
I happily sprinted through the forest. My bare feet landed on the soft soil below as I carefully avoided the small patches of flowers. They decorated the entire forest floor, stretching out as far as my eyes could see.

The flowers come in different colours and different variants.

Some purple, some red, some blue;

Some simple, some elegant, some intricate.

I look up to the foliage above me. It was a thick foliage, yet some warm sunlight managed to peek through like a playful child as the leaves swayed in the gentle breeze.

This is where I call my dreamland. Nobody will be able to harm me here, because nobody is capable of intruding. And everything is of my own creation, for I am the God of this world.

This is my very own secret garden, my shelter to escape from everything in reality.

I've long aware of its existence, long before I lost my mana. Was it when I was 5? Or was it 6? Oh well, guess I've forgotten.

All I could remember is that I began having these dreams, I dreamt of waking up in a boundless, empty world. It was white, and blank. Back then, I think I fell asleep just after dinner, so food was the first to come into my head. Almost immediately, a bowl of the food I had in my mind appeared right before me.

Now that I think of it, what was it? A piece of steak? No. Fried chicken? No, that's not it. Oh, I was into macaroni and cheese, so it might be that. Wait, I'm getting off track here.

The point is, I became aware that I was in a dream. And I began playing around with whatever I had in mind at that time. Dinosaurs, fairies, dragons, they all come to life as they come to my mind. Until suddenly, with a snap, I woke up to find that the dream is over.

Although it was quite a shame that I wasn't able to see my army of dinosaurs go against the evil dragon Progonir(Yeah, it was a stupid name I know. But hey, I was a kid back then), but since it's a dream, it's bound to be over. So I've decided to just remember it as an interesting experience, and go on with my life.

But little did I know, on the second night, I woke up to the same place again. All of my creations were right before me, waiting for me right there in the dream land.

Ever since then, I've began decorating the landscape, creating trees, filling the terrain with soft dirt, bringing in more flora and fauna, it became my own Garden of Eden, where only I was able to enter.

After I lost my mana, I was devastated. I never realized how important it was for me, it had played such a significant role in my life, yet I never cherished it. In fact, I get surrounded by waves and waves of people all the time, wanting to get something out of me. It caused me so much distress that I wish I never had them.

And now my stupid wish is granted.

But it didn't take away my distress, no. It plunged me deeper down the rabbit hole, turning my distress into depression.

I used think that my special dream is somehow connected to my gift, so if I were to lose it, it will probably be gone with it. But to my surprise, the next time I fall asleep, I was greeted by the same beautiful scenery I was so familiar with.

Realizing that it wasn't all lost, I couldn't help but had this feeling coming up my throat. And just with that, I broke down, lying down on the endless patch of flowers, I cried my heart out.

Was it relieve? Was it grief? Or was it something else? Probably all of it.

The sky turned into a silent starry night as my cries echoed through the hollow darkness. The petals of the flowers glowing luminously filling the darkness brought by the sorrow inside me.

Now that I look back to it, if it wasn't for this dreamland, I probably would have ended my life long ago.


Ah. I can feel my shoulder being tugged.

God damn it, why can't I just enjoy a couple moments of peace in here.

Every single second I'm awake, I couldn't help but have these negative thoughts swarming around in my head. It grows with every single thing I encounter, and I just feel like I might as well give up on life.

But here, there's no voices. Just me, and the peaceful silence of my very own Avalon. And I can feel my broken mind mending itself every second in here. It's true, I really just this place that much.

"...wake up!"

Ah, guess it can't be helped. Hopefully I'll be able to get some more peace in here on the bus.

The landscape around me began shimmering, distorting upon itself, and eventually faded into black as something else took it's place.

I opened my eyes, only to have them meet with another pair of eyes.

It was a pair of amber-like yellow eyes. It greeted me with an intense heat, and I can see myself reflecting off of it.

"Wake up, sunshine. The bus is here." The owner of those eyes said, holding my shoulder with one hand, while stroking back her shoulder-length champagne-blonde hair with her other.

"Oh, Emily." I said blankly.

Argh, why does my mind get so foggy whenever I wake up. It was very clear when I was in the dream, so why?

Rubbing my eyes, I got myself off the chair before looking around, tryjng to assert the situation. It seems that everyone else were already boarding the bus just outside the school gate.

Oh crap, guess I gotta hurry.

"Come on, we'll be late!" Emily called out as she head for the school gate. Withouts any words, I quickly followed suit.