They Were ----- of Relief

Mei Xue jumped forward, almost stumbling. "Wait, I still have so many questions!"

"They will be answered in due time," the wizard spoke, "When you enter into the next world, that is. Who knows, maybe we'll even meet again." He waved his hands, "But for now, this is farewell."

A bright light surrounded Mei Xue, forcing her to close her eyes. Even then, she still felt the brightness through her eyelids. When she reopened them, the lady found herself in a white space, that spread into the vast expanse of nothingness. There was nothing living or non-living here. Only her and whiteness. Under normal circumstances, it wouldn't be weird to freak out, but in her heart, weirdly enough, there was only calmness.

Suddenly, many messages popped up in front of her face. Their notification echoed through the white hall.