The next morning Brenton woke up before me. Which is highly unusual! He ordered the maids around to clean the room and prepare breakfast. As soon as our little table was set, Brenton laid down behind me. He wrapped his arms around me, and kissed and nuzzled my neck, to wake me up. "Good morning my beautiful bride. Breakfast is ready."
I slowly opened my eyes and stretched. Brenton held me slightly tighter. I rolled over in his arms to find his smiling face. He kissed my forehead, and rubbed his hand in a circular motion over my belly. I could not help but giggle. This was the nicest way to wake up in the mornings.
I scooted to the side of the bed and realized I was still naked. Brenton just laid there in the bed with his hands behind his head watching me. There were no servants in the room so I walked over to my dressing screen. I put on a pretty purple dress that Brenton had had made for me. When I came back out Brenton was standing behind my chair waiting on me.
As I sat down he pushed me under the table. He pulled his chair around the table and sat right next to me with his hand over my hand. I loved how romantic he was being. Just eating with him would have been enough to please me. but he always goes the extra mile. You can certainly tell he loves me. He shoes it in all his actions, and says it to me with every kiss. He keeps my butterflies in my stomach hopping daily. He acts as though we were just married every day.
He smiled at me as he dished himself up a plate of eggs and bacon and then made me a plate. But before we started eating he took a deep breath and squeezed my hand. He was acting nervous too, "We need to talk about something sweetheart. It might be best if you let me explain first. I would like you to understand before you… well you might… then again… Oh I don't know! Please let me explain. Then you can tell me how horrible of a husband I am."
What could he possibly be talking about! He is not horrible! Not in any since of the word! All kinds of thoughts were going through my head. I was worried! But I should hear what he has to say. So, all I could do was nod.
He leaned back in his chair. "I really do not want you to think me horrible, selfish, or demanding. But I need you to understand. I do not think we should share the news of your pregnancy with anyone yet. Can we wait until you are showing our baby to a degree that there is no denying it for now." He took a very deep breath. His face was turning red as he continued, "Here is why."
He drank his whole glass of water took another deep breath, "Remember how I told you that others may try to take you and impregnate you, well that is part of my reasoning. If you were to be kidnapped from me again, and they knew your condition, they may try to make you miscarry." He took another drink and calmed himself. "Or even worse, hide you and the baby from me. I am doing everything in my power to keep you safe. But as prince, I have duties I can not avoid. I must act as my title requires and do my duties in a timely fashion. I will be here with you through every step. But it is when I am not here I worry about you. It is for your safety I am asking this of you. Well, your safety and our son's. Now you may scream and yell at me."
I cocked my head at him, "scream and yell? About what? I just so happen to agree with you. Even though I am pregnant right now, something could happen. I could miscarry, I could get deathly ill. There are many, many, too many things that could go wrong. I only told you now because I needed someone to share in my happiness." I breathed out exasperated, "Scream and yell, really, do you think of me as some stuck up noble lady? Well for your sake, I will pretend I was not just accused of being such. I cant believe...…"
Brenton scooped me up in his arms and kissed me very passionately. He kissed me on the mouth, nose, forehead, each eye, and my cheeks. He spoke one sentence between each kiss, "It would seem I tweaked a nerve. Wow! My wife grew a tongue! I am so glad. It seems the longer we are together, the closer we become. I want you to open up to me. I want to be your everything. You ARE mine, and I am YOURS. I love you more than there will ever be stars in the heavens, or sand in the sea. You mean the world to me. Thank you for understanding."
He slightly threw me in the air making me giggle. I threw my arms around his neck and held on for dear life as he quickly changed the way he was holding me. He carried me over to the bed and laid me down gently. He began kissing me again as he untied my night gown. He slowly took of my gown. As he did, he kissed a line of sweet butterfly kisses all the way down from my shoulder to my stomach.
He lingered only a moment around my breast. Just long enough to make me stiff and pointed. He smiled and continued on down on his journey. When he got to my stomach he kissed all around my navel and blew hot air on my stomach. He spoke in a deep hot breathy voice, "Hay little one. I am your father. I know your are safe and warm in your mommy right now. But I want to give you ample warning. I am going to be careful. But your mom and I are going to play a game for a little while. There might even be a little pressure on you. But I promise neither your mommy or I would ever do anything to hurt you."
He kissed my stomach again, and went for my sweet spot. It did not take long till I was squirming to the tenth degree. He smiled as he stood up beside the bed. He pulled me to him with a devilish grin and very slowly entered my secret valley. He groaned loudly when he had completely gained entry.
I too groaned, but more out of frustration and ecstasy. I tried to move and start the motion. But he was not having it. He pulled completely out fast, and went back in again slowly. He kept this up but started going a little faster with each thrust. He loosened his grip on my hips and I started to match his rhythm. He lifted me off the bed, putting his hands under my backside. Then he grabbed both handfuls of my cheeks and helped me with my rhythm.
He was slamming in hard, and I was nearly screaming my shouts of pleasure. He turned around and sat back on the bed. Still we kept up our motion. He was covered in my pleasure and he was getting ready to fill me with his. I could feel his head swelling. I pushed him back on the bed. I leaned back and used his abbs as my prop. I rode him like there was no tomorrow. I had no cares in the world other than my husband. He pleasured me many times just in this secession. I was going to return the favor. I could fell it! I was going to release with the biggest organism of the day!
He stopped my motion and flipped our situation. Now he was on top. He slammed home causing me to scream. He smiled, but then had me flip over on my stomach. He reached up under me and began playing with my sweet spot as he continued to pump. It was almost more than I could handle. I blasted him again with my pleasure. He groaned in a deep throaty voice. His head was so big I knew he was almost ready I could feel it.
He leaned over me and kissed my neck and down my back. He playfully spanked my backside and laughed, as he grabbed both my hips and really plunged in deep. He went so deep I could not take it anymore. Every muscle cramped, my entire body froze, my blood was pumping so fast I could barely hear, as I screamed out "YES, YES, YES!"
Just as my body reacted his decided to let loose too. He yelled out, "THAT'S RIGHT, TAKE IT ALL BABBY, I love you Joy. My wife, my love, my friend. Thank you for being my baby's mother."
He pulled out very slowly then began to clean himself up. "I will have the maids bring up hot water for your bath my love. I want you to just rest today my love. I will help you to work out any soreness when I return. Have the maids make a bath for me at the end of my day today. I want to bathe with you. I will be thinking of you, naked and in that water, all day today. Look I am almost ready for round two just thinking of it." I laughed as I pushed him away.
He kissed me on the forehead again and growled lightly. "You have no idea what you do to me. I love you dearly. To lose you, would be to lose my reason for being. I want you to know that." He kissed me one more time very lovingly. Then he headed out to go manage the court. For it was his day to manage the problems of the kingdom.