immediately the king notice that the people where afarid to go willing,he felt discouraged and disheartened,that him and his men, decided to leave the people's present. Just then, a voice called out from among the crowd,my king said the voice "I Will Go",king Catanna felt a kind of relieve as he turns with a smile on his face,to see who could that be,that is willing to take the first bold steps of bravery. looking at the crowd,that had already divided themselves in two to show who the person was that said,my king I will go,to his greatest surprise it was a lady,who seems so brave and bold, holding her sick grandmother by the hands,and using another hands to cuddle her young little laid.
She noticed the shock in the king's eyes,as he stood steal, without uttering a word. Quickly she repeated her statement again,and this time she added to it by saying" my king I will go willing,even if no one chooses to fellow me,I will still go,for the seek of my grandma,my little brother,and for the seek of our people. king Catanna was so speechless that the only world that came out of his mouth was, what is your name? what clan are u from?
My name is Ashara,the late daughter of urrah the kingdom Hunter,that was killed by an hyana during hunting,she says, and I am also from the Mugata clan,the smallest clan in this kingdom. Not minding any more,whether or not she was a woman,or a man in disguise,he quickly concluded,may the ancestors of our land bless greatly,let me go and tell the priestess,so as to begin to prepare you for the task ahead. with so much smiles and happiness he asked the people once again who and who is ready to go with us into the forest. many hands of those strongest warrior who where afarid to go alone,began to rise up. Beuuza one of the greatest warrior,raised his hands immediately Ashara finished her statement of I will go,him and many more warrious raised their hands. oh! what a relief indeed for the king.therefore,wit Joy and happiness the king,then concluded the meeting with his people,when he said" I will also go as the king,in other to show a good example of a good and sacrificial leader.