Gamers' Shopping

Previously,Perry was teaching some tips to be better in a game and thanks to those tips,I truly get used to FIT 15 by now and I even managed to score at least 3 goals!Hurm?Enemy team's score?Err,I think it is better if that been keep as a secret..But seriously,it isn't that bad! [Yeah,20 isn't that bad after all]. Wait,why you tell them?!?And how can you be here,Perry!! [What's wrong with me being here?I'm one of the main character too,you know]. Nope,I never acknowledge you as a main character and this story is told from my perspective,not yours! [Ah,you think too much,dude.I'm one of the important character here too.Give me a chance,dude]. Nono,not a chance!Despite me as main character,why did you have more lines than me!?!? [Hurm,it's not my fault though.Author is the one that decide that]. Stop putting the blame on the author,you stupid!Argh,let just start today chapter!

On the shiny beautiful and calm Sunday morning,I wake up from my sleep with the smooth skin like a baby.Without wasting much time,I revised all the tips that Perry give me yesterday instantly.And then,

"Fast,dude!We need to reach there by 8a.m!"

"Okay-okay,but why we need to be there so early?I'm pretty sure we can just take it easy,right?"

"You don't get it!On Sunday,that gaming store are always packed with people and if that happens,I-I mean,we can't properly look at everything there"

"You just trying I,right..."

"Err,it doesn't matter right now so just hurry up downstairs and we will go there right after we're having our breakfast"

I don't argue much with him.I mean,we still go there to get what I need mostly so I think I will just follow up his pace for now.Okay,so what should I wear?Hurm,I will wear this T-Shirt that have a word "Popular" in it then.Yes-yes,this is perfect!

As I reach downstairs,I see breakfast already done on the table waiting for me to eat them.Today menu is a toast,an egg and a warm milk.Pretty simple but enough to fill the stomach for this morning.If I'm not wrong,today is their mother's turn to prepare the breakfast but I don't see her anywhere?And then,Tiga said,

"Ah,you might be looking for mom,right?If that so,she already out.On Sunday morning,she always goes to the park and having an exercise routine there" probably Tiga saw me looking for something and then he makes a decision to guess it but I can say his guess is correct.

"Come on,don't waste time anymore.Let's eat" said Perry while stuffing the toast inside his mouth.

Without any talking,we finish our breakfast and prepare to get into Tiga's car.But as we head out from the house,Mrs.Gemers enter the house.

"Oh,it seems you all will be going now?Don't worry about that,I will bring you there"

"I'm okay with that but are you okay with it?" Tiga asked but I know,that question is not for me but Perry.And as I expected,he also realized it and he just nodded his head, "Then,let's go"

As the car is moving,the clock is shown 7:45a.m.We might reach on the time Perry planned.If I'm not wrong,that gaming store is inside City Shopping Centre and the location is the furthest back in that Centre.Hurm,I'm wondering how does it looks like?

"So,Perry.You told me that we are going the buy some PC setup but what are we going to buy actually?I mean,everything you explain to me always have more details in it so I'm wondering if this is the same"

"Yeah,you're right about this one.We are going to buy Computer Cases,Motherboard,Central Processing Unit(CPU),Random Access Memory(RAM),Graphics Card,Hard drive,Solid State Drive(SSD),Power Supply Unit(PSU),Monitor,Keyboard and Mouse.You could also buy a sound card to give you a better sound quality when playing a game"

Before I get to reply,Mrs.Gemers cut us, "Wait,aren't that is so many?!Where do you think you will get all those money??I will not accept if you gonna stole it!"

And then,Tiga also support her, "I doubt you will steal it but where are you going to get the money actually??I knows you also save some money but even if you combine it with your bank money,I don't think you will have enough"

"Hehehe,calm down,you two.There are nothing to worry about here.Why did I say that?Because I have this!" I take out my Limited Golden MSCard and showed it my cool pose.Their reactions are the same as Perry when he see it for the first time.After that,they just silent and focus on the road.

"Didn't I said it before?That pose is creepy,dude.Stop it"

"Wait,what?It is not creepy.You just don't understand the coolness of it"

"Coolness?In your dream.And even though I said we gonna buy all of those,I change my mind and decide to buy you a prebuilt PC"

"What is prebuilt PC?"

"It is a PC that doesn't need you to assemble it or you could say,it is just store bought PC.I also thought this is a correct choice because it is beginner friendly.Most of it come with a warranty to ensure the safety of it and error.Furthermore,any defective hardware will not cost you any money"

Since I don't know much about this thing,I just agree with him but I actually interested in a custom build PC.Perry has shown how it works so I would to try it though...

"But I don't think we need to buy any monitor and keyboard because if I'm not wrong,my parent have many of those they don't use because they tend to change their monitor whenever the new one out and they prefer to change their keyboard to other if they find it uncomfortable to them"

"Then,it was great except the part about your parent.How rich are you actually and what is their job?"

"Like I said before,don't dig my information.So,I still wondered,why we need a mouse?Didn't mouse like to bite a wire? Aren't that pretty annoying?"

"What?We are not going to buy that kind of mouse!We are buying computer mouse,dude.That small thing I used to move the arrow on the screen"

"Ouh,that explain it.I think I have those in home too so,does that mean we gonna buy a PC only?"

"Seems like that,then"

As we talking,we already reach at the shopping centre.And as fast as a bullet train,Perry is running towards the gaming store.I could say that his excitement is even beyond a 6 years old kid who see his favourite toy on sell.

"So,I will follow him then.How about you two?"

"My mom is going to buy some groceries while I will check something on the gadget store.We meet here in 1 hour,okay"

I simply nod and hurriedly follow Perry.The creation of the world,alien's existence and time travel.Those things are on equal with the fact that I don't know where does Perry get all those stamina to run from the front door until the store without taking any breath despite being someone who is labeled by me as 0 stamina guy.Ignored all of that,I finally reached that gaming store.

Where is this guy anyway?There he is,getting excited all alone...

"Hoy,did you forget why we come here?x

"Ah,oh,yeah,let see,of course I remember"

"Then,where is this PC thing?"

"Hurm,I think it was here"

"So what is your suggestion?"

"Ouh,how about this one?It is named HumanWare Aura12.It is curren-"

"Nice choice you have there,sir!HumanWare Aura12 is truly the best choice if you really want to have the best gaming experience!Not only it is the latest one from the company but it is also the best one ever created!It is said to be the greatest creation to ever made by humankind and the proof of future society!Buy this and you will make every gamers jealous of you!Buy this and you will attract every girls from the district to you!Let me say it,this is the best PC with the best quality you will ever want in your life!And looking at your hand sir,I could say that you just start gaming around 1 or 2 days ago,right?!And let me guess again,you played it with your friend PC,right?Then,it means that you're here to buy your very own first PC and by buying this PC,you will have the best first PC you ever have!And this PC also will make you the best gamer ever!!!"

To be honest,I don't get anything from what he said!What the heck with this guy?He talked much faster than an Appolo Rocket and even someone who is fond of gaming also speechless.I mean,just look at Perry!I'm betting that his mind was like he just finish answering an Oxford exam in major that he don't take while still in a kindergarten!

"So,are you going to buy this?" Perry ask in a slow voice.

"I don't know much about this thing so let just buy it"

"Did I heard it right,sir?!You gonna bought it,right?!Then,I will be ready on the counter!Yes,yes sir,come here,the counter is open!!!Card or Cash?!?"

How did he does that?!?He just teleport from here!

"I will use this then..." With some hesitation,I take out my MSCard.

"What!!!!That is the Limited Golden MSCard from the MSCompany is it!?!Therefore sir,why don't you buy this new gaming chair!!It will give you the most comfortable gaming atmosphere and giving the best chill of mind and also can dispersed any kind of bad thought while playing the game!Other than that,how about you bu-"

"Okay,stop that Mr.Customer Service.We are going to buy this only" on the right time,Perry stop him.

"Ouh,I'm sorry,sir!I just got excited when I see that!" yeah,don't worry it is inside my expectation but I don't expect you to be my customer service though...

"Okay,that and hurn?Did these games yours too?"

"What games?" as I look at the item,I noticed a pile of video games CD from various genres.And I know who got it.It is Perry...

"What?You could say it some kind of payment to me for explaining many things to you today and stop this guy from scamming you to use all those money.Yes,this is together" didn't you did the same right now too,you greedy bastard.

"Okay,that's all.Please come again,sir!We will wait for your arriving!!!"

And just like that,our shopping for my PC setup is over.It is surely a tiring day but I could say my journey to be a popular gamers is getting closer. [As I said before,things like this don't comprehend your skills but still,you surely don't want to go to the war without any armor,right?] {Nice word you have there Mr.Perry!And Mr.Main Protagonist,I hope you the best!!} What the f*ck?!How are you even here?I understand about Perry but you're just a minor character?!How can you be here??Did the author already messed up with his head already!! {Sir,it is better not to put the fault on author and since we don't have much time anymore,bye everyone.See you on the next chapter!} Hey,who give you per-