Sunrise Looming

Lucien laid down next to Aliana in the nest of blankets and pillows and took in her relaxed expression as she gazed up at the stars.

"Would you like some wine?" Lucien asked.

Aliana fixed her eyes on Lucien holding a flask of wine out to her. She smiled and accepted it from him.

"So, if I am chosen as your suitor do I come with you on this journey of yours or wait to join you after?"

Aliana took a long swig of wine and pondered for a moment. "I honestly have no idea, my father came up with this whole scheme to get me to stop complaining about not having a choice in marrying someone."

Lucien's eyes danced with amusement as he stared at Aliana. "Of course you want to have the last say over who you're going to spend the rest of your life with."

"I feel so young to be deciding such a big decision," Aliana shared. "Yet, my father insists I should be married before I can take the throne, I wanted to try to rule alone first."