Mei Xues' Sacrifice

The next day, Mei Xue was the first to enter the Store of Fates. She was timely greeted by Shou, who had awaited her already. The youth asked her, "Have you decided what you wish to do?"

Mei Xue nodded. "If I die in the illusory world, I will be able to return without any problems, right?"

"Of course, many others can attest to that," he said reassuringly. "Actually, if you ask Li Yinyi, she could tell you the same. That girl is an expert in that genre."

"Your word is enough," Mei Xue shook her head and spoke. She looked at her hands; they were slightly shaking. How long has it been that she felt this way? Maybe not once, ever since she left the slums and became the lady of the Wang family. She couldn't even tell if this was excitement or nervousness anymore.

"It's just a game," Shou said suddenly. "It's okay to relax and have fun."