Third-party POV

Dr. Myuu finally got around to check on his hidden project. Only to find it was missing. There was only a picture of a woman he did not know. After watching her mess with his project and looking over it stats. He make sure to alert his army just in case. This comes back to bite him. At less the Baby project was going good.

He had more things on his mind as he was being attacked by Frieza's forces. He new Machine Mutants should trun the tide for now.

It had been a long three months for Aikon. His initial plan to get more Saiyans. Kind of back fire into a relocation plan for his father King Vegeta. His father was making sure not only the ones he want to come. Where coming but a over three thousand more where coming.

He have be ready for them when they get here. That mean he have be a lot stronger than he is now. Saiyan respect strength the more power he is the better his clam to the throne will be.

He had been making the cave bigg and deeper. To make room for everyone to come here. Also been checking on the grils as they been changing. Documenting everything that has been going on with them. Fighting off some monsters and killing them to make sure there was enough food.

There will be a lot of weak Saiyans coming. He look forward to seeing there faces when they come. They have no idea who he is but they will find out.

Lord Slug was sitting in ship when a messenger showed up. "What do you want? I don't have all day." The messenger too a deep breath and said. "We have a report that Turles and his crew found the Tree of Might. They have run in the the Machine Empire and have been shot down. Near the in Dark Planet do you want his to send a team to look for them Sir?"

Lord Slug took a moment to think about everything that was said. "No that place is too risky even Frieza has left it alone. We don't have enough men with the right power level to do the job done. Keep a eye on Coolers focus they might try something. NOW GET OUT!!!"

"Hey Turles we have a problem with the engine. We not going to make it out of this part of galaxy and where Crash land on the Drak Planet." Turles look at Rasin and Lakasei to see if there was more information about the Dark Planet. "Tell me everything you know about the Planet Rasin. Lakasei I need to know what forces are in the area. We don't want any surprises now." After saying that Turles walk off to check on other things.

Meanwhile on the Dark Planet Aikon was waiting for the gril to wake up. They did not have the same blood red hair as him but the hair was a dark red. Their power levels had jump up a bit. He could tell by the feeling they put off.

Then he felt a few power levels coming from space. Knowing that no one should be heading here yet. He want to the control of the ship to see who was coming.

"Turles get to the control room asap. We got problem." As soon as that message when through the ship. Everyone stop what they where doing and run to the control room. When Turles got there all he said was "REPORT!" Lakasei trun around in his chair and said. "We had someone try to hack into the ships computer. We stop it from doing anything major but they know who we are. Are flight plans has been changed and we can't fixed it. We heading straight to the source of the hack. The problem is there a power level of 40,000 and three smaller power levels."

Turles looks at everyone and said. "Looks like we have a fight on our hands boys. Let's give them hell." With that said everyone went get there battle armor ready. Turles when and grab the tree might seed. It might come in handy in a pinch.


I couldn't believe my luck. Turles and his crew was on there way here. There ship was damaged. This could work out in my favor. I am in need of some geniuses and those twin he has on his ship fit the bill nicely.

They will be here in ten minutes so onle last check on the grils. Then head out for battle I do hope there strong enough to fight me. Otherwise it be boring. I also need to know if they have the Tree of Might seed. As I have plans for the tree.

Third-party POV Ten minutes later

Turles and his crew crashed in front of a large cave. After getting themselves together they came out of the ship ready to fight. One to see a young man looking at them.

The boy look to be 5 or 6 years old but what made them worry was the fact his power level was 40,000. Turles was shocked to see a Saiyan Child here.

Stepping forward he asked , "What are you doing here boy? Where are your parents and your ship?" Aikon looked at him and just smiled at him.

Aikon took a look at each of them and said. "You will all be my subjects. Will give up now or will you fight first? 🤔 Come on speak I don't all day to play with you."

Cacao attack Aikon with a few ki bast at him. Aikon dodged the ki bast and move forward so fast. Cacao couldn't see him until he was in his face. With a right upper cut to his jaw send him in the air. Aikon then appeared in front him knocking back down into the ground.

Daizu put his hands up in the air and said. "I give up and I'm willing to surrender." Amond look at him with anger. Thinking how could some like this follow the Mighty Turles.

Amond decided to attack the little Saiyan. Only to be backed handed and knocked out. The twins Rasin and Lakasei know they where no match for him.