Chapter 4: The First Battle

After Arthur and Yusuf talked to king Richard, the king agreed to help them in their battle against Romero's army and then they will discuss the war against King Henry and the missionaries. king Richard will provide them with 4000 man. Now Yusuf has 7500 man in his army against only 5000 man in Romero's army but Romero doesn't know that. Yusuf, Arthur and king Richard set in a table to make a plan to fight Romero's army.

king Richard: how are we gonna begin this battle?

Yusuf: my army will attack first, and while Romero's army is fighting us you'll open the gates of your kingdom so your army would attack them from behind, this way we won't give them a single chance to fight or call for reinforcements

king Richard: okay then, let's do this

Yusuf and Arthur headed back to their army to get ready for battle. Yusuf divided his army to 11 group, 10 groups will be led by the mentors and the 11th group will be led by Yusuf and Arthur. In the other hand in Romero's 5000 army. Romero with his 5 commanders (John Morgan, James Flint,Roger Wilson, Frank Junior and Frank Senior) were making a plan to break into the kingdom, while they were making the plan Romero heard some screams, he got out of his tent and saw an army attacking his camp.


Romero and his commanders ordered their army to regroup and told their archers to shoot arrows at the enemy. after the archers finished attacking Romero ordered his cavalry to counterattack but because of the surprised attack by Yusuf's army the couldn't stop them from advancing, then Romero ordered every single man in his army even the commanders to fight, so the battle between Yusuf's army and Romero's army began. before the battle began Yusuf gave a task to Arthur, that task is to kill the missionary knight Romero, because Romero's death means the end of the battle. While both armies are fighting Arthur was making his way through the battlefield to Romero but he got stopped by a commander, while Arthur is fighting the commander Frank Junior, Ahmed Iskender steps in and and fights Frank instead of Arthur and tells Arthur to keep moving, so a battle between Ahmed and Frank begins and Arthur keeps heading towards Romero. while the two armies are fighting Romero figures out that his army is getting beaten by Yusuf's army so he orders all of his men to retreat, while Romero's army is retreating the gates of king Richard's kingdom opens and he and his army attacks the retreating men from Romero's army. king Richard clashes with Romero but Romero manages to kill king Richard. finally Arthur reaches Romero and starts a battle with him and orders king Richard's army to keep fighting. Arthur attacks Romero and Romero fights back but Arthur is way stronger than him. Arthur knocks Romero on the ground and puts his blade on his neck to kill him but Romero begs Arthur not to kill him and tells him he will give all the money he wants and that he can make him any king of any kingdom. Arthur smiles and attacks Romero but Yusuf tells Arthur not to kill Romero, not yet.

The battle ended and all of Romero's 5000 men were killed including his commanders, the only servitor in Romero. Yusuf orders 10 of his assassins to take Romero to their village for investigation. out of 7500 men from yusuf's army, 1500 were killed, that leaves 5000 man on Yusuf's army.

the kingdom of Milan agreed to join Yusuf in his war, Yusuf put Mario Carnillon as a commander on the Milan army.

The words were spread throughout all of the kingdoms that Romero and his army were killed. king Henry got angry and made a big bounty for the one who brings him the heads of the men responsible for what happened. the missionaries leader in the other hand called for an emergency and secret meeting.

inside a dark room the missionaries leader along with the rest of the knights Edward Flanders,Philip Gaudin, Robert Torroja and Gerrard Berard are sitting in a table discussing what would they do

The leader: do you what happened today?

the knights looking at each other scared

Edward: we lost 5000 man your Majesty

The leader screams: i don't give a fuck about 5000 stupid replaceable men, today we lost a brother, we lost a Knight, do you know what losing a knight means?

no one answered

the leader: it means that anyone of you could die just like Romero died if we don't do something about it

Edward: Romero didn't know how strong the king of Milan and his army are

the leader: it wasn't the king of Milan who did this, someone helped him

Edward: who your majesty

the leader: no one knows them, but they call themselves the Assassins

Robert Torroja: tell us what should we do your majesty and we will happily do it

the leader: first, we need to know who our enemy is and then we will eliminate him, send every spy you have to get us information about this mysterious enemy and then we will discuss how to deal with them, the meeting is over go back to your kingdoms and get me some leads

Edward: yes your majesty

Philip: of course your majesty

Robert: at your service your majesty

Gerrard: right away your majesty

all of them with one voice: may the gods protect you and guide you in leading the world

the leader: now leave

and the knights left

while they were leaving Edward started thinking "who could have the courage to fight us" but Robert interrupted him

Robert: what do you have in mind Edward

Edward: nothing

Philip: he's thinking about this mysterious enemy we're facing

Gerrard: aren't we all

Robert: you ladies don't have to worry about anything, I'll get rid of these stupid assassins

Edward: just watch yourself out there, don't get yourself killed, all of you from now on be careful anyone of us could be their next target

Robert mocking Edward: are you scared old man

Edward: we all should be

Robert: talk about yourself old man, I'll be ready for everyone who comes and tries to get me

Gerrard: don't get yourself cocky, look what happened to Romero

Robert: that idiot had it coming, he shouldn't have taken only 5000 man to fight against an entire kingdom

Philip: it wasn't just the kingdom if Milan who fought against Romero like his Majesty said, these assassins helped him

Edward: we need to get some information about them and their leader quickly

In the assassin's village, inside a cell, Romero is being investigated by Yusuf and Arthur

Yusuf: tell us who your leader is

Romero; it's your mother hahaha

Arthur slaps Romero: tell us and we will make your death quick and painless

Romero: do you really think that you could defeat us huh, do you really think that you could beat the great master and his knights, do you even know who you're fighting against, you're fighting against the entire goddamn world, we own every king in every fucking kingdom, we know evey move that every man,women and child make, we have ears and eyes in every place, you can't hide forever

Arthur cuts Romero's throat: who said anything about hiding

Yusuf: we need to send some assassin spies to watch the other knights moves

Arthur: we need to get rid of the other knights quickly

Yusuf: we will brother, we just need to wait for the right time

Arthur: but we all know that the missionaries can be replaceable, to end the missionaries we need to kill their master

Yusuf: yeah, i know

an assassin walks in.

the assassin: the great master is demanding to see m Arthur

Yusuf: what!! the great master wants to see Arthur?

the assassin: yes mentor

Arthur: who the hell is this great master?

Yusuf: shuuuuuush, don't talk about the great master like that, he's the leader of all of the assassins

Arthur: what does he wants from me?

Yusuf: let's go and find out, you need to watch your mouth when the great master is talking to you, do you understand Arthur?

Arthur: what do you mean i need to watch my mouth?

Yusuf: i mean you need to be very respectful when you're talking to him

Arthur: okay okay i understand

Yusuf: okay then, let's go

Yusuf takes Arthur to the great master's house

Yusuf: may we enter my master?

the great master: of course of course, have a sit my sons, oh you must be Arthur Aragon

Arthur: how do you know my name?

Yusuf hits Arthur with his elbow

Arthur in pain: my master, how do you know my name my master

the great master: i know all about you my boy, I'm the one who told Yusuf to keep an eye on you and to make you an assassin, let me ask you a question Arthur, do you how long does it take for someone to become an assassin?

Arthur: i don't know, 4 months!!

the great master: a whole year, and yet you accomplished to become an assassin in less then 4 months, do you know why?

Arthur: no

the great master: because you have the first assassin's blood running in your veins my boy

Arthur: what do you mean i have the first assassin's blood running in my veins?

he great master: what you don't know my boy and what didn't your father tell you is that your grandfather was an assassin

Arthur: my grandfather was an assassin?

the great master: yes, in fact he wasn't just an assassin, he was THE ASSASSIN

Arthur: what do you mean he was THE ASSASSIN?

The great master: your grandfather was the first assassin ever existed, he invented the assassin's clan in Persia, he was my mentor

Arthur: but my father didn't tell me anything about that

the great master: your father was an assassin too, but the reason he didn't tell you that because he stopped being one

Arthur: what do you mean he stopped being an assassin?

the great master: after what happened to your mother Marco Aragon left us so he could live a safe life with his too sons

Arthur: what do you mean after what happened to my mother? my mother died because of some sickness, that's what my father told me

the great master: no my son, your mother was killed

Arthur stands up shocked: killed!!! killed by who

the great master: yeah, your mother was killed in an attack on the village, and since then your father left us so he would keep you and your brother safe, but at the same time your father knew that you'll become an assassin

Arthur: what do you mean my father knew that I'll become an assassin?

the great master: your grandfather before he died had a prophecy, it came in that prophecy that someone from your grandfather's ancestors will start an assassin's era and will lead the assassins in controlling the world, THAT ANCESTOR IS YOU ARTHUR.