the Attack

Therefore,as soon as the Royal servant got to the palace,he rushed to queen. her highness,there is war real war coming to our kingdom.

what war? asked the queen in a cracking voice of fear,and dismay.

The king of Zamlopol is coming with his heavy army into our kingdom,with so much war armours and war shield,he explained to the queen furthermore what he saw,and finally concluded that my queen we need to prepare fast as fast as possible before he get to our wall and pull it down.

The queen was speechless,she unconsciously opened her mouth without noticing it was widely open,and standing akimbo with her both hands. My queen,my queen,my queen...!what should we do, consciously she closed it,and looked at the king's servant and said,sound the alarm,tell all the other guards to get ready for the war,tell the people,the young,the old,and the children to stay indoors untill we have gain victory over this greedy and covetous king,and tell them that the war has come before us. And we must protect our kingdom with our lives. We must fight for our land,even with our last blood. Hearing this,the servant replied quickly,yes! your highness,as you command so Shall it be,he quickly rushed out.

gathering all the remaining warriors of the land, within a space of an hour,he the royal servant told them of the serious issue on ground,and that the queen has commanded everybody to go get their armours for the war,no solider must be left behind, everybody must get involved. yes sir they all responded to the senior guard in charge of the palace.

At once, everybody dispatched, running into their rooms,closet etc. to get ready for the unplanned attack,from their enemies.

meanwhile,king Zamlopol's and his man have almost approached the kingdom walls. "bring down those strong but weak wall down, says their king,because we came prepared,as today our old men shall celebrate and rejoice,for the time to cure their sickness and make them grow young is now".the people shouted with aloud voice, yes our king! king Zamlopol's..! they said as they where set to start bringing down the walls. we are victorious! yes! we are, said the king as his people joined him in shouting victory victory,as they set their different kinds of bombs so as to bring down the kingdom protected wall and shiled.

Fire fire shouted the queen to the people, archers she shouted,well trained females archers came out with alot of arrows and bows ready for war,and kneeled down before the queen. "it's time it's times to put to an end king Zamlopol's decision of greedy once and for all. fire.....!!,the queen kept on shouting as the fire coming from the other end was getting more intensed.Already becaused of the news spread,the community members hide themselves in their rooms to see what is going on, while other opened,and glance through their windows. And after much exchange of war equipment,the wall finally fell,and the king Zamlopol's man ran into the Uza za kingdom and started fighting the people with their swords in their hand,the men of Uza za also came out and the real war began fully.