"I don't see any papers that said we did...you're gonna freeze in there" He knocked several times and sat up, his butt hurt from sitting for too long.
"You accusing me of being loose is pretty shallow"
"You seem to take a liking to shallow people" She bit back and sneezed.
"How would you know that?"
He winced when he heard the water running and went back to bed, his condition was getting worse and she made it clear that she would rather freeze to death than face him.
At four am, he woke up feeling much better nonetheless weak and dizzy after stanfing up, he scowled when he stepped on water, there was a huge puddle that spread even under the carpet and the other side of the was empty.
"What are you playing at?"
He knocked on the door and placed his ear on it, the water was still running and there was no response no matter how he yelled or hit the door. He lost color, the door could only be locked from the inside.
He slammed the door with his shoulder and kicked, it rattled, and the hinges creaked. He wheezed as if his lungs were made of paper and recoiled at the pain.
"Keira, can you hear me?... Keira!"
He backed away ran into the door and tumbled in the bathtub, gasping and coughing out water, he turned off the taps, rolled out, and found her on the floor, afraid of how pale she was, like a dead body.
Her pulse was weak, he coughed and performed CPR, she was still too cold, placing her in the bathtub still full of warm water, water poured down the sides and he slipped on the wet floor.
"Wake up!"
He scrambled to the bed and slipped grabbing her phone to call 911.
Winston shook his head at Logan as he dabbed the wound on his temple. Winston was his old friend and ran his residence as a certified MD.
"How does a lady get hypothermia in your own house?"
"How is she?"
"Not fine. For her to lock herself up you must've scared her to death."
The hospital gave him more chills and even the covers weren't thick enough to keep it away. How was he going to explain the scenario without sounding like an imbecile?
"Were you mooning again?"
"You always find the best way to drive me nuts don't you?"
"I'm just curious, there's a man who's outside and he looks like he wants to give you a beat down and I wonder who brings a toddler to a hospital if he's not going to get treated"
"It's very uncomfortable and I just might take that beating if it's going to put me in a coma"
Winston looked serious and took off his stethoscope.
"Logan, some of the toughest nurses I know were crying, she almost died."
Logan covered his face at the news, he messed up, how was he going to live with himself?
"If you're going to maneuver your way into a girl's heart how about not trying to put her in shock"
He groaned when Winston turned up the heater and let the visitor in.
The man who entered looked about twenty years older, his thick eyebrows lowered to his intense black eyes.
"Are you a friend of the family?" Winston asked with a charming smile.
"God Forbid if I will be, I'm Finn Miller, Keira's uncle"