Chapter 17 Just my luck!

I woke up with a huge bandage on my head, and a horrible headache. When I tried to sit up the earth itself decided to turn upside down and drop me. Then it maniacally flipped back under me to catch me. It allowed me to land on the hardest surface possible, that could be called a bed. I bent over trying not to puke on whatever I was sleeping on.

Big burly arms helped me to roll over. Even with me sick I could tell that the hands were being as gentle as they could. The big muscular hands even rubbed my back after last years breakfast made a second reappearance. There was a very deep and burly voice that came with the hands. It was so soothing. It said, "Its alright little one. You are so small. Please! Try to make it through."

I puked. He continued, "That's it, let all that nasty out. The doc will give you what you need as soon as we get home. But we can not stop right now! Those dragons will realize what we have done and they will be on the march. We have five of their brides. You are the only one that was hurt. As soon as you come out of this you will be mine. We will marry and you will be queen over the lycanthropes."

I could not believe my ears! Somehow I had attracted the attention of the werewolf's. How have I done that! I do not know these men from Adam. What am I supposed to do next?

I could hear him walk back over to the bed. He rubbed his ridiculously large hands over my face. That's when it hit me, he helped me be sick, but he thinks I am still asleep. That is a ball in my court. Maybe I can play this off for a few days. Just long enough for Brenton to find me and rescue me. Boy though! I will have to play dead for a little while. Come on Brenton, come rescue me! We are running on borrowed time.

I allowed myself to drift back off to sleep. It was honestly the only relief I had for the horrible headache I had at the moment. But it did not last long, or at least it felt like it did not last long. I was informed later on that I had truly been out for 3 days. But any way. The huge guy I was with dropped me, unceremoniously I might add, to the ground. Apparently, I had been riding on horseback with him. When we got here, he dropped me like a sack of potatoes.

This forced me to wake up and attempt to look around. I rubbed my eyes and rubbed my arms. I felt sore from head to toe. However, that deep voiced person ran up on me, "AAAWWWOOOO!!!! You are finally awake!" He picked me up in his arms like a baby. But at least when he did this I could finally get a good view of who he was.

He was a large man. Large with muscle I mean, and tall. I had nothing to compare him to. So let us just say he was a big man. I doubt he has an ounce of fat anywhere on him. He was dressed completely in black from head to foot. But his shirt was more a fancy leather vest that he left open, showing off his muscles. He wore no shoes. I drifted my eyes back up to his face once I was in his arms. He had a splendidly well shaped dark black beard and mustache. His hair was dark black, short, but well styled, and groomed. A normal sized nose for his girth. Then I was in awe. I saw his beautiful eyes. They were sky blue. I mean they looked like they could glow in the dark.

When he noticed me staring at him he smiled a beautiful blindingly bright smile at me. His teeth were nearly too clean and white as well as sharp looking. I reached up to feel his beard. It looked so nice I nearly could not resist the urge. I caught myself and pulled my hand back.

He chuckled, "My sweet little one. You can stare at me and touch me anywhere, anytime, or anyplace you desire. I know you are tired from our journey. You were out for three days. I still can't believe the Gods delivered you to me on a slide on the mountain. This was meant to be. You and I will have the healthiest of cubs."

I went to speak but found my mouth to dry to form words. He put one finger across my mouth, "shush my little one. The doctor will fix you up then we can talk more. There is much to be explored and much to be explained. Many things I am sure that the Dragon King did not share with you. He is a selfish man not to tell you everything you were entering into when you married a dragon. However, we will consider all that in the past. You are here now and we will go from here. I am so glad that the dragons picked beautiful women this time. Last time they were so ugly we nearly could not complete our rights."

I barely was able to get out one word, "W-WA-WHAT?"

I had no idea where we were. I do know we had weaved in and out of different areas. We seemed to be inside at one point then back outside. Then finally he laid me down on a doctors table. The doctor, when he walked up, was major league handsome too. He was well defined and muscular. He was smaller than the man who brought me in. But he was decently sized himself. Where my guy had dark black and shinny hair. The doctor had well kempt short crop blond hair. He was clean shaven as well.

The doctor helped me to sit up slowly. He touched and treated me like I was a porcelain doll. Each time he touched me, he would look the guy who brought me before going back to his work. I guess he was checking to make sure it was alright.

The doctor slowly took off the bandages off of my head and gasped. All of a sudden I had hot liquid in my eyes, and it burned. When I realized what it was, my body said nope. The next thing I remember is waking up alone in that doctors house.

I tried to sit up. As long as I did not go to fast, I was able to sit up on my own. But the table was to high for me to get my feet on the ground by myself. I slowly scooted to the end of the table and used the wall to help me anchor. I slowly put one foot down and then the other. I was doing pretty good! I complimented myself. I made it over to the sink and dipped my head in for a nice cool refreshing drink. I opened the spicket and the water flowed. I drank and drank, until I felt full.

The water was the ticket. I was feeling like a champ now. I was even getting around better. I opened the door to the room I was in. I looked down the hall in both directions. There did not seem to be anyone here. Then I saw the door at the end of the hall was open. On the other side looked like a forest and trees. I made my way to and out the door.

I was moving awfully slow. But any faster and my head would spin. I found a small pond and stopped for a moment just to check myself out. When I looked at my hands, not only was I shaking, but I was covered in blood. I quickly washed my hands off in the water. I looked at my reflection in the water. I had blood all over my face. So I washed it off as well. My clothing looked to be untouched.

I was afraid of the bandage on my head. I knew that was bad business. So I left it alone. I looked around the area and nothing looked familiar. I decided I had better follow the river. After all there was a river that flowed through our valley. I just hope that this one will lead me home.

Meanwhile, Back at the Doctors house.

The Prince had come back to the room with food for Joy to try to eat. When he found her gone, he roared so loudly, he shook the whole house. They searched the entire house, then the Prince picked up on Joys smell. It was still fresh. Maybe an hour or two old. He was not too far behind. He would catch up with Joy. After all she didn't know what was going on, and she is frightened.

He took off as fast as he could making his change mid run. He was now a full blown wolf. As he tracked he allowed his brain to wonder, "He must catch her before one of the other eight does. If he does not get her back, he will lose his turn with her. After she finds out what her contract really does, he hoped she would not decide to divorce them all! She may not believe him either. He may have to get the contract out and walk her through the wording for her to fully understand. She is now not only married to the Dragon prince, but the other eight nations. The Merman's prince, the Leprechaun's luckiest male, the Elven prince, and four of the Fairy prince's (one from each nation, north, south, east, and west). The contract is actually the peace treaty/marriage license between these nations. It is there to help keep the peace. She is to spend two years with each nation at a time. The husbands are not allowed to have any other wives other than her either, or it is a breach of contract. Adultery is cause for war! The only avenue to postpone her transference, being pregnancy!" "The Dragon Prince knew when he married this would be brought up. He has no brothers! Therefore his marriage license falls directly underneath the eights peace treaty. He knew he would have to share! He said no to every possibility we offered. He married her without the councils consent! He will have to deal with the consequences."