"The whole planet is in chaos." Bardock's home, Gine was looking at her husband with a depressed expression.

Facts have proved that Bardock was right. Frieza really has some other schemes. The current situation is already very clear. Frieza had ordered all the Saiyans to return to Planet Vegeta in order to exterminate them all in one go.

Right now, she was glad that last night she had secretly sent away Kakarot, or the space pod could not have been launched off the ground as the airspace is completely sealed off today.

Bardock was sitting quietly on a stool with a headband in his hand.

"Gine, come with me, wait inside and don't come out!"

Going to the basement, he told Gine to hide inside as he intends to close the entrance to the basement. This is the place where Kakarrot was originally incubated; the structure inside is very strong. Even if everything above is leveled to the ground, it will not affect the basement.

"Bardock, be careful!"

Gine looked at him with concern, she didn't urge him to stay because she knew that her husband would never sit idly by in such a critical situation.

Bardock heavily nodded. As Gine was just an ordinary Low-level Warrior, her Battle Power was less than two thousand, so she could only be safe by hiding inside.

Holding her in her arms for a while, Bardock resolutely walked out of the basement.

After closing the entrance, and completely isolating it from the outside world, Bardock wore his Battle Armor and tied the red ribbon on his head. Then, resolutely walked out…

This war, there is no place to retreat.

In the outer space.

Standing in front of a porthole, Frieza was leisurely looking at the dark red Planet Vegeta before him; it was just like the color of a beautiful red wine, making people unable to tear their eyes away.

Taking a sip of the red wine, the sweet smell made him intoxicated, Frieza chuckled and walked over with the glass of wine in his hand.

"Dodoria, look at it, such a beautiful planet just like a ruby and soon it will turn into beautiful fireworks!" As his hoarse voice resounded in the hall, Frieza's face looked intoxicated while his body emitted icy chilliness.

Dodoria cruelly grinned and said, "King Frieza, the army is already ready and is only waiting for your order. You have to make those arrogant Saiyans experience your might."

"Ho-ho, I can be relieved at Dodoria's arrangements."

Gently patting on Dodoria's shoulders, Frieza floated up in front of the porthole with his hands behind his back while his tail leisurely swung behind his body.

Frieza said grimly: "Let the First and Second Corps be the vanguard as Third and Fourth Corps will follow behind and have them all break through Planet Vegeta within half an hour. After which Planet Vegeta must disappear from the universe."

"Yes!"Dodoria eagerly responded.

Immediately after that Dodoria waved his hand, the alien on the side immediately gave a start, bowed its head and followed him out from the main control hall, to transmit King Frieza's orders.

First and Second corps were the most elite troops working under Frieza.

They were usually deployed at the territory of the most important planets.

In particular, the First Corps, which are the elite among the elites, and ranks only under Ginyu Force, it is the most powerful troops in the Frieza Corps.

And in strength, there are some who are even more powerful than Dodoria.

Frieza moved all of these troops to Planet Vegeta, only to completely annihilate Saiyans.

Meanwhile Aikon was watching all this happening from his ship. He had the twins set up some spy drones around Planet Vegeta. With him was his new second in command Tabaga, the Saiyan Twins Peppa and Fennle, and Turles. "What are you thoughts on Frieza? While you think on that Tabaga how is training the troops. Have he master the Great Ape from yet?" Tabaga took her eyes off the screen and look at her new emperor. It had been two long years from the first time she meet him till now.

She could not wait till he finished growing and she knew the red devil twins wanted him too. "Yes, sire they all have mastered the Great Ape from. We now working on them to compress it down to human from. We are going to need a place to put a few new born Saiyans." Aikon looked at her for a bit a press a button.

"Rasin and Lakasei have you guys finished the nursery for the new born Saiyans?" Rasin looked down at his computer screen. "It was finished three weeks ago your Majesty. We have also finished two ships. Now both can hold 200 hundred Saiyan and have a gravity machine. It can go up to 500 times normal gravity."

Aikon started laughing his plans where coming together. He still need to take over some planets. Looking at the map there are a few that they could take over. "Now lets get down to business. I need every Saiyan to have a power full of 1milion. Before we start taking over other planets. Now before you start complaining. Can any of you beat Frieza? I set that level so that I don't have to save anyone and to show every one that we are the Strongest race in the universe."

Ten minutes later after everyone had left the meeting room Aikon. Was deep in thought about his birth. 'He didn't know his mother and was not upset about being one of the few Saiyans left. He half bother Tarble was not took far from where he was at. Going to get him now would only bring more trouble than it was worth. No matter he get when the time is right.'

Time Skip Age 761

Tarble was sitting in his home when a lager shadow block out the sun. Heading outside to see what going on. His wife comes out side looking for him. She stops and looks up in the sky and sees a large space ship coming down to land. Tarble looked at her then the ship and take his wife in his arms and flies away from the ship. He did not know if he people on the ship mean them harm or not.

He had not seem his brother Vegeta in awhile. He hopes that there will be no trouble. A few minutes pass and the ship land. By this time a hole crowd had gathered around. A few men come out of the ship. One of them steps forward. "We a looking for Prince Tarble of the Saiyans. Is he here on this planet?"

Tarble was in shock that someone was looking for him. He hope is was for something good. "I'm Tarble what do you want with me?" The men look at him for a bit then came down and kneeled in front of him. "It is good to see you Prince Tarble. Your oldest brother has sent for you. Will you come and meet him?"

Tarble look down at his wife. Seeing she hold his hand. "I will go only if my wife can come with me." The men looked at each other and told him she could come with them. Tarble had no idea what waited for him. As the ship was leaving the planet a another ship was coming up on the planet Vampa.

"Why do we have to come all the way out here for Turles?" asked Cacao. "We came out here for a pick up. Now be quite don't I don't want to miss things up. You know how the Emperor can get if you miss up his plans."