What Fate Is

Shou remembered the things Si had said.


"Do you know what shapes our fates," Si asked.

"Yes, I've seen her in person."

"Not the answer I expected, but okay." She had slowly gotten used to his absurd antics, and she learned the best thing to do was to ignore it; though she still felt her heart lurch every time he did that. "What I am trying to say is, to find a way for you to die, we should try to break this fate of yours. If you think about it, fate is only many variables in your life guiding you to one destination. In other words, it's your memory that shapes your fate."

"Oh, that was lot smarter sounding than I expected from you. Where did you hear that from?"

"Do you really believe in me so little that you can't imagine them being my own words," Si complained, "from my mum," she then added meekly.

"You systems have mothers?"

"Don't change subjects now. Look at the VAR Core in front of you. It's one of the items from our race, though I am giving you only a prototype for now. It allows people to enter Virtual-Alternate-Realities. VAR for short."

"That is not a real word."

"Can you shut up and listen? When I was coped in my room, I had used this core a lot to travel different worlds—though it's only a simulation—helping me through tough times. In other words, I can personally attest for its quality. I have changed some code, instead of different worlds, it will travel to different parts of your memory. Memories that you have found particularly intense. We will offer customers the chance to experience that, though for them, it would really be like a different world."

"Do I have no right to privacy anymore?" Then again, she was adhered to him like sticky glue, with her eyes always on him. If anything, he lost his chance to privacy the moment she entered his brain.

"No such thing in a systems dictionary. But fear not, I told you, fate is shaped by your memory. To change it, we need a change of memory. That is why you won't appear in the simulated world. We let the customer act in your stead. Maybe they will see a different outcome. However, there may be people you know, I can only promise I won't put any private moments in there."

"That is all right, most of them are dead anyway."

"The incentive for the customer to use it is simple. First of all, it will be entertaining. Also, it will help them gather experience, because everything they learned will stay with them. But I think what is most important, we offer them to change their own fate. As they live your life, their memory will change too. So do you get it?"


Now, how was he supposed to explain this to that girl in front of him?

He was reluctant to admit it, but Si's idea was good. It fulfilled all the requirements. He would get too meet interesting people and see their choices in life, Si would earn her money with little effort, and through changing fate, they have made their first steps toward death. The only problem was, 'it's too damn complicated.'

He coughed to clear his throat. "My store is a bit special. It will lead you into an illusory place, a legendary world with mystical creatures and immortals, which you can experience yourself. It offers you a chance to change your fate, to live a different life. Don't worry it is not real, so it is safe," Shou said, "I think."

"Wow! That is amazing." Li Yinyi's smile blossomed, and she could not wait to try it out.

'Don't 'wow' me! Show some hesitation, or some doubt. That's obviously sketchy isn't it? What kind of store would offer such things in a remote alleyway—no, who would it offer such things at all instead of hogging it for themselves, it makes no sense,' Shou screamed in his mind, but on the outside, he kept an enigmatic smile.

"Then what do I need to do for this?"

"Do you see that cube over there? Hover your hands above the blue light, and inject some Spiritual Qi. It will bring you to the place. Don't touch it though, it will leave fingerprints."

"Oh, that's really easy." She knew from her all-knowing father that the city specialized in shops, but she never heard about something mysterious as this. Maybe she should ask him about it afterward?

"Almost too easy, like a scam," Shou muttered.

Li Yinyi turned her head. "What was that?"

"Nothing at all. Enjoy your stay."

She went to the core and incautiously stretched her hand out. The previously dim light burst out, blinding everyone in the room. The next moment, when the light receded, returning into a pale-blue hue, Li Yinyi who had previously been talking energetically, lay collapsed on the ground, her eyes closed.

Seeing that, Shou quickly picked her up. He could feel her damp clothes on him. He looked around, and decided to let her rest on the counter in his stead.

This place really needed a restoration.

"So where will she appear," Shou asked.

"I took a random memory of yours, the rest has been adjusted by the system, so I am also unsure. For now there will only be one memory, if this business works, I will prepare some more and tweak the features. If it doesn't, well, let's open a brothel."

"Hey, let's not."

"I'm opening a window for you to look at now. Don't be too scared when it pops up."

As soon as she said that, a screen appeared in front of Shou's face. There, he could see Li Yinyi, who had just woken up, looking around in astonishment. She gasped audibly, and with big eyes, stared at her surroundings.

She stood in an open field, one that had more flowers than grass—the vibrant colors were pleasing to the eyes.

"Where's that," Shou asked. He had been at many flower-fields before, it wasn't like he couldn't remember, there were just too many.

"You,'ll see," Si said, "I made sure the system chose an ordinary memory. Of course, not ordinary enough to simply be boring. Maybe you will know after she walks around."

"Are you sure she will enjoy this experience," Shou asked. He was still skeptical. Especially when he saw that small Li Yinyi on the screen, taking her first steps. It was a novelty, but was it worth the price?

"The system puts quality as its first priority," the cold voice said, and Shou almost believed it, were it not for Si, who inspired everything but trust.

"I am sure it will," she said, "this memory of yours is just a start, so it might seem a bit lackluster at first, but I guarantee you, for ordinary cultivators, even the chance of entering a different world was akin to gold."

Indeed, seeing the small Li Yinyi's excited face, Shou gained some hope. But he knew full well that the girl was rather gullible. Who knew what the other customers would think. He continued staring at the screen, and creased his brows, trying remember where this pace was.

"Ah, I remember now!" Shou opened his eyes wide, and he slammed his hands on the counter. "Why the hell did you choose that cursed place? If we don't warn her, she might die!"

On the screen, an old house appeared.