Fair is Fair (2)

Aliana kept her head forward as she walked with Alaric to the dining hall. He could feel her iciness coming off of her in waves. When he had gotten back to the castle he realized how rude he was being to his future queen, he knew he messed up badly with Aliana as they walked in silence.

When they reached the dining hall Aliana disengaged from Alaric's arm when their names were announced. The rest of the dinner guests were still mingling about the room with glasses of wine and champagne when they made their way in the room.

Pryja and Louie came up to Aliana, stealing her away from Alaric. She looked extremely relieved and was happy to see her ladies.

"Aliana, I heard from Sir Galien that this afternoon didn't go well with Lord Alaric," Louie whispered. Aliana nodded and they went further away from the rest of the guests. Pryja was just as curious as to what happened with Alaric.

Aliana went over the details with her ladies and they were shocked as well. They understood her anger and why she was dressed looking more like a crown princess than she normally wanted to.

"Are you going to kick him to the streets?" Louie asked eagerly.

"Or are you going to give him a second chance?" Pryja joined in.

"I haven't decided yet," Aliana said ambiguously. The dinner bell was rung and everyone took their places in their respective seats. Lord Alaric pulled her seat out for her and she took her place at the head of the table with him to her right.

Lucien was staring at Alaric's miserable-looking face with a satisfied smirk. He knew that man could only ever talk about himself and he was a terrible spoilsport.

As Aliana took in the guests as she ate she stopped at Lucien who looked very happy for some reason. She would have to ask him later.

Alaric quietly ate his meal and Aliana could tell he felt bad for his actions but she was still feeling tender about the afternoon.

"Are you enjoying your meal, your highness?" Alaric asked politely.

"It's delicious," Aliana said in between bites of her steak. She really didn't want to talk to Alaric anymore, she made up her mind that she would tell him tonight she didn't want to see him any longer.

Alaric nodded and continued eating feeling dejected.

As dinner wrapped up Aliana asked Alaric to walk her through the gardens and he agreed. Aliana walked over to the grand prince and his family to tell them of their departure and they bid her goodnight.

Lord Samuel smiled at her wickedly and winked and Aliana blushed. She felt that heated feeling rise in her once again. She waved him goodnight and he chuckled.

Lucien walked up to her before she could make it to Alaric. He leaned down to reach her ear and whispered, "Would you mind if I started my day with you at midnight tonight?"

Aliana stared at him for a moment and then nodded. "I could use a pick me up after this."

Lucien looked confused at what she meant as she walked to Alaric who held out his arm to escort her to the gardens. She took it lightly and they left the room.

The gardens were a short walk away from the dining hall, there were big glass windows looking out into the massive gardens and they began to walk slowly around the various plants and flowers.

"So what did you want to come out here for?" Alaric asked curiously.

"Well, I was not very happy with how this afternoon went," Aliana explained. "I have a tendency to be very informal with people that get close to me and I have no problem them being informal with me. What I have a problem with is if someone forgets who I am when they are talking to me."

Alaric gulped. "I am very sorry for offending you, Aliana."

"Not only did you offend me, you got mad at me when I expressed that I was upset," Aliana said icily. "I don't allow disrespect to go unnoticed especially from men." Aliana's anger had two sides to it, the raging fiery anger that burned and the cool, calculated icy anger, both were equally scary to experience.

"I-I-," Alaric started before Aliana cut him off.

"No, you thought it was okay to talk to me like some farm girl who should be impressed to listen to a man ramble on for two hours without breaking a monologue," Aliana hissed. "I don't want to hear excuses or apologies."

"I am truly sorry, Your highness," Alaric muttered. "I got caught up in the moment."

"I would like to discontinue our courtship after today, Lord Alaric," Aliana said plainly, she could feel her anger rising and she wanted to keep a level head.

"I don't think that's fair," Alaric complained. "You barely got to know me."

"I heard you speak, you are a jealous, whiny man, that is all I needed to hear to understand your character," Aliana snapped. "Please leave my presence and the castle."

"Are you serious?" Alaric yelled. "You can't do this."

Aliana's temper was reaching its boiling point and she wanted to punch the man in front of her so badly. Before she could do so her knights came around the corner in the garden. Sir Galien stood on one side of her and Sir Arthurus on the other.

"I'm pretty sure the Crown Princess of Astaria just gave you an order," Sir Arthurus said seriously. The princess's captains of her princessguard were highly intimidating, the trio was especially menacing together.

Alaric didn't say another word but his eyes were murderous. He gave Aliana a short bow and stalked away.

Aliana groaned and walked to her room, ar least she wouldn't be seeing Alaric and his whiny attitude again.

Her knights remained silent as they escorted her back to her rooms. They bowed at the door and she thanked them both. When she shut the door behind her she sank against the door and breathed out a sigh of relief. She walked into her room and started when she saw a figure moving out of the corner of her eye.

Lucien was waiting on her bed like he was last night and he looked concerned when he saw her face.

"Why did you want me to come?" Lucien asked, she seemed to be annoyed that he came last night.

"I sent Alaric home," She said shortly. "He disrespected me and I wouldn't stand for it and he had the audacity to yell at me."

Lucien stood up and walked over to Aliana, he wrapped his arms around her and she sighed deeply.