~Third Person's POV~
"I'll tell you when you reach here okay?"
Xavier cuts off the call, crying and his lips quivering, he convinces himself that his father was just fine, but the panic doesn't leave him.
Xavier decided to let a guard drive his car for safety.
His phone lights up, Chasen's calling him.
"I-is my father o-okay?" Xavier asks, lips quivering again and eyes watering.
"He's okay, are you near? I'll wait in front of the hospital."
Xavier sighs in relief, his father is okay now.
Chasen is waiting outside the hospital, Mr. Cage is awake earlier before he goes out of his room. Chasen thinks that it's kinda weird because it's like Mr. Cage is bidding goodbye or something.
~Flash Back~
Chasen's finishing some papers at his office and suddenly he got a call from the hospital which was weird, but he still answered it, it must be really important.
"This is ****** Hospital, is this Chasen Gonzales? Mr. Cage was hit by a car, and you were the latest person on his call logs. Kindly inform any of Mr. Cage's family members."
"Okay, I-i'll inform his family immediately, thank you for calling."
Chasen goes to the hospital first before calling Xavier, he doesn't want Xavier to panic that's why he's making sure that Mr. Cage is okay, before calling the boy and informing him about the accident.
Chasen has already arrived at the hospital, and goes to the receptionist and asks her about Mr. Cage's room. After knowing about Mr.Cage's room he suddenly feels nervous; he doesn't know why.
He waited outside the room, the doctors are still inside, examining Mr.Cage. A nurse came out of the room, approaching Chasen to tell him that Mr. Cage was asking for him. Two doctors and a nurse are inside the room talking to Mr. Cage. Mr. Cage feels his presence and signs him to come closer, the two doctors step aside and listen to the two talk.
"Mr. Gonzales I apologize that I disturbed your work and rest at this late night." Mr. Cage sincerely apologized, he knows that the man was probably busy and tired and yet goes here at the hospital to know what happened and to probably inform his family about the accident.
"No you didn't disturbed me and you're my soon to be father-in-law, I can't let something bad happen to you, and I didn't inform your family about the accident yet. I already let my secretary handle the articles about the accident, the drunk driver was in jail and your car is towed, it's already ready to fix." Chasen smiled at the old man, he already fixed everything while waiting earlier.
"Oh, thank you very much, son; I truly appreciate that. I know I can put my trust in you to look after my son." Mr. Cage smiled, really thankful that Chasen is here to help and to take care of his son when it's time to leave this earth.
"You can always trust us Mr. Cage. We're family right?"
"Of course, son, I have a favor to ask: could you look after my family? I know you'll look after Xavier, but can you keep my entire family safe? I-I know it's a little too muc-" Mr. Cage began to stutter.
"Of course Mr. Cage, I'll protect them. You're our family now, remember?"
"I know that, it's just I know that I'll die sooner or later, I have a heart disease that my family didn't know about, even my wife doesn't know about it, I don't want them to be worried." Mr. Cage said, of course he was scared, scared that his family might not take it well.
"I think you should inform your family Mr. Cage, they need to know. I know that you're worried for them but you should worry about your health. Doctors and your family are here to take care of you."
"I know that but we don't know when I will die, and I'll inform them later."
"You should rest now okay? I'll call Xavier first and we'll inform the entire family later."
"Doc I'll go call his son first, can you explain Mr. Cage's situation to his son?"
"Of course I'll explain it to him clearer than the water."
"I'll call him now, excuse me."
Chasen's waiting outside the hospital at the moment.
After 5 minutes he saw a car approaching, a teary eyed Xavier got out of the car, ran towards him and hugged him, Chasen comforted the man with a hug.
Xavier cried on his chest, sobbing like a kid.
"Shhh everything is okay, your father is okay now, want to see him?" Chasen asks still hugging him
Xavier nods and inhales Chasen's scent, Chasen's scent is so comforting and he just wants to bury his nose in this sturdy chest.
"Lets go, but you need to talk to the doctor first, they want you to know about your fathers situation." Chasen said, letting go of the hug.
"Okay, so where will we meet the doctor?"
"At your father's room and your father is sleeping at the moment." Xavier nods, staring at Chasen's face, he just realizes how handsome Chasen is, imagining how the man will look if it was shirtless, and Xavier is not listening, he just watched the talk about where his father's room was located.
"Hey Xavier hey, are you listening?" Chasen asks, confused about Xavier's behavior.
"Yes I'm listening, so where's my father's room?"
"I just said it's on the 2nd Floor Room 056." Chasen said laughing a bit couz Xavier's definitely not listening and just stared at his face.
"Just take a picture of my face so you can listen to me, and pictures can last long." Chasen said, smirking when Xavier blushed.
"Just send me a selfie Chasen, by the way you look so handsome today." Xavier said, smirking when Chasen stiffed and walked like he didn't hear Xavier's bold statement.
'Payback time bitch haha, damn he looks so handsome' Xavier said in his head, still smirking while looking at Chasen's back.
Meanwhile Chasen…
"How can he be so bold after looking shy and blushing like a high school girl' Chasen thinks, walking and looking so confused.
When they reached Mr. Cage's room Xavier teared up again, his smirk earlier turned into a gloomy look. He sees the doctor checking his father while he sleeps. The doctor turned to him and gestured to him to come closer to see his father, he knew the doctor it's one of his father's best friends. The doctor said he'll leave them first, and he said that he'll talk to him later.
Chasen is inside the room also looking at the two, thinking about how the two create a strong bond, while he and his father are not like this close, well maybe a bit close.
And surprisingly Chasen is also thinking about kids running around if he and Xavier will have kids in the future.