The swimming outfit Lord Samuel had gifted to Aliana was rather revealing. When she tried it on in her room she had gasped. It had two pieces to it. One was a deep purple sleeveless top that came just above her belly button, and the bottom piece was a short black skirt with two layers that came above her knees.
Edith looked shocked at the outfit but kept her opinions to herself as she tied the pricess' hair into a large bun. She did however give Aliana a silvery robe-like dress to wear over the swimming outfit.
When Aliana was done changing she walked out of her room to find Samuel waiting for her with her two knights.
"Is the outfit to your liking, Princess?" Lord Samuel asked.
Aliana blushed and nodded. He offered her his arm and she linked her arm with his.
Samuel escorted her out of the castle into a carriage that was waiting for the couple. Sir Galien and Sir Arthurus had their horses waiting for them as well.
A footman opened the carriage door and Samuel helped Aliana in and he settled on the side facing her.
"How far away are the hot springs?" Aliana asked.
"About thirty minutes from the castle give or take." Samuel was staring at the princess before him. She was easily the most beautiful woman he had ever seen with her firey red hair and deep blue eyes.
He couldn't believe she had chosen him as one of her suitors, being only an Earl he was not a high-ranking royal, like Lord Lucien who was a Duke.
"So how did you get chosen to be one of my suitors?" Aliana asked curiously.
"A week before you came the Grand Prince made an announcement to all the nobles in Eddis to inform them of the opportunity to be your potential husband," Lord Samuel explained. "If you were of marrying age your name was submitted and it was a draw from there. I consider myself to be very lucky to be here with you."
"A lottery, huh," Aliana mused. "I am flattered you feel lucky to be here."
The carriage ride passed quickly and Lord Samuel helped Aliana out of the carriage. He led her to where the hot springs were, they carefully made their way through the forest path to a rocky outcrop of stones with a small waterfall running through it with steam coming off the water creating large pools of deep water.
"Watch your step on the rocks, they're slippery," Samuel warned. He never let go of Aliana's hand just to make sure she stayed even footed.
When they made it to the biggest hot spring a small tent was set up next to it with a table topped with piles of delicacies and summer wine and seat cushions.
"Shall we go in?" Lord Samuel asked with a smile.
"Can we bring some of the wine in with us?" Aliana asked mischievously.
Samuel chuckled deeply and grabbed two glasses and a pitcher of the red wine. He set them down on the edge of the water and shed the shirt he was wearing along with his pants leaving him in shorts that came down to his knees.
Aliana blushed deeply and started to breathe unevenly. Samuel was muscular and tanned to perfection like he spent a lot of time outside without a shirt. He had put his own long hair into a bun as well to keep it from getting wet.
He climbed into the hot spring and poured the wine into the two glasses.
Aliana untied the silver robe and set it in the tent. She slipped off her sandals and walked to where Samuel was sitting. He held a hand out to her to help her in and she slowly eased into the hot waters. He stared at her figure that showed through her outfit nicely and shifted in the water as she settled in.
"This feels amazing." Aliana groaned. She was still sore from the trip to Eddis and the dancing from the night before.
"I figured from all the traveling and dancing you could use a soak in the water," Samuel grinned. He handed her a glass of wine and she happily accepted.
Sipping the sweet wine Aliana hummed with satisfaction. "So, tell me about yourself, Samuel," she crooned.
"I am the oldest of five brothers and I have a passion for making wine," Samuel said swirling the wine around in his glass. "I hate anything with oranges in it and I appreciate things of natural beauty."
"Natural beauty, huh?" Aliana asked curiously.
"The ocean, waterfalls, you..."
Aliana blushed at his words. She sipped more wine and smiled.
"I always wondered what it would be like to have siblings," Aliana mused. "Being an only child was boring."
"I was like a second father to my younger brothers so it was bothersome at times but I was someone they looked up to growing up since our father was absent quite a bit," Samuel explained.
Aliana's eyes softened, she could see the amount of responsibility that sat on his shoulders. "How old are you?"
"Twenty-five." He sipped more of his wine and moved his arm to be around Aliana's shoulders, she felt him move closer to her.
"You are quite young to be an Earl," Aliana said surprised.
"My father died of a heart attack when I was twenty-two so I have been an Earl for about three years now."
"I am sorry for your loss," Aliana said softly.
"It's alright," He said with a small smile. "He was quite old and had a bad heart from all the stress he was under."
Aliana looked at Samuel thoughtfully, he seemed so level-headed and calm. Her choice would not be an easy one to make.
"You may call me Sam if you like," He grinned. "You seem to like informalities."
Aliana blushed. "I do, Sam," she said. "Being a Crown Princess comes with a lot of rules to follow so I try to break a few small ones when I can."
"Informal and rebellious?" Sam smirked. "I keep liking you more and more."
"You can call me Alia or Ali if you like," she smiled.
"May I kiss you, Alia?" Sam whispered in her ear. Aliana's heartbeat quickened and she felt her cheeks burn red.
She nodded and turned to face Sam. He held her face with one hand and grabbed her waist with the other. Samuel stared at her for a moment before bringing his lips to Aliana's. His lips were warm and inviting, he groaned and pulled her closer to him. She opened her mouth in invitation and he slid his tongue in, entwining his with Alia's.
Sam pulled Aliana onto his lap and held her tightly. She deepened the kiss and grabbed the back of Sam's head. Their tongues danced and twisted together exploring each other. Alia moaned and felt a heat build in her lower stomach. Sam growled and shifted under her.
Sam pulled away panting. "You are so damn beautiful," he said tracing her lips with his finger.
"You aren't too bad yourself," She smirked trying to even her breath.