Chapter 2: The Truth

After Arthur's tragic death, Bear and his men went back to Antanya to inform the king and Edward that Arthur Aragon is dead, Frederic was sad to hear it because he really wanted Arthur to join him but the king and his family consoled him and told him that he has a new family now.

Two years later from the current events, the kingdom of Naples has grown and expanded its territories, king Henry wanted to conquer the other kingdoms and be the king of all kingdoms, he became arrogant of how strong his army became thanks to the cooperation of Edward and Frederic in leading the army and the fear of the other kingdoms of him so he started several wars with them and won them all, no one was brave enough to face him, until finally someone decided to, a mysterious man with a nice small beard wearing a black cape with a sword on his left side, this man is an assassin. The assassins are a group of people who work in the shadows, they help the poor and fight against the tyrants, their leader is called Yusuf Sabah. Yusuf wanted to start a war against Henry a long time ago but he didn't have the force to do it, until he found the man who can help him gather this force. let's go back two years ago when Arthur Aragon died.

when Arthur was running away from the Bear and his men a group of assassins jumped out from the forest to help him, this group of assassins were sent by Yusuf to help Arthur escape because he thought that Arthur is the right man who can help him in his quest because Yusuf was keeping an eye on Arthur for a long time, but unfortunately Arthur died before Yusuf could get to him (or he didn't) , actually right before the Bear and his men arrived to Arthur, Yusuf and two of his assassins reached Arthur first and took him away right before the wolfs got to him and they put a dead Man's body in his place and they made him wear Arthur's clothes and they put his family ring in his hand so they would believe that this is Arthur's body, and thanks to the wolfs that made this man's face hard to recognize the trick worked. two days later from the incident, Arthur woke up in a in a strange house with all of his wounds taken car of, he started remembering what happened to him, suddenly a guy wearing a black cape walks in, Arthur tried to reach his sword but he didn't find it

Yusuf: calm down you're in a safe place now Arthur Aragon

Arthur: who the hell are you and how do you know my name?

Yusuf: i know a lot more than your name, i have been waiting for you for a long time

Arthur: and why were waiting for me?

Yusuf: let me tell who i really am, and who were the man who saved your life

we call ourselves the assassin's clan, we keep ourselves hidden and we only move in the shadows, we kill in silence and disappear without leaving a trail, we only fight the rich and corrupt men and give and help the poor, my main goal or our main goal is to take down king Henry from his throne, but we all know that the man who's really making the decisions is Edward, tell me something Arthur do you know who Edward Flanders really is?

(Arthur with a confused face)

he's a part of a big and secret organization, they call themselves the missionaries, they are our first enemy, they control every king in all of the kingdoms, they give a lot of gold and diamonds to kings and provide them with strong men for protection so they can gain their trust and become close to them, if we take them down we will win the war. There are five men who control the missionaries, they call themselves The Five Knights. these five knights are: Edward Flanders, Romero Montbard, Philip Gaudin, Robert Torroja, Gerrard Berard. we need to assassinate these knights in order to win the war, I'm not gonna lie to you they will be very well guarded and it will be really hard to get close to them, but it's really necessary that they die.

Arthur: so you mean if we kill these five knights we will defeat the missionaries?

Yusuf: not only the five knights. there's someone else we need to kill

Arthur: who?

Yusuf: i don't know

Arthur: what do you mean you don't know, who is this man?

Yusuf: no one actually knows him or seen him, we call him the grand Knight, he controls all the missionaries even the five knights, all i know that he needs to be dealt with too, the five knights are replaceable but killing the grand knight means the end of missionaries

Arthur: and how are we suppose to kill him if no one saw him before or even knows where he is

Yusuf: honesty, i don't know, but first let us take care of the five knights and then we will discuss the grand knight

Arthur: and how do you think we can do all of that?

Yusuf: first we need to recruit more men to help us, a lot of men actually, then we will talk about the plan to take down the missionaries

Arthur: what makes you think that anyone will help us in our fight against the king?

Yusuf: come on look around you, every single one in this kingdom hates king Henry and they hate Edward even more

Arthur: okay, I'm in let's do this

Yusuf: not so fast pretty boy, there's something you need to do first

Arthur: and what's that?

Yusuf: we're gonna make you an assassin

Arthur: okay, how long is gonna take me to become an assassin?

Yusuf: it depends on you and on your sword skills and on how quickly you learn

Arthur: if you've been watching me all this time you know how good i am in handling a sword

Yusuf: Nah, you're not as good as you think you are

Arthur: ooh trust me you have no idea my friend

Yusuf: okay then, let's have a duel

if you beat me I'll announce you an assassin right away but if you lose you'll have to train every single day and do whatever i tell you to do

Arthur: deal

Yusuf escorts Arthur to the duel arena

both of them draw their swords and the duel starts

Arthur attacks first but Yusuf Dodged it easily, Arthur keeps attacking Yusuf but Yusuf manages to block all of Arthur's attacks easily, Arthur quickly attacks Yusuf but Yusuf dodge it and hits Arthur on his neck and knock him out. After a few minutes Arthur wakes up and sees Yusuf sitting waiting for him to wake up and then he realizes that Yusuf is way stronger than him, Arthur stands up and tells Yusuf to be his mentor and to teach him how to be an assassin and Yusuf agrees but he tells him that it will take several months for someone to become an assassin.

and now the journey of Arthur becoming an assassin begins

Arthur and Yusuf leave the house, Arthur is surprised about where the assassins live, they live in a village located on an isolated mountain that's hard for someone to reach, this village is inhabited by the assassins and their families, there's about 500 well trained assassin leaded by 10 assassin mentors, each mentor have 50 men under his hand, the mentors names are: Ahmed Iskender, Moses Bayek, Achilles Randall, Hassan Masyaf, Abbas Sayef, Islam Basha, Mario Carnillon, Robert Molay, Andre Craon and Pedro Montrodon. these are the 10 assassin's leaders, they give orders to their assassins and send them to do assassination contracts.

Yusuf took Arthur to a cave for training so he won't get distracted and completely focus on training, in the first month he taught him the assassin's sword skills, how to control and use a sword like a real assassin, he sometimes put blindfold on his eyes during practice

in the second month he taught him how to disguise himself and how to be invisible so he won't get detected easily by the enemies.

in the third month he taught him the skill of knife throwing and how to target enemies vitals

in the last month he taught him the skill of stealth killing and how to use the hidden knife in his attacks using dolls as a example of enemies

Yusuf even made Arthur do some house cleaning, cooking and farming.

after four months of hard training and housework, Arthur finally became an assassin. Yusuf gave Arthur his assassin's cape and represent him as an assassin in front of all of the other assassins in the village in an epic ceremony.

after one week from Arthur being an assassin, Yusuf and Arthur packed up and the quest of gathering allies began