My Village was a peaceful Village in the Victorian age. All its people were slow to anger. We were farmers and herders and we mainly kept to ourselves. We knew that there was a family of dragons that lived nearby but nobody ever thought twice about it. Because the dragons left us alone! That is until one day, when the son of the king of dragons came to town. That day changed my life forever.
I was a regular hometown girl. I help around the farm, and helped tend to the livestock. My favorite thing in life was going into the flower field and picking bouquets for our house and the neighbors. We're simple folk, we did not have electricity phones or modern amenities but we were happy. We had a Southern Lord that was over the town but he never visited.
All we ever had to do was make sure that we kept up our fields and livestock to take to Market. At the end of the month The Sovereign Lord would send men to take the fruits of our labor to town. Emmanuel, the Son of The Sovereign Lord, would return with Goods, money, clothing and other amenities for the town. Emmanuel was a tall good-looking blond young man. You could tell that he was a fine Soldier. You could see it in just the way he walked and how he addressed everyone. All the women would Swoon when he walked by. He always gave fair share for the fruits of our labor to whomever contributed, he kept very good records.
However today was the day that he would come and ask for something from our town. Emmanuel called for a town meeting tonight after dark. I personally never had any dealings with Emmanuel. Every time my family would take the goods to town, I would take the opportunity to go make bouquets for our friends, neighbors, and for our house. But whenever a town hall meeting was called, No One, was exempt from the meeting.
A town hall meeting was a special thing you dressed in your finest clothes! You wore makeup, if you had any, and it would end up being more like a party. As we would gather people would play music, dance, and bring food for everyone to enjoy.
I did not plan on going today though. It was my 20th birthday and I had no interest in being looked at. Most other women were married by my age. I have never been lucky enough to have a man stay with me long enough to complete my courtship and engagement. Something would always happen! I never knew quite what happened! Most of the time, I would have one date. He would ask my family for the opportunity of courtship and he might disappear the next day. He would come to me in shock or fear the next day and tell me he was unable to court me and apologize for raising my hopes up. Neither my family or I could ever find out what it was about me that would cause such terrible turmoil in the men that wanted to court me.
This has been going on since I turned sixteen (the age of official courtship). All the other girls my age in town were jealous because I had so many different suitors that chose and wanted to court me. But as I said, it never ended well for me or my Suitor. Every time I went to town another man would want to be my Suitor. That is why my family and I decided it was better for me never to go to town.
I was just fine with this decision. I preferred the company of my family, and my close friends. My girlfriends were the daughters from the neighbors next door. All three of them were staggered in age Darla a sweet 16 year old Brunet, Virginia was beautiful with long red hair and was 18, then there was Judy who was a tall beautiful woman. And Marinette who had long flowing locks of brown hair at 20 years old, but we all got along as best friends! Age never mattered! me and my girlfriend's love to dance together, have sleep overs, and play in the fields of flowers. When all four of us would get together we would make jewelry out of the flowers from necklaces to earrings to hair bands and beyond.
Since the town hall meeting was called my girlfriends and I decided to quickly make some hair bands out of the flowers to go to the meeting today. My mother insisted that we all looked the finest that we could to represent our families. I was not going to be given the choice of staying home. So, we wanted to make the best of it. So, my girlfriend's and I made her a lovely flower veil out of the flowers to drape over her head and cover her hair.
While we were in the field today things did feel different though. Even my girlfriend's noticed it today. We worked with our heads on a swivel. We could feel that we were being watched. This was not unnormal though. Every time we entered the field we would have a feeling of being watched. It had honestly gotten to the point none of us would go to the field by ourselves. We four had agreed that it was not something that we needed to trouble the town with. We were afraid the towns people would treat us like we were calling wolf for a ghost. Because we never saw anyone. Besides when we were all their together we felt safe and unthreatened.
When we got home to my mother, and gave her the vail, she absolutely loved it. She tucked it up and pinned it around her hair. We all piled into the wagon and my brothers drove the team.
I think I forgot to mention my family! My father died in the Sovereign Lord's War for land. Luckily the Sovereign Lord won the war. But we lost many men during the fight.
My two brothers are married with children living and sharing on our property. My eldest brother Angus is a tall muscular well-built man. He tends to the Sheep herds, cattle, and goats. He likes to sport a woodlanders beard. He has brown hair and blue eyes. He has a beautiful blond wife, and her name is Marionette. They have four boys that help around the farm. Kent who is brand new, Jace who is 8, Ryan who is 9, and little Dylan who is 4. They are all a hand full but so much fun.
My other brother Don, is a shorter man. He is shorter than me but he makes up for it in his happiness. Don has brown hair and brown eyes and a smile that lights up the room. Don loves to make people laugh. His wife is taller than him. Her name is Sherry-Ann. She is the baker's only daughter. Don and her help to run the bakery in town. So, we always have some kind of baked goods in the house at all times. When Don and Sherry-Ann cook their baked goods are drooling delicious! Sherry-Ann is taller than Don but they never cared. She has short brown hair and brown eyes. They have two beautiful daughters together. Leah who is 2 and Leia who is 4. Both girls are beautiful little blondes and love the dance with her aunty, ME!
Both of my sister-in-law's and I are good friends as well. My girlfriend's and My sister-in-law's were riding on the wagon with us. Along with my mother, my brothers, and their kids. We had a rather full wagon of people. We were one of the true families in town that had that many family members. Some would say they'd be embarrassed to show up with that much family. But I say I am blessed.
We had way too many people in our town to have a town hall meeting in the Town Square. So instead, they picked the field next to the town. When my brothers finally pulled bag and stopped the team of horses. I finally had a chance to look around and see how everything was going. The people were acting like this was some kind of a festival. They had laid down carpets to make it more comfortable if people wanted to sit. They set up tables and people had brought in many different kinds of foods from cakes, to finger foods, to meats for everyone to eat. Even Emanuel was enjoying himself and eating some food.
It felt good to be out in my church finest. My sister-in-law's had done my hair and my girlfriend's had put flowers in it. I had a floral necklace and earrings to match. But I had done the same for them. Not only did we know the flowers made us smell good but they were pretty as well.
When we got out of the wagon we were immediately greeted by the single men of the town. They would flirt and talk with me, but I was not considered suiter material anymore. I knew I would not be considered but I never knew why. It did not matter though. It's fun to flirt, and talk and dance. I can have fun with these boys but I will never date them, they will never be a suitor for me. I do go out on the dance floor and I will dance with a few of the boys but my heart isn't in it.
My mind is more on my girlfriend's, watching them dance, and have fun. And on my nieces and nephews, playing and dancing with the other children. After I have danced a couple songs I decide that I we'll go and eat a little bit of food. I do not want to eat heartily because I want to be able to dance and play with everyone later. So, I load my plate with fruits and finger food that can be eaten quickly.
As I sit on the carpet next to my mother and I'm eating my fruit, my mother points out one of the young gentleman walking in my direction. This man is unknown to me and my mother. This man is a large man but you can tell that it's muscle not fat. He doesn't look like he has an ounce of fat or loose skin on him. He is dressed in his Victorian best. He is wearing tight black pants, and a loose white shirt with an black Overcoat. He looks so handsome in his suit. He has a rusty red tint to his hair. His hair looks finely manicured. His face is chiseled and handsome as can be. My mother makes a point a pointing out he is looking only at me.
I have butterflies in my stomach and I don't want to have another failed attempted courtship. I hand my plate to my mother and I tell her I'll be back later. As I stand up, my brother Angus, gives me his hand. He had walked over because he had noticed the man's intent too. Angus spun me out on the dance floor and we danced to the fast-paced song that they were playing. Angus twirled me, and dipped me, and spun me in the air! We had taken lessons on dance together when we were young. Now we were showing off and having fun in front of everyone. When our song was through we checked and saw that the man was gone. Then Angus quickly grabbed the hand of his wife and took her out to dance with him too.
I am so glad my brother's know exactly how I feel. That being said however, in the middle of the next song, Emmanuel stepped up, and called for everyone's attention. The music stopped, and the dancing stopped. Everyone found a comfortable position, and sat down somewhere. Everyone knew not to stay standing for this may take a while. Emmanuel has never been known to be short winded.
Emmanuel started by stating the statistics on how well our village in town have been doing with our contributions to the Sovereign Lord. After giving all the statistics and explaining how well we have all been doing, he then announced that our town was going to be honored with a special gift. This special gift was going to be a beauty contest. A contest in which they would be having tonight. The winner of the contest was going to be given the opportunity to become a princess and marry a prince. This was not just any prince either. This Prince was the son of the Dragon Lord. All single women will be required to participate in the beauty contest. Afterwards the winner will be introduced to her new Suitor.
The town was in awe! The gossip had already began! All the girls were scared and crazy! I being one of them! all we knew of dragons where that they were a neighbor they breathe fire and they were lizards. Some of the stories even say that they can fly.
But no one was really given the option. All of the men considered it to be a trophy. None of them minded at all. The married women where happy it would not be them. All of us single women were gathered together in a single group. We huddled together talking and trying to calm our nerves.
Some were excited and thought that this was an amazing experience. Some were so scared they were about the pee themselves. Then there was me. The one single lady in the town that could not keep a suitor. I invite this challenge even though it scares me. I'll end up running him off as well somehow. That's just my luck if I was to win.
As the commotion came down from the town, Emmanuel began to talk again, "The prince of the Dragons will be the judge of the beauty contest. Truly, only the most beautiful woman in the town will win. And the winner will be leaving with her new Suitor after the contest to meet the Dragon Lord and his family. All single women will now gather behind the podium where I am speaking. The contest starts immediately and the rules are simple. You need only to walk across the stage in front of the podium for all to see. One pass and you have completed the contest. The prince will choose his bride at the end of the contest."
Every single head in the town was looking all around to see where this gigantic fire-breathing lizard was. Then the handsome man that had attempted to approach me earlier walked up next to a manual. Emanuel said, "This is Brenton the prince of the dragons." Brenton walked over in front of the crowd and sat down making himself comfortable for the upcoming beauty contest.
Emmanuel walk to the side and started grabbing Girl by girl and directed them to walk across the front of the podium. I don't know why but the other girls kept making a point of pushing me back. It did not bother me it just meant it was going to take longer for me to do what I had to do and go home. But I did wonder why. In the end I was actually glad for it, it made the others feel better I think. After all the girls had gone I was the last one left standing. Emmanuel gently took my hand and directed me to walk across the front of the podium.
Okay not a big deal all I have to do is walk right! Well of course I will be the only one to make a mistake. As I walked past the podium, the bottoms of my Victorian skirt caught the edge of the podium pulling me back word making me fall. But I never did hit the ground. A pair of strong arms wrapped around me studying me before I could even fall very far. It was the prince. Prince Brenton!
He bent over gently and untangled my skirt from the podium. He smiled at me and spoke in a husky voice, "Dear would you please try again? And this time a little further away from the podium." I shook my head not knowing what else to do. I walked back toward Emmanuel, and then back across the podium. This time without the tripping and falling.
Brenton and Emmanuel stepped over to the side and had a conversation amongst themselves. They looked at each individual girl and from the way it looked they were evaluating the pros and cons of each young lady. Brenton kept shaking his head as he considered each one. When they looked at me I cringed. Because I just knew the horrible things that they were going to be saying about my looks let alone me tripping across the stage. I never thought I was a pretty girl. Yes I had my fair share of suitors but none of them ever stayed around. The thoughts going through my head just kept going round and round.
I was standing with all the other single young ladies and they were talking about how they felt about it as well. I didn't really care what they thought I just wanted to go back home. I wanted to go back to my field of flowers, lay down and enjoy the smells. I had to get my mind on something different than this stupid beauty contest. As the other girls bickered and where complaining, wanting this to just be over, I stood quietly over to myself and looked to my family.
My family was all smiles and Giggles wishing the best for me. I knew they would support me in whatever was to happen. They would only ever wish the best for me. And this was an opportunity that they could never provide. They even seemed anxious to see what the outcome would be.
The throng of girls was starting to get out of hand. They were starting to argue with each other and I saw at least one fist fly. I was doing my best to stay out of it but a couple of my girlfriends grab my arms and pulled me close and they were talking about what was going on as well. They all wanted me to be a part of the conversation. But I did not want to be in a fight. Finally, fathers and brothers came over and broke up the girls. They took them back over to the families. The two men were still in conversation on what to do next. The food table were being binged, and there wasn't much food left. I guess everyone eats when they're nervous. Then finally Emmanuel stepped up along with Brenton to make their announcement.