Magistrate Wi

"Huh? What do you mean by that," Zhang Yong questioned what Shou meant.

The youth pursed his lips, seemingly disappointed. "Nevermind, let's just return."

"Wait, I didn't quite get what you mean," Zhang Yong insisted." Could you explain?" Though he didn't understand, he still had a hunch that this was something important to him. He glanced at the two women, but they only shook their heads in confusion.

Shou had already turned around, making his way back to the store. "It's fine, it's fine." he waved his hands. "That just means it isn't time yet. You will naturally get it when everything's done."

"It's not time?" He repeated Shous' words, but it made little sense to him. In the end, he settled with waiting. If it wasn't time yet, he could only wait, just like how Mei Xue said. "Alright, let us return."