myself?". He crossed all the students who were walking to the school. But suddenly, his legs came to a halt and he began to fly near the ground as an after effect and crash-landed in front of the school gate with his face facing the pavement. Everyone near him seemed to be puzzled, though they kept on moving. His sister, along with her friend, reached him after some time after the crash landing.

Sumina asked by bending towards him, "Are you OK brother?" Rohan replied, after raising his head from the ground and sitting down on it with his legs folded, "Yeah somewhat! ... Ouch! " Sumana interrupted, "Hmm I see but... what happened to you? How could you run so fast? " Rohan seemed to be baffled by the question. There was his friend Simona and Robin present as well, who watched the entire incident. Both of them ran towards him after his landing. Simon asked, "What happened and why are you in so much of a hurry?" Rohan replied, "I was not... But I don't know how I could run so fast. " All of them were in deep water. However, the crowd didn't seem to stop moving, rather they continued to move. It could be observed that some girls and boys were laughing at Rohan while walking into the school premises.

Dong!.... Dong!.... Dong!.... Dong!.... Dong!.... Dong!.... Dong!.... Dong!.... Dong!.... Dong!.... Dong!.... Dong!.... Dong!.... Dong!.... Dong!.... Dong!.... Dong!.... Dong!.... Dong!.... Dong!.... Dong!.... Dong!.... Dong!.... Dong!.... Dong!.... Dong!

The school bell rang and the time on the big watch was 8 o'clock. Rohan stood up on the spot and all of their eyes looked in the same direction, i.e. towards the school building. It was their first high-magical academy. The academy is comprised of three buildings combined to form one main building. It looked like a skyscraper and a big clock was fitted on the building at the centre near the top. The school had a big campus and contained three different classes--from class I to class V. The class number was based on the school's system. The school also had a separate hall and a big playground. The hall was at the front of the school, near the school entrance gate, while the playground was at the back of the building. The gate outside the school bore the name--First High Magical Academy.

At the ring of the bell, all the students began to assemble in the hall. According to the notice, a welcome ceremony will be held in the hall. So, everybody began to gather around it. The hall was quite big and high inside, and it seemed that it could house the entire school at a meet. In the hall, there was a permanent stage at the front and a desk with a chair was kept on it. The desk had two mics kept on it. The seats were already arranged in the hall, so everyone took their chairs and waited for the welcome ceremony to commence. Rohan, his best friend, his sister as well as her friend sat together in the same row.

At 8:15, the entrance doors closed suddenly. There was complete darkness in the room.

"What happened? How did the door get closed? "asked one of the students. All at once, the lights in the hall turned on and all the teachers came into the hall from the spare gate near the stage. Upon entering, they formed a line in front of the stage. At the same time, a person came up on the stage. He seemed to be highly serious, which became clear from his face. He wore spectacles, a formal suit and boots. He sat down on the chair provided on the stage, held the microphone and began to deliver the speech.

"Let me introduce myself to you all. I am Michel Histon, school principal of the First Senior High Magical Academy. Welcome you all. I hope that you all have a good term ahead. " said with a smile. However, suddenly, he began to say in a serious mood, "I will not prolong the time anymore and get to the main point. I know that you all do not know about the rules and regulations of the magical high schools in our country. So I will tell them at once and only once. You all should be attentive while hearing it and should not miss any points.

"Rule No. 1: You should not break rules and must not use your MCs outside the school premises." While saying the first rule, he looked towards Rohan's sister. He seemed to know somehow that she had used her MC outside the school premises. She seemed to be guilty after hearing the first rule. The principal continued, "

You all must be disciplined during the lectures and must attentively hear and obey all your teacher's words. All your activities on your school campus will be monitored by the teachers.

School activities, exam results, strengths, physical fitness, social qualities, judgement, control of your magical power, use of your MCs, and the points that you will score in this term.

And Rule no. 4: The students who will have low marks after the end of the term exam. They will be demoted to the lower sections. There are only four sections in each class at our school--A, B, C, and D. If any student from section D gets less than the limiting marks assigned by us, he/she will be immediately removed from the school. There are a limited number of seats in each class.

The school only needs capable magicians who will be able to protect their country. There is no place for weak ones here. "He said the last line with a very scary face. Because of this, all students began to fear the system and their principal. The teachers also seemed to be quite serious about the system. However, their faces were normal and didn't show any opposition to the system. After that, the principal added two more lines and left the stage. He said, "After this, you will all have an exam that will speak about your section for the first term. So be ready and good luck... " Everyone was filled with fear and Rohan thought that he was going to have a tougher time than the rest of his friends. He began to fear the rigid system of the school.

The school system could not be really scolded as the magicians needed to be highly capable of bearing all responsibilities and defending their country. It seemed to Rohan and his gang as if they were going to have a long and tough term ahead of them this year.


After the end of the welcome ceremony, the gate to the hall reopened. An instructor came from the line of teachers. He asked the students, "All students will form a line and leave the hall. Everyone forms a line row-wise and leaves". All the students stood up and began to leave the hall by forming an unbreakable line as the last rows were joined by the subsequent rows. Except for the teacher at the gate, there was one more lady teacher who was responsible for guiding them to the main building. She said, "All of you follow me." and led them upstairs to the second floor of the main building. They entered the second floor and the teachers made fifty students sit in each class. However, it only took four classes to accommodate all the students. Rohan and his gang got into the same classroom, but the problem was that Rohan and his friends were sitting together along with Sumana, while his sister was made to sit far away from them. It seemed that she didn't like the sitting arrangement. It could be understood by looking at her face.

"Ahhhh! Why am I supposed to sit here with these two boys? "

"Please do not say that," said one boy with a sad face.

But the bad thing was that Rohan's dear enemy Susan was in the same room too. He was sitting along with his other two gang members and they were looking at Rohan, smiling and laughing at him. They were even whispering among themselves. It seemed that they were planning pranks against him.

After some time, a teacher came from the front door. All the students stood up and greeted her--"Good morning teacher". She greeted them as well--"Good Morning Students..." She didn't seem to be that serious like the principal and the rest, but being a teacher at the same school, she might have some qualities too, like her other colleagues. She said, "So, let's begin the first test of the Entrance Exam. However, let me tell you the rules first.

This is a pen-paper exam and you will be given some questions to solve.

2. No one should cheat, otherwise, your paper will be disqualified immediately.

These are the only rules. One more thing, there will be some more tests for your entrance exam before you are enlisted into a section. As for now, this test will be a one-hour test and you will all get the marks of the tests along with the sections at the end of the day.

Then the teacher aimed her MC at the desk, which she had worn on her wrist. The MC looked quite similar to the one Sumina had with her, but it was a little different. It has some extra designs on it. Suddenly, a bunch of test papers appeared on her desk from nowhere. She then closed her eyes and said, "Ahmore..." and suddenly her hand bracelet was covered with a black band and the papers turned black as well. However, instantly, the black colour faded away and the papers began to fly to the desks of each student. Everyone was surprised and it seemed that she was proficient in black arts. Each paper had set itself on the beach for each student and was ready to be written on. Suddenly, the clock struck 9 o'clock and the teacher asked the students, "Start Writing! And Best Of Luck! "

Everyone braced themselves and began to give the test. Rohan thought that the question would be based mainly on maths and science. He was a little bit prepared for them, at least he would not fail them. So, he gave his mind a little relief. But when he examined his paper, he saw that he had got a stroke of unfortunate luck. His face was pale and solemn.

"Aaaaaaaa!!! What is this? "

The question paper was mainly based on Magical History and Advanced Magical Science. These were the toughest subjects for Rohan and had many times become his nightmares.

The teacher said, "One more thing. Each one has got a separate test paper set to solve, so there is no way to ask others for answers or help. " Before her speech, it had already been clear to everyone that they had got a separate sheet. However, except for Rohan, others seemed to be quite satisfied with the questions they had got. But Rohan was in a big hole and was thinking about how to get out of it.

He tried to go through all the questions, but he could not solve the maximum of them, or better to say, any of them. His friends, however, tried to help him, but the questions were so tough on Rohan's sheet that they could not solve any of them. Also, it was seen that the examiner kept a good watch on Rohan and was continually roaming around his desk. She was somehow highly aware that that boy was trying his luck. It seemed that Rohan was having a hard time.

Exactly after an hour, the bell rang and the worksheet flew high in the air, moved to the teacher's desk and piled up one above another. The teacher said, "Now, your writing test ends here and all of you must go to the staircase. You all will miss Malina will be waiting for you all. She will take you to the next test centre. Then she took the test papers and left the class. Eventually, all the students began to leave the classroom as well. Some seemed to be happy and some seemed to be somewhat satisfied, but the only one who was disappointed by the question settings was our Rohan. He was looking down in his mouth and was blaming his hard fortune as it had helped him to secure the worst result. He was looking down at the floor and his face was emotionless. His friends Robin and Simon tried to relieve him of the test, but it hadn't had any effect on him. However, Robin and Simon too had a tough time, but they managed to give their cent per cent.

Rohan's gang reunited at the exit of the classroom. Looking at his face, Sumana and Sumina guessed that he could not do well in his test, so they tried to cheer him up as well, but no tricks worked on him. Suddenly, Susan and her friends came to them. Susan said, "How was your time today?"

"It's a good boss."

"And how was your Yodan?"

"I had a great time too."

"Yeah, me too," said Susan.

"And how was your time, Rohan...? I think, as usual, you have again secured the last place for yourself, LOW GRADER..."

"Stop your nuisance, Susan..."

"Why? A reserve is always a reserve and he can not do anything else with it. Am I wrong? "


"Stop Robin, let us go. He will never stop teasing us. "

"Why should I? [To his gang men] Am I telling anything wrong? "

"No, you are the correct boss. He should blame himself or his luck for his current state. " After hearing these words, Rohan began to curse his fortune even more and more. But this whole time, Rohan didn't even lookup. Sumana said, "Let us go guys, leave these bad boys. We have an exam ahead and we should not waste time talking with these bad boys. "

"Ha... ha... go... go... After all, friends of waste are also waste. You can not do anything with these losers. "

"LOSER! "Loser!" said Susan's subordinates.

Robin became extremely angry and went ahead to punch Susan, but was immediately halted by Simon. Simon said, "Do not do that. We are in school and if you hit him, it would cause trouble for us and you may even get expelled from the school on the very first day."

Rohan said, "Leave them friends. Let's go, we are getting late "while looking down towards the floor and leaving the place. Sumina and her friend followed him, along with Robin and Simon. But before leaving, Robin gave an angry look at Susan. But Susan and his gang were still smiling and laughing.

While on the way to reach the next test centre, his gang members, especially Sumina and Sumana, tried to relieve him from the test and the words of Susan and his friends, but nothing worked. He was still down in the mouth and even got more pessimistic after Susan's words. Robin said, "If I get a chance, I will surely catch him on his hip..." with anger in his face and clenching his fist.

This whole time, someone was watching Rohan from the corner of the corridor. Suddenly, she was touched by someone on her back and when she turned, "Ooh! It's you, Sima. Please do not play pranks on me. I was extremely frightened... "

"For What? And what are you looking at? "Sima said with a questioning mind and continued with a romantic set of mind, "Is there someone? Who is he? " and ran towards the corridor.

"No stop!" said Rima. But when Sima went in front of the corridor, there was no one. It was empty. She was a little confused and she took her hand and began to scrub her head, thinking about what Rima was looking at. "See, I told you that there was no one," said Rima.

"No, there had to be someone who you were looking for. Do not tell me lies. We are childhood friends and you can't hide it from me. "

"No, there was no one" and she held her one hand with the other and looked in another direction.

"Hmm! I see. So there was someone. "


The Red, white and yellow users had already been in the crowd for a long time. They had got information that many talented magicians had enrolled in this school this year, and they suspected that the burglar may be one of them. "What is with this paper test?" said Yellow.

"I think it was easy..." said White.

"Why can't it be? You have always liked reading history and science since you were a kid... "

In the meantime, Rohan and his crowd reached the next exam centre. Upon reaching their destination, they saw something strange. Everyone was wondering about the big crystal that was kept floating and revolving on an orbicular stand. There was one more round stand on the top and those two held the middle one in its position. These holders were covered in blue and some minute particles seemed to be moving from the top and bottom towards the centre. The middle one seemed to be a combination of two pyramids united together by their bases. Robin said, "Hey Simon, do you have any idea about this object?"

"NO, but I have a hunch that it has to be done something with our next test."

A teacher appeared from the back of the crystal out of the blues."Hello everyone and welcome you all to the Power Control test. In this test, we will calculate your magic potent and this will be your second test. "

Someone from the crowd raised a question, "Mam, what is this crystal doing here?"

"Haaa... I am getting to this one only. This will calculate your magic potential. " Everyone was surprised. Different thoughts ran across their minds about the crystal.

"This is just a piece of cake. I will call everyone by their names and each one of you will come here, face the crystal, raise your right hand towards it and focus on the crystal. The crystal will automatically calculate your power instantly by showing one of the three colours with the amount of your magic potent. Yellow for low-power ones, green for average magicians, and red for skilled magicians. So, now I will call you by name and he/she will come here. So, the first name is... "She checked the list in her hand and called, "Mohan..."

"Yes... Yes, mam" and he went forward and held his hand towards the crystal. Suddenly, the transparent crystal changed its colour to transparent green and it bore on it the number 2007. Yet, he seemed to be somewhat relieved. He thought, "Oh.. at least it didn't turn yellow." and went back.

"Next, Susan"

"Yes, mam," he said without hesitation.

Similarly, he went forward and held his hand towards it. He focused on it. However, in the case of Susan, the colour changed to red and it boor 10753. Everyone was taken by surprise and Susan felt more proud of herself. Consequently, for another student, it turned either red, green or yellow.

But in this case, the aliens' colours changed to white, yellow and red and they bore the numbers 15005, 17000 and 16000. The teacher was a little surprised to see that the crystal changed to white and yellow when the powers were high enough. Everyone was surprised and the teacher thought that the current crop would be very interesting. However, Susan thought that there were even some people who were capable of challenging him.

Finally, Rohan was called. He was trembling from top to bottom, but gathered some courage to stop himself from shaking. He was filled with fear only thinking about how much power he possessed.

"Yes.... mom..." Before his departure, his pack tried to give him some more courage so he would feel that he was not alone.

He reached there finally, raised his hands like the others, and focused his power on the mysterious crystal. Suddenly, the crystal began to tremble heavily and looked as if it was going to fall off the stands. And all of a sudden, the crystal turned dark black. It was pure black in colour with no transparency and contained some white dots on it. However, the most shocking fact was that it bore 'NULL' on all its four sides, and after some time, the black crystal got torn down into pieces and the holders of the crystal even lost their blue colour. The holders are grey in colour now. Everyone was severely shocked, including the examiner herself, at the sight. She had never seen this before in her whole career of twenty-three years. She said by looking at the destruction, "Such power... This crystal has been standing here for several hundred years without any scratches and it turned down to dust in no time!!! How could it happen? " Rohan was filled with fear from top to bottom by looking at the sight. His enemy, Susan, was more scared than anyone in the room. The one whom he was bulling had turned the crystal into pieces of dust.

"I think I need to report this incident. And you will need to meet us at the principal's cabinet after the end of the entrance examination. " Rohan was now counting his days at school, though he hadn't done anything wrong. However, the alien suit users began to doubt him.

"Could it be that this boy is that black suit thief?" thought white.

After this incident, the power test ended and everyone walked outside the exam centre. They were now required to go to the back of the school's main building where an underground room would be held. While walking towards the next centre, everyone was whispering about Rohan. "That boy had destroyed the crystal..."

"Yeah. Does he possess such powers or did he play dirt with the test? "

Such whispering made Rohan feel quite uncomfortable, though he had done nothing wrong.

When they reached the doors of the underground room, the gates suddenly slid apart from each other and it was completely dark inside. Suddenly, the light began to light up on both sides of the underground stairway and a voice said, "Everyone come down." All the students followed the voice and began to walk down the stairs till the end. The staircase itself, including the wall, was made of steel and it seemed that some magical spells had been cast on them for some reason. However, the spells could not be sensed by low-graded ones. When they reached the end of the staircase, a big steel entrance could be seen with a big screen fitted on top. All of a sudden, the monitor went on the face of a bulky teacher who could be seen by everyone. " Welcome everyone to the last and final test of your entrance exam. I think that you all have your MCs along with you. In this test, you will require them. All you have to do is to attack this dog's hologram depicted on the screen. With your MC and your combination of magical and physical strength, you have to attack this creature and the machines will analyse your output.

However, the dog's hologram was connected to an original alien dog species with the magical powers of the examiner. It had the physical appearance of a normal Earth street dog, but it had a single piece of long cloth winding around his two front legs and the middle part went around his neck. The piece of cloth seemed to be flying in the air and the dog was sitting on the ground with chains on it.

The dog thought, "Hahaha, these fellow creatures have been holding me here for hundreds of years. But in these past years, I have collected a huge amount of magical mana from these test students, and after this year's test, I will be powerful enough to break these barriers and to take revenge on these creatures who have kept me here so long. Come serve me and make me more powerful with your mana. "

This alien dog was captured by one of the legendary magicians who was born on this planet. He fought a great battle with it and ultimately was able to defeat this one with his magical powers.

The teacher continued, "So, I have told you every rule about the test and one by one will go inside on my call and attack the dog. Don't fear the dog will not backfire and you will get your power rating on the screen set inside, including this one.


"Aaaaah, I did it again," he thought.

"Yes... Sir."He said.

"I think it's your luck," said Simon, in a way of taunting.

"Ooooh, shut up, Simon." with a deep sigh.

The front doors opened and Mohan went inside the room. When he walked into the room, the back doors instantly closed and everything was black except for the blue hologram and the blue water.

The floor was covered with some magical water. However, it didn't cause any problems with mobility. "What is this? Ah, leave it. " He took out his glove from his multidimensional pouch and wore it on his right and set it up for the attack. Then he made himself ready for the attack and ran towards it with all his strength. On his run, he said, "Moran..." and his glove suddenly turned green in colour. At the final stage, he jumped and punched the nose of the dog with his right hand. However, the hologram didn't move, rather Mohan flew away high up in the air and fell far away from the dog on the ground. But he didn't get any hurt. He thought, "Ouch... Ah! I haven't got any injuries. It is because of this blue water, "he was surprised by the fact.

After a moment, his analysis was completed and the screen bore the number 3086.

Mohan seemed to be extremely happy with his achievement. The doors opened again and he went outside. Everyone was congratulating him on his labour. "Next Susan." Now everyone was wondering how much they would score. Just like in the case of Mohan, Susan went inside the room and the doors closed. He too took out his MC from his multidimensional pocket this time. It seemed to be a grey-coloured sword with a brown handle. Susan braced himself for the attack and the sword began to glow with a dazzling white light. Everyone was wondering about the sudden white light. Susan began to run towards the dog, said, "Waram..." and aimed at its foot and made an attempt. His sword just went through the legs of the hologram, but in his mind he was able to withstand the aftereffects. The screen now bores the number 10004.

Everyone was astonished by his achievement again. The doors opened up again and Suan went outside to see everyone. Upon his return, everyone began to praise him for his talent. However, the dog was enjoying himself the most as he was able to collect more and more mana as it was near to fulfilling its requirements.

Others also did quite well, but the aliens were even more powerful and they scored 18000, 19000 and 20000 respectively.

"Ahhh.... just one more and I will be free," it thought.

"Next, Rohan," said the man. Again, at last, Rohan was called. Rumours again began to run among the crowd about the crystal and how much he would score. This time too, the doors opened and he went inside. When the door was closed, he was standing alone in front of the dog. However, he tried not to show his fears in front of everyone. Seeing his emotions, Susan thought that this time he would surely insult himself. Rohan didn't have any MC as he had not found any suitable for him. His potential either lets the MCs get burned or destroyed. So he closed his eyes and began to run towards the dog.

"Is he trying to hit it with his bare hands?" asked one of the students outside.

"Ah, after this... no wait! Am I sensing something wrong? Such power, such potential, is he... No wait, don't come near me... " The dog began to shudder as he sensed strong mana power from him. As Rohan approached him, the dog began to feel more and more scared of him. On the other hand, Susan thought, "What is this fool thinking about? Is he going to strike me with his hands? " After something, he even tried to move away from the place, but could not break the barrier as he needed some more mana. But he suddenly began to feel that he would really die from this boy's attack. Rohan continued his run and was feeling that this time he would really be a matter of a joke. He thought, "If I could have some power..." However, the dog's intuition about death continued to grow in leaps and bounds. So, to save his life, he initiated a backfire through his hologram. He opened his mouth during the last phase of Rohan's attack. And when Rohan hit it in his mouth, where it was backfiring, suddenly all the screens went off. "Ahh, what happened?" Everyone was tense and worried about the results, including the aliens.

All at once, the screens went back online. And the dog was found to be turned upside down. Everyone was surprised, including the teacher. Seeing the dog's estate, the teacher came running down from the observatory to the hall and when he reached, he found that the dog was dead. He could sense its fading mana. The screens had now been showing Rohan's analysis and the 9s continued to fill the screen from corner to corner. When the screens were full of 9s', it changed its frame and showed the absurd result again, i.e the word---' NULL'.

Everyone was astounded and Susan even became more afraid of him. And the doubt of the other suit users became even deeper.

"What is this?" shouted Susan.

Actually, after it initiated backfired, he left his physical body so that he could be safe and reduced the impact with the mana that it had collected till now to safeguard him. However, in the case of Rohan, the black suit had shown his powers again. To defend his user and to fulfill his needs, it had covered Rohan's hand with its black colour and gave immense power to his punch, which had not only prevented Rohan from the attack but also killed the physical body of the dog along with the barriers.

However, this time the teacher didn't say anything. not even scolded him for his actions. He said, "You can go now..."

Rohan was surprised by his reaction. "Really sir...?"

"Yeah, but I have to report it to the principal." He left the room. After his departure, the gates opened and, without any more words, he went outside.

On the other hand, in the Principal's Cabin, an old man was sitting with Histon. They were having a cup of Japanese tea. "So this is the case..." said Histon with a frown on his face.

"I think you have understood it head to tail," replied the old man.

"Sir, sir!!!" said a voice outside the door of the cabin.

"Come in!" After getting his permission, she rushed into the cabinet and was panting for breath.

"One student!... One student! ... has destroyed the ancient old test crystal and killed the dog who was kept under the seals till now. "

The principal was quite shocked but seemed to know this would happen. Then he turned his face towards him and asked the old man, "So, it has begun..."

The old man didn't reply but gave a big smile in return.


Over time, Cizilians have made their way into our Milky Way Galaxy. They had received frequent strong signals from this one about the Black Suit and the Commander DIYer was very much sure that someone had obtained it by this time. They had entered our Milky Way Galaxy with full force and an army and were now searching for the user of the Black suit. For that, they created many small parties and sent them to search for it in different parts of the galaxy. In the meantime, he was also aware that the Ten Master's clan had sent the Red, White and Yellow suit users in search of the legendary weapon. So, they crept into the Galaxy so silently that their plan to capture the Black suit would not be revealed in front of the council and he could easily capture it.

"What is the status? Has there been any updates? "asked the DIYer.

"Negative, Sir. Our Operation teams had been searching for any piece of clue and info, but it seemed that they had to toil even more. "

"Order them all in haste. I want that black suit as soon as possible. After that, If I capture him, I will execute him and take away all his legendary powers and become the ultimate king. Then the suit would belong to me only and I would be unstoppable. Even the ten master's clan could not cause any harm to me. "

"Sir, I have just received information about the weapon. It states that the weapon's signal was caught again in the direction of the solar system, the Andropadesia and the Quashia systems. "

"Command all investigation troops to advance immediately towards these systems and search each one of the planets. Aaaaah! BLACK SUIT USER, HERE I COME... " and gave a dirty smile.

On the other hand, among the homo sapiens, the other users were still in school. They were together at the school cafeteria. Yellow was having a taste of the food in the cafeteria while Red was searching for more info about the homo sapiens and White was in deep thought. The white user suddenly received something. Her face was suddenly filled with horror. Suddenly, Red's eyes fell on her face. Seeing her attitude, he asked, "What happened to White? Why are you so tense? "

"It is not good!!"

"What?" yellow asked.

"The future!... The future had been divided into seven paths. "

"Seven paths? Why? Is there any problem? "

"Yes, there is... the future has seven branches, each ranging from the best to the worst. If the worst future befalls us, the universe's fate would be at stake. "

"If that's the case, I think we should hurry up our quest and find the Legendary weapon holder as soon as possible. However, who do you two suspect? "

"I think it is the boy who had scored well but less than the unknown guy. As I recollect, everyone calls him Susan. I did so as I felt that he was holding back and had tried to use that power just a little bit so that he could at least test the suit and raise his pride among his other classmates.. "said Red.

"However, I think it was an unknown boy on the other day. He destroyed the pyramid type crystal and even killed that dog with a bare punch. I don't think that it is a common thing. Nevertheless, who do you suspect White? "

She was in deep thought when she came to reality. On Yellow's question, she said, "I dunno, but at least I can tell you surely that if we don't hurry, we will be in grave danger."

Suddenly, all the speakers on the campus turned on and someone began to say, "I want to apologize to all the candidates that due to a sudden technical failure, we wouldn't be able to post the class sheet today. So your marks along with your section will be displayed on the notice board tomorrow. So, please cooperate with us. Thanks... "

Everyone was very curious about their performance reports, but this announcement had converted their curiosity into sadness.

"AAAAAAA! I have been very much excited about seeing my section and marks, "someone among the crowd spoke up with a deep sigh.

"Do not make such a sad face, we will know about it by tomorrow." said one friend.

"What do you think might have happened, White?"

"I dunno, but from now, every action will count and we shouldn't make any mistakes..." She seemed very serious about the matter.

On the other hand, after everyone left the campus, Rohan was filled with sweat from top to bottom. He was standing outside the door of the principal's cabin all alone. As the school had already ended, no one was allowed to stay there except for Rohan for today. He raised his hand towards the door, knocked on it and asked, "Sir, may I come in?" A grave voice came from inside, "Come in." But before he could open the door, someone came out from inside. It was an old man! His head was full of white hair and he carried along with him a staff that supported him at his age. His face could not be seen clearly and his eyes were taken over by his hair. His nose was long and big and his teeth had some cavities in them. He said, "BEST OF LUCK." and left the place. However, Rohan was quite puzzled by the phrase of the old man. All at once, one more voice came from inside, which had asked him not to stay outside.

When he entered, he saw Miss Malina and Sir Kohankar were standing there along with Principal Histon. Histon was looking out the window. Malina was looking down with a shocked face and Kohankar had been standing there with closed eyes as if he was meditating. The room was filled with deep silence.

Rohan spoke up and broke the silence, "Good morning principal... and... good morning teachers." Hearing his voice, Kohankar opened his eyes and looked at him. Rohan was extremely scared and his scarceness had been further increased by Malina's sudden shout, "FINE!" After that, she gave an angry look at Rohan and went outside. Kohankar followed her, but before he left, he asked the boy, "Are you, Rohan?" Rohan replied with some hesitation, "... Yes..."

Then Kohankar gave a deep breath of sigh and said, "Just leave it." and then he departed from the place as well. Rohan was completely puzzled by those two's sudden expressions and continued to graze at Kohankar as he left the place and closed the door.


"Yes... Yes, sir"

"I have heard of your mischiefs in the capacity and power tests and I am gravely disappointed with your behaviour." He was still looking through the window, but with his eyes closed now.

"Sir, I have not done anything... It was just an accident... I, myself, didn't know how I did it or how it could happen, but I swear I will not do it again... Please sir, pardon me this time... "

"Stop making reasons!" he said, unlocked his eyes and then turned back. He seemed to be more serious than at the welcome ceremony. "Your actions have forced me to take immediate action against you. Whatever marks you might have got or whichever class you may have been enlisted in as being the Principal of this school, I declare that you will be enlisted in section D of the first year. "

Rohan became very shocked and disappointed. His face was pale and white. He lifted his leftover courage and asked the principal, "Sir, please forgive me. I will not do it again, I promise. However, the principal turned out to be very rigid in his decision and said, "You are dismissed for now. From tomorrow, your regular academic class will start and do not be late. "while looking straight into his eyes and then turning back towards the windowpane.

Without any more words, Rohan left the room with melancholy. When he reached outside the cabin and closed the door, he began to blame his hard luck in his mind, as it had again shown its true nature. He left the empty school when the main clock showed 6 p.m. He began to walk towards his home all alone. On his journey, he suddenly met his competitor, Susan, and her gang. They were standing at the junction of two streets. Susan was leaning against the wall and his two subordinates were standing near him. Rohan stopped at once as he felt something was wrong. Just a second later, he saw a group of college students appear out of the blue in front of him from the other side of the street.

"So, he is Rohan?" asked one of them while pointing at him.

"No doubt he is," said Susan.

"I have heard a rumour that you have destroyed the ancient old test crystal and exterminated the dog with just your bare hands in your entrance exam."

It was just an accident. I didn't do it on purpose... "

"Aaaah! When did we tell you that you had done it on purpose? We want to be your friends. " He left the others and began to advance towards him.

"Friends?" Why would you prefer me as your friend? "

"You see... We have been searching for a powerful guy for a long time who will join us and help us take revenge on a group of people. As a matter of chance, As we heard that you did such wonderful work and had such strength, we could not hold ourselves anymore and came here. "

"Say buddy, would you like to join us?" And as he reached him, he kept his arm firmly around his neck.

"Why should I?" Rohan said with apprehensive words.

"Well... we friends will go for a long drive, have some street fights, have parties, do some adult-like things, and enjoy ourselves to our heart's content."

"Sorry... but my parents have told me that only bad boys do these types of work and I don't want to be a bad one."

"Ooooo... I think you are insulting us." and all of a sudden, he pushed him aside and gave him a punch in Rohan's face. As a result of this sudden attack, Rohan staggered and fell back on the ground. He looked like a fish out of water and all of the other students began to laugh at him. "Listen boy, if you come with us, we will forgive you and if you deny it, then..." and he clenched his fist. Rohan was still having a huge pain. Suddenly, a girl appeared on the street. The college student who bet Rohan asked, "Who are you?" while looking at her.

"She replied, I have just come to take him from here."

"Aaaaah! So, come and try it "as he moved aside from her way and a dirty smile at her.

The girl, without any hesitation, went forward, crossed the boy and reached Rohan. As soon as she bent forward to give him a hand, the college student made his attempt to beat her. But suddenly, the girl disappeared as she sped to the other side of Rohan and again she gave her hand. Seeing her speed, the big boy was surprised as well as Rohan, and he said, "What?... So you want to play? No worries, we will all play with you. Come on guys, let's show her our power " Then each one of them came forward and tried to beat her. But the girl was dogging

every of their attacks. No one's attack connected with her. Seeing that a little high school girl was dogging every attack by college boys, the first one became very angry. He promptly took his bat from the inner back of his shirt and went towards her, swinging at her head. But when he tried to strike her with his bat, the girl swiftly defended herself with her right-hand elbow and the bat broke into two pieces. She smiled at his astonished face and now began to backfire, starting with the one who hit her just then. Her movements were fast and her power was amazing. It seemed the girl was a black belt and a highly skilled magician, unlike Rohan. One by one, she continued to take out all of the boys' fights. A moment later, all of them were on their knees or lying on the ground. The sight was really terrifying. Observing that every big one was down, Susan left that place with his gang instantly, like a timid cat.

"So, do you all leave us or do you want to have more fun? Do you??? " Seeing her scary face, all the college students ran away from the place with the shame of being beaten up by a high school girl, saying "MONSTER! MONSTER!" as they ran away. The first one even left his broken bat and ran away.

"Do I really look like a monster?!!" she whispered to herself with a shocked face. Then she turned and went towards Rohan. She went near him and increased her hand towards him with a smiling face. Rohan wiped out his tears and accepted her hand with the same smiling face and stood up. He bid her thanks and she replied to him, "Welcome." with the same face and began to walk away from the place.

"Hey, before you go, could you please tell me your name?"

Hearing his words, she turned back and said, "My name is Sohana." The girl was very beautiful and her beauty became even more prominent at sunset. She was wearing a school uniform. Her uniform consisted of black girl's school shoes, white knee-long socks, a white skirt with red lines on it at regular intervals, a red female shirt which reached up to her wrists, and a violet tie. Her hair was long and it was a golden colour. Her face had a light pink lipstick and her eyes and nose were very beautiful. It seemed that if she had participated in the Miss Universe contest at that very age, she could have owned it easily.

However, the uniform of Rohan consisted of black shots and a red shirt which, like the girl's one, reached up to the wrist and a violet tie. His hair was short like the rest of the boys, but it was brown in colour. He was also a somewhat handsome, good-looking one.

Seeing the girl's beauty, Rohan somewhat seemed like it. And then, with some hesitation, he left the place as he began to go back, but suddenly he stopped and said, "Hey... one more time, thanks for your help..."

"No problem, it is my pleasure." and then both of them went on their path.

It was around 11 p.m. that the suit users were going to meet at the tallest building in the city. The red and yellow suit users were on time, but it seemed that the white users had not come till now.

"Here she comes," said Red, and a girl appeared in front of them. What!!!! It was the same girl who saved Rohan today from those college students.

"Have you got any info about the black suit users?" asked the yellow.

"Negative, but we have to find him quickly. I can see the continuous sifting of the future. Notwithstanding, a piece of good news for some time was moving in the wrong direction, but suddenly it shifted towards a good one. I think something must have happened with the Black Suit. "

"So, I think there is nothing to fear that much, do we?"

"Yes! There is! The future could shift again and the worst case could befall us, even including this planet. "

"So, we have to try again hard this time and find him," said Yellow.

"One more thing! I had a dream about the user. The maximum thing that I can say is that it is he, i.e. a male user. "

"Hmm... I think it reduces our search area. Thanks for the info. "


It was 7 o'clock in the morning.

Tring! Tring! Tring! Tring! Tring! Tring!

"Someone please stop this hell clock! I want to sleep some more "and got his pillow to block his ears while the clock continued to ring in the background.

"Rohan! Wake up, otherwise you will be late for the first academic class. " Then his mother began to go downstairs and continued to complain, "I have so much work to do----wash all of the clothes, prepare breakfast, clean the house,...."

Despite his mother's order, he continued to lie on his bed. He was in deep thought, "Many things have happened to me till now. The black suit, the black crystal, the dog and now class D. I do not know how I will face my friends and Susan when they find out that I have landed in the last class. I know Susan will surely taunt me, even more, this time! What should I do now? " He closed his eyes again. Suddenly,

"Rohan!!!" He fell from his bed due to that loud shout from downstairs.

"Coming Mom."

"You should not waste time here, otherwise you will be late," a voice told Rohan. It was the same as that of the black suit the other day, but Rohan couldn't recognise it.

"Uh! Who are you? " and there was complete silence which was broken by--

"Rohan! Will you come down or will I come up? "an angry voice from his mother. She was standing downstairs and was calling her son for breakfast. She was wearing a blue apron and was carrying a large spoon with which she was making a secret soup for breakfast. She had black hair that covered her whole neck and bore a skin colour that ranged from wheatish to white, but not completely either of them. Her face was beautiful too.

"Coming, coming, mom!" He got up, made himself leave his nightdress and put the school one on him. He then went downstairs where his mother was no longer standing and advanced straight towards the kitchen.

As he entered, he saw his mother was preparing breakfast. She was on the last stage of preparation. His sister, who was eating the toast provided by her mother, and his father, who was covered by the newspaper, were having milk tea.

"Good morning, papa, mom and sister."

"Good morning..." replied all of them in their respective positions.

"As usual, you are always late," said his big sister while staring at him as he advanced towards his seat and got down.

"Do not blame me. I was doing my school homework late last night due to which I was not able to wake up on time. "

"Oooooo, I see... By the way, brother, what was the school homework? '

"School homework was... Uuuuuh! AAAA... " He had forgotten that they hadn't started the academic term of school and today they were going to do it.

"Brother, you do not know how to tell lies..." his sister sighed.

"That is not the case."

"By the way, do you know about the class list?"

"NO, I haven't. I didn't get such. Have you? "

"Same here..." giving a smiley face with her tongue out of her mouth.

Suddenly, BHROO! BHROO!

"I think I got an email."

"Me too."

When they checked. Sumina seemed to be quite surprised, but it was not the case with Rohan. When he saw the letter 'D' in his email, he only just turned to watch his sister's expression if she had glanced at it. But it seemed to be a usual expression. It looked like she hadn't peeped at him. She was wandering through her email, looking for the class list.

"What is it? Anything important? "said his mother.

"Nothing special... It is just an advertisement, "said his sister.

"Today, advertisements are increasing leaps and bounds and even the salesman somehow manages to make us buy their product," said her mother while thinking about yesterday's salesman who sold her a women's cream easily.

However, his sister closed the email and put it in her multidimensional bag.

After finishing the tea, his father said, "Hmm... It is about time that we get going. So, now let's stand up. "

"Wait, I have been preparing this soup for you all. Please get it over before you get out. " As she turned, ribbons of violet vapour band seemed to be coming out of it.

When she served the soup in each of the bowls, Each of them saw something really awful. The soup was brown in colour. A paneer and fish skeleton popped out suddenly in each of them and was quite ridiculous in its smell.

"What is this mom doing?" Sumina gathered her courage and asked her.

"This is my special soup and I call it Super Delux Shuro special Fish Paneer!"

"What's with that name and 'Shuro'!!?" Each of them cried.

"I have thought it over and over and I got this name. I have really worked hard on the recipe and I hope you will like it. "

Each of them was in grave danger, only thinking about how to escape from it.

Suddenly, Rohan's father came up with an idea: "Aaaah, I am getting late. If I can not report on time, my boss will fire me. So bye everyone... "and he ran outside.

"Aaaah! I think Sumana is waiting for me outside, so I will leave too. Brother, I will leave this to you! " and she followed the same example. Now only Rohan is left there.

"Will you drink it all for me, Son?" As he was kind-hearted, he could not deny anyone's request. He looked at the splendid awful soup, gathered his courage and drank the first bowl.

"Yeah! You have finished it. Now take the second one. " She handed over the next one and it was the successive one.

"Aaaaah Aaaaah" as he was breathing heavily as he finished all of them off.

"So what was it?"

"It... was... good..." as his words trembled in his speech and he was about to vomit.

"I knew you would like it," she said, and he began to go outside while his mother continued to praise herself.

As he struggled to get outside, he said, "So, did you drink them all?" His sister was leaning against the compound wall.

"What can I do? I had no other choice... And even none of you two had helped me out! " He fell before he could reach the gate.

"I knew it..." as she smiled at the fact.

"So, let us not waste time and get going," as she gave her hand to him.

He gazed at his sister's expression. He accepted the hand with pleasure and got up. "So let us get going," said his sister.

"Yeah.." and both of them began to advance towards the school. The day was just like the previous one---peaceful neighborhood, a thief cat, a shinny sun, and a clear sky.

Suddenly, that voice sounded again, "Being kind is tough, right?" Rohan turned his head around and started to look for someone unknown in his surroundings, but there was none. He seemed to be quite familiar with the voice but couldn't recognise it at that moment.

"What happened to my brother?" asked his sister as she noticed something unusual in his behaviour.

"No, nothing." However, his answer didn't seem to be accurate to his sister as he still continued to graze at his surroundings with glancing eyes.

"What are you looking for?" asked the voice again.

But this time, Rohan didn't give any type of response, rather he thought, "Who are you?". The voice replied, "What? You can't recognise me. Ah! What a forgetful child you are! "in a sense of mocking.

"It is not the answer to my question!" he replied harshly in his thoughts.

"Do be a cruel boy. Have you forgotten me? I am the black suit... with whom you are talking to. Do you remember anything? Our meeting? Our conversation? Have you forgotten everything? " Rohan tried to remember it by giving stress to his memory and, after a long time, wandering in his thoughts, he said in his thoughts, "Oooo... I got it. You are the previous one from the back of the mountains of the city. "

"O Gosh!Finally, you have recognised me. "sighing at the fact.

"So, why are you communicating with me?" Rohan asked in thought.

"Ah again! I told you previously that you are the chosen one and it is my duty to serve you. You don't remember anything! You are so foolish, blunt-headed, an idiot and a forgetful boy. " He couldn't bear the insults. As a result, he shouted, "Stop insulting me, and you are an idiot." However, he forgot that his sister was also present at the scene.

She heard him. "Brother, why are you shouting? And did you call me an idiot just now? I didn't expect this from you... " She sobbed and ultimately began to cry with her face covered by her hands. "Sister, I was not calling you an idiot. I was just... "but she didn't hear any of him and began to run towards the school. "Sister wait!"

"Go and stop her!" said the voice.

"You do not need to tell me that!" he thought and shouted again, "Sister wait!" and began to chase her."Sister stop!" he said repeatedly, but she continued on her own. Suddenly, Sumana appeared from the other side of the street at the junction, but she didn't stop. Sumana saw her running blindly towards her, yet she tried to resist it, but due to lack of time, she couldn't do so. As a result, Bang! and both of them collided and fell to the ground. Luckily, no one got severe injuries," Aaah... Sumina! You should not run blindly on the road. " But all at once, her eyes slid down her face and continued, "Sumina, what happened? Why are you crying? "

"Sister, Sumana, are you two OK?"

"Hey, why is your sister crying?" asked Sumana politely. Rohan replied, "It was a misunderstanding and I didn't call her an idiot."

"What?! You called your sister an idiot! No brother would do that. " as her politeness transformed into harshness.

"I said it was a misunderstanding... I didn't do it on purpose. "

"So what was it?" Sumina asked with an angry face.

"How can I explain it? You see... I was only talking to myself, but somehow I spoke some words aloud. " However, Sumina believed Rohan for some reason and said, "OK this time I will forgive you again, but next time if you do such things, I will never talk to you!" with an angry tone and moving her face away from his sight.

"OK! I will try to resist myself from doing that stuff again, "said Rohan.

"Let us get going now," and then she wiped her tears, got herself up and began to move towards the school again.

"Hey, Sumina How much are you excited about today? "

They began to discuss even more among themselves, leaving Rohan behind.

And just a moment later, nothing could be understood by her face. No one could ever say that she was crying just a few minutes ago.

Rohan thought, "Girls and their talks. How could they talk so much? "

"So you are again kicked out of the group like the previous time?" asked the voice.

"It is none of your concern. Wait... How are you talking to me? " Rohan thought.

"I am now connected to you and can hear every word of yours. You can say that I have become one of your parts. "

"What?! Wait, I will not allow you. "

"What can you do Robi?"


"Yeah, from now I will call you Robi."

"Stop calling me that!"

"Robi! Robi! Robi!"

"Wait, once you come outside, I will make you pay."

Meanwhile, seeing Rohan's strange acts, Sumana whispered, "Hey, Sumina, why is your brother acting weird? Is he ill? "

"Uh!" She noticed his state for a while and said, "I think it might be due to her mother's Super Delux Shuro special Fish Paneer soup."

"Uuuuh! What is this? "

"I dunno, I have not waited to taste it. It seemed quite awful and ridiculous to me. And now I think it might be a side effect. "

On the other hand, after a long thought argument, the voice said, "Ok, I will stop calling Robi!"

"That's OK now."

"OK, as I am a part of you, could you give me a name?"

"Ok aaaaa.... The Black suit?"

"It is my original name, fool!"

"Ok, leave it... How about Wimon? "


"The first time I saw you was a white light in the black sky and I found you at the back of the mountains. That's why Wimon! "

"Sounds logical! OK, I take it. "

"Ok, Wimon, let's head towards school," thought Rohan with an energetic outlook. However, his expression seemed to be more confusing than the other two. "I think your brother is really ill. I think we should really take him to a hospital. Sumina didn't reply, rather she gave a deep sigh.

After a long walk, they reached school. Upon their arrival, they saw a large crowd of students in front of the notice board, which attracted their attention. "I think that there is something important. Let's go and check it out, "said Sumana.


"Hey, did you notice something? Everyone is looking at us? " said Sumina to Sumana while advancing towards the notice board.

"Yeah... I noticed that the air around us was filled with laughter and mirth, "said Sumana. Seeing this atmosphere, all three of them felt somewhat uneasy.

"Why are they watching us?" thought Rohan, "Has someone pasted something on our back?" as he tried to look at his back, including the other two, but nothing was there as usual. "Then what must be the reason? Do not tell me that... "that horror future thought ran across his mind," Is the class list put up there? On the notice board? " His face was full of fear. Yet they continued to move without stopping by the atmosphere and when they reached, all three of them were standing at the back of a group of students. Everyone was searching for their class on the list.

"Hey, how will we get through?" Sumana asked.

"Let's see." Sumina thought for a second and replied swiftly, "Ha! An Idea! "

"What is it?" asked her friend. Sumina replied, "Just wait and watch." and walked away to a certain distance away from them. She stopped at an empty spot and shouted with surprise, "Hey! Whose money is lying here? " Hearing these words, the crowd suddenly shouted by looking in her direction, "Money!... Where? Where? "as they ran towards Sumina, where she had found them. On reaching the spot, each of them began to search the area. Seeing this mob dispersed by the trick, Rohan said with a sigh, "I didn't think that this cheap trick would have worked for magicians..." and Sumana said in reply, with the same sigh, "After all, magicians are humans too... and your sister is a master of these tricks."

After some time, Sumina returned to them while leaving the rest of the party in search of the lost money. She said, "So let's go in and search for the results." and both of them replied with the same sighing face, "Hmmm..." and approached the class list. When they reached the list, both of them seemed fascinated by the class in which they were going to be. The two began to search for their names from the class A list, whereas Rohan looked to have found his name instantly, but he didn't show any signs to the other two.

Their search continued for a long time, while Rohan thought about the consequences of their enlistment. Suddenly, the colour of their faces began to fade away when they could not find their names on the first two sheets.

"I think we will at least be in section C," Sumana said.

"Yeah, me too." But suddenly, when they couldn't find their names in that list, their faces turned pale white.

"Don't tell me... Are we in...?" Their faces were filled with horror and when they checked the D list, they found their names. They were written in the very first column of the class list.

"What!?... How could it be, Sumana? How could we end up in class D? " Her voice was trembling. Her body was trembling. She had never imagined that she would end up in the last class. It appeared to her that all her hard work had gone down the drain.

"I don't know either... How could we? We had studied so hard for the exams and our net result was this!, "she looked down on the ground as well as down at her mouth and continued with a sad face," This is the result that we had got!...". They began to sob about this matter. At that time, Rohan was very much disappointed with his sister and her friend. He knew that they had worked really hard. Those hard-working days of his sister flashed in his inward eye. He remembered the days of primary school when his sister used to study hard till night most of the days while he was sleeping in his bed.

Suddenly, he remembered Susan, his dear enemy, and thought about which class he would be in. And when he tried to search for it, it took just a glance that he found his name written just below Sumana, in the third place. He thought, "How could it be? As long as I know, he had done well in the exam. So, how could he end up in the last class? "with a shocked face.

Suddenly, a cry came from behind of them, "Hey, losers are finding their names on the class list! I barely think that they would be able to even pass the entrance test... "said Susan with an evil smile. "You said it right, boss," said the other two. However, the boss let us search for our names too, "said one of his apprentices. Susan replied, "Yeah... Why not? I know surely that I will be enlisted in the first section." and went towards the board. He pushed aside Rohan, who was standing in his way just in front of the board, still watching the lower part of the notice board.

"A" as he searched. He searched carefully in the chart for his name. But suddenly,...

"What! Where is my name?????! Have they forgotten to include my name? Why is my name not included in the A's list? "

"It seems that they have made a mistake while making this chart... Hey, Forman, let us check our names, "said one of his acquaintances.

Just after a second of searching, a burst of joy came from the other one, "Yeah, I have found my name... It is in section B. Yeah, I have been enlisted in this school! " The first one also cried with the same enjoyment, "Yeah, I am too in section B... We are in the same class, Forman. "

"Yeah, Raman!" Then they turned towards Susan and continued, "Boss have your on..." but suddenly stopped by seeing his face. His face was pale white when he found out his name was on the list. His body was trembling and his eyes were wide open. When both of them looked in the same direction as Susan, they got startled too. His name was written on the same list as that of Rohan's. He could not speak for a moment and suddenly burst off with an angry face. "How could I be with such a loser like him??!" he screamed at Rohan by pointing towards him.

"Stop it, Susan," interrupted Sumina, "It is a fact and we have to accept it."

"ACCEPT!! I couldn't accept the fact that I and this one, "pointing towards Rohan and continuing," are on the same level. I want to retest. I will complain about this fact. " Rohan bored all the insults without saying anything in return. However, the crying continued, "I WANT RETEST!!!"

Suddenly, a voice came from behind. "It is not possible! Once the results are published, you can not alter them, "said a woman. When all of them turned towards her, they saw a pretty and very beautiful lady. She had long black hair which reached below her back and had an attractive nature. She was wearing the same dress as all the school females were wearing. She continued, "The school's system is efficient and every decision is final and correct. You can't alter the list once it is published. "


"No more talk! As you have got the section, go and get into the class, "said the woman.

"Tch." and he began to walk away from the place after giving Rohan a dirty look.

After he left, "Thank you..." said Rohan.

"No problem..." said the beautiful one.

"However, who is that boy?" by looking in the direction of Susan.

"His name is Susan. He is one of my classmates. He was to be enlisted in the first class but ended up with me. " Rohan continued with a sad face, "He was not satisfied with the class results and being in the same class as me. That's why he was fighting with us." As soon as she saw his sadness, she tried to turn his mind away from the fact, "By the way, myself, Rohima. Nice to meet you, "she said with a smile and then lifted her hand towards him in the sense of a handshake. Rohan saw her smiley face. It was bright and a good one. He gave her his hand. "Nice to meet you too, Rohima. Myself, Rohan, and there is my sister Sumina. " Sumina said, "Hello!" Rohan continued, "and this is my sister's friend, Sumana.". Sumana said, "Hi!" Rohan continued, "We are in the same class in this academic term."

Rohima replied with a happy face, "I see... I hope that you will have a wonderful academic session ahead. By the way, which class are you all in? "

Rohan replied, "We are in class 1-D."

"Oooo..." she said with a surprise.

"President!" cried a distant voice and the girl turned towards her.

All three of them were a little shocked. They didn't think that she was the president of the student council.

"Sorry, I have to go now. If you three have any more problems, just contact me, OK? "

"Yeah, sure," said Rohan. Then she bid them goodbye and left the place.

"I didn't think that the student council president would help us on the very first day," said Sumina. Rohan replied, "Yeah... "with a voice of confusion.

"Ok, let's now head towards our class. The school bell will ring anytime soon, "said Sumana.

"Hmm... By the way, in which direction is our class? "

"I didn't know that. I think we should ask someone. " Before Sumina could say anything, suddenly Rohan interrupted and said, "Hey look there! A signboard! "


"There! Near the corner! See. "

"Yeah, there is one. And something is written on it. I think it is 1-D. "

"Yes, I think so too."

"Let's head there." and all of them went towards it, the signboard. When they reached near it, they observed that the board was blue in colour with a grey colour border near the end of all four sides. In the centre, there was a big arrow pointing towards the right direction and written on it was 1-D in black colour.

"I think we should go in that direction," said Sumina, pointing towards the direction of the right side of the school's main building, towards the playground. "Let's go." as they followed the direction prescribed on it. After some walking, they reached the right side of the school building.

"Playground!" exclaimed Rohan with confusion.

"No, wait! Look there! Another sign! "said Sumina.

"I think we should follow it too," added Sumana.

"Ok, let's go." and again went on to follow it.

Suddenly, when they reached there, they saw an underground tunnel and the sign beside it was identical to the previous one except that it was pointing down towards the tunnel.

"Do we have to go inside it?!" asked Rohan with confusion.

"We have no time to waste. and there is no other way. Let's do it." said Sumana. "Let us hurry and get inside it."

When Rohan stepped forward towards the gate of the underground tunnel, the gate opened and the dark inside was lit with flame torches one by one from inside.

"Do we really have to get inside?" asked Rohan again. But this time none of the two answered and got inside before him. The wall of the tunnel was made up of earth and flame torches were hanged on it at regular intervals. However, the staircase was made of stone.

"I couldn't sense any enchantments here," said Sumana.

"Me too," replied Sumina, and all three of them continued downwards. When they reached the lowest level of the staircase, they were shocked to see the sight. There was nothing down in the tunnel except a staircase that led outside the tunnel to the ground again.

"What is this!!" cried Rohan with an awful face.

"I dunno, but we have to hurry. We couldn't stand here. " After saying this, Sumina began to run outside the tunnel while the other two followed her. When they reached the end, they saw that they were on the rear side of the school building in the same place--the playground. They seemed to be quite exhausted and startled by the fact.

"What are we doing here?" asked Rohan with confusion.

"See another sign!" said Sumana.

"Where?" asked Sumina.

"There! towards the left side of the school building. "

Suddenly, the school bell rang.

Tring! Tring! Tring! Tring!

"We have to hurry, otherwise we will be late on the first day." and all three continued to run. When they reached there, they saw that this one was not identical to the previous one. Something was written on it.

The classroom for 1-D is on the fourth floor of the main building.

"What!!!! So what was this all this time!? "cried Rohan with annoyance.

"We should not stop here! The school bell had already rung and the classes would start any time soon. "as all three of them began to run towards their classroom. They crossed to the front side of the school and entered the main building. No one had entered their classes. The courtyard was empty and everyone was sitting in their classes, except three of them. All three of them entered the building, kept their shoes in their respective lockers, wore their school shoes and departed towards the classroom. They climbed four floors, utilizing the staircase, and finally reached their class floor. They seemed to be very exhausted due to the long journey, but couldn't stop at that time.

"Hurry! We have almost reached the classroom, "said Sumina while running in front. They kept on running towards their classroom. Suddenly, they saw a small board with 1-D on the top of a class.

"Finally we have found it," said Rohan, while they kept on running and reached the front door and opened it. Sumina apologized first, "Sorry, the teacher is a bit late," with an exhausted voice. But suddenly, they realised that there was no teacher in the classroom and everyone was sitting in their places. They were just looking at the faces of the latecomers. However, all three of them were a bit surprised to know that their teacher was late. Each one of the six eyeballs glanced at every part of the classroom to search for their teacher. But none of them found her. They seemed to be quite relieved. But suddenly,... A shadow was cast on the back of each of them and all three were filled with horror and were imagining what it was.