Chapter 3 My big house

We had been riding on the horse for what I knew had been hours. But it felt like mere moments. Brenton and I talked about many different things and subjects. We had many of the same likes and dislikes. Such as, we both loved the colors of a bruise. The dark black and blue and bright yellow. We both loved the house being filled with flowers and laughter. We both loved to go swimming, any time during the year. He also loved hot springs just as much as me. He told me in his home he had a naturally occurring spring. He loved to bathe in it at least once a day. He even went as far as asking me to join him. Causing me to blush neon red again.

I was giving a very true meaning to blushing bride. I think he partly did it on purpose too. Every time I blushed a deep color, he was there kissing me. He would change it up though. He would kiss my hand, fingers, forehead, cheeks, nose, or mouth. He changed each time he was able to elicit a blush from me.

The weirder part still is that he was a complete gentleman the entire ride. I thought he would take his rights at any given time. But he stuck to his guns. He said that there would be a celebration tonight. However, it was going to be later in the night. We were married at dusk in town. We had been riding for several hours. Dragons must party late! It is dark and most other people do not travel by night.



"You said that there would be a celebration tonight right?"


"Isn't it to late at night to be having parties?"

Brenton laughed so loudly it echoed. "No dear, my kind are know for throwing elaborate parties. Especially when it comes to birth, death or life long commitments."

"Does that mean it will be a very late party?"

"No not really. When the Dragons have had their fill of mirth they normally pass out where ever they are standing. That is depending on what form they take."

"What form?"

"HAHAHAHAHAHA! I nearly forgot. You see dear, Dragons are magical creatures. We can either be whole dragons, or look like humans. We only normally look like humans, when we are around your kind. It is just to make it a less scary experience for you. However, in our case, things are different. I cannot mate or in our case make love with you as a Dragon. I might squish you. So, anytime we are together I will take this form. You will see my full dragon-self tonight. I am large and red; I know you will be impressed. I just hope I do not scare you to badly. A wedding feast with a unconscious bride would not be any fun." He chuckled to himself.

"Could I see you now so I might get used to the idea?"

Brenton gave me a very perverted smile. "I know you do not know so I will explain. We are married according to your peoples customs. Now after tonight's celebration, we will be married by my peoples customs. It is bad luck to see the groom before the wedding. Not only that but I am following tradition. By tradition the bride will either be sacrificed, or given to the dragon people. You were given to me. We must restrain from our first night till we have been married for one full day. It is our penance and to prove we are meant to be together. Once we are there the celebration will last till our first night begins. The celebration is to help us restrain ourselves. The celebration has many phases to it as well."

"It sounds like I have a lot to learn please tell me more."

Brenton hugged me tighter, "Alright, first off when we get to my home we will be greeted by every staff member in my home. They will acknowledge you as mother of the household. You will be calling the shots. Then we will be separated. You will be taken to a bath and so will I. Once we are out of our baths, you will be given a dress made of my scales. That dress will be your new wedding dress. I will be dressed in a traditional dress kilt. My kilt will be made from my scales as well and will be black and red, while your dress will be red. After we are wearing a traditional dress wear we will both be led towards the main hall. My mother and sisters have made you a beautiful sheer lace traditional veil. As you can tell my entire family is huge on tradition. They will drape the veil over you and greet you as a new family member. Then they will escort you into the great hall. Once in the great hall, you will be expected to dance with each of the male family members that ask you. I will be allowed the last dance. Then we will have our first meal together. There is much ceremony to this meal as well. Such as, no one may sit at their tables until we do. No one may eat until we do. No one may finish their food before we do. Then we will be walked around and introduced to the entire Dragon clan family by family. That is when we will be separated again. We will both be led to separate sides of the dais that is in the front of the dining hall. We will meet together when we are called up onto the stage. My father will perform our ceremony. Once we have both said our vow's, all the other women will be escorted from the room. I will strip naked and transform into my beautiful dragon-self. The other men will change too. I will pick you up and fly up to our den. Once in our den, we will have our wedding night. That is as long as your are still willing at that point."

"Wow! That is a lot! I do not know if I can remember all of that."

"It is alright! That is why it will take all day! It takes a long time to do all the different traditions. That is partly why we must wait for the whole day to be together. Everyone will help you. If you forget something, there will be someone to remind you. I want this to be your best day ever."

"All I can do is promise to do my best. I hope you will not hate me if I do somehow get something wrong."

He smiled and pulled me into him, kissing my forehead. "That is all one can ask."

About then we were coming up on a great valley. We were on a cliff looking down into it. The moon was full and lit up the entire valley. There were snow topped mountains stretching high up into the clouds on either side. The valley stretched out before us like a snake. You could see the turns and ridges. Right between them was a beautiful crystal clear river. It stretched along the middle of the valley.

Brenton guided the horse to walk along the river. Brenton took care to keep the horse on the well-traveled paths. The horse seemed to have a good sense of directions as well. The horse made it down into the valley without any issues. But the further we went down the darker it was becoming. It got so dark I could barely see my hand in front of my face. But Brenton and the horse kept plowing on.

I still could not see a thing when Brenton finally dismounted and began leading the horse. What I could see though was he was walking us straight into a great cavern in the side of a mountain. The opening was almost in a complete oval. Someone had really taken their time and carved it out of the limestone.

Brenton said, "I hope you like it here my love. I build this home with my father and brothers. You may not know this, but there are only male dragons. That is why we wish to impress the females we choose to bring home. Every mountain along this valley is a home to one of my family members. Mine is the newest. I am the prince of dragons. As such I am my parents only son. But all my clan mates are like brothers to me. They live along this mountain range too. You will get to meet some of them at the celebration. Many came from far and distant places from all over the world. This is the dragon capital of the world. We rule over them all. I will warn you though, my house is much fancier than others. My family went all out to help me build this amazing place. I hope you like it."

There were sconces lining the wall on both sides with torches lit in them. It made the ride so much better for me. I could see that the floor of the cave had been floored with fine gravel as well. The gravel did not seem to bother the poor horse at all.

After a short way we came up to a great wall. Carved into this great wall was a gigantic double door. On that door, in the middle in the bottom, was a regular sized double door. Both doors filled with intricate detail carved into the doors. They almost looked like stained glass with better artistry. The paintings were of dragons in council and people in council. It showed both races working together. Then as an inscription above both doors was written, FOR THE GREATER GOOD OF ALL.

I was in awe, as Brenton handed the reins to a man. I had never even seen the man walk up. I was to fixated on the doors. Brenton then came over to me and picked me up. He was cheesing at me, showing all of his teeth, as he sat me down next to him. I was so fixated on the doors that I did not see the staff line up. Brenton walked me down the line of the staff. Brenton said, "as you all know, this is my home. This is my new wife and your new house mother."

All the staff welcomed me with smiles and wishes for a happy life. As this happened the men and women separated and began surrounding us pushing us in different directions. I could hear the men telling dirty jokes and prodding Brenton. I think this was their version of a bachelors party. The women were giggles and hugs. They told me how beautiful I was and how much fun today was going to be.

The small double doors opened and I was ushered through and to the left by the women. Then Brenton came through and was ushered to the right. The women led me down several hallways. Some gigantic some normal sized. This entire place was built just like a castle. But it was build big enough for the dragons to come through comfortably.

All the hallways and archways had intricate carvings and murals of past battles, perfect crops, flowers, and rose vines outlined everything. Each peace of wall told different stories. As we walked it was like watching a pictograph book. It was so interesting.

The women led me to a bathing chamber that was big enough for the king of dragons. Splashing could be heard when we entered the room. I looked at the women and the head lady stepped up. "The big rock in the middle of the hot springs will be removed after your vows tonight. But tonight, the great rock will serve as a wall between the men and women."

I looked at the rock and it filled the whole room. I am interested to know how much bigger this room will be after it is removed. Lost in my thoughts, I did not even realize, the women had gotten my wedding dress, and under clothing off. One of the maids in the hot spring tossed a wet cloth at me and hit me in the face. Eliciting a torrent of laughter. I had to laugh at myself as well. I jumped into the hot springs, splashing everyone in, and out of the water. Everyone was laughing now.

The women took their job very seriously. They washed every inch of me. They also shaved every inch of me except my head. The older women explained to me that even as a man, dragons tend to show their scales down there during the act of making love. The scales will not tear skin. Especially if I have lotioned up. My soft skin will keep them from hurting me. But the scales will grab hair. It is best to just stay shaved.

They also gave me the birds and the bees talk. Which I had to have a laugh at. I had had this talk many times with my mother. As a matter of fact, we had this talk practically every time I had a new suiter. But it made all of the younger maids in the hot springs blush. You could tell they were all listening intently.

I will admit, I was nervous about my first time. Especially since it would be with a Dragon. But I was elated and excited as well. I was curious, and wanted to experience love making at least once in my life. I had resided myself to the fact I would not ever be married. But here I am married and really about to…well to…well you get the idea. If anything, I was more nervous than anything.

The women did my nails too and laid a towel out for me. They wanted me to absorb the lotion as much as possible, then they would lotion me up again. That way I would not have any razor or other burns come the weeks to follow. They wrapped me in a towel and put a green mud mask on me. I laid down and just enjoyed the sensation of cleanliness I felt in that moment.

I had completely allowed myself to relax. The women had put a towel under my head for a pillow and brushed out my long blond hair. After a few minutes the noises began to subside in the room. The women had just put my second layer of lotion on. I tried to lean up and found I could not! What is going on here? I tried to turn my head left and right to no avail. Everything, even the sound of the water had begun to sound muffled. Something was wrong! Something was way, way wrong! The room went dark!