The return

She stood up from the ground,and headed straight to the king's palace,on reaching there,she meet everyone still lamenting,with the king pouring white sand on his head. And in anger Ashara step forward and in the midst of the people and in front of the king,she said "why so we lament and cry like children over a spilt milk?; our land has been made useless,our priceless plant gone,our people killed,our houses burn to ashes,our love ones where meant to die the death they where not ready for,and we sit down in the king's palace and cry like children,instead of we standing up to fight and to a avarnage our love ones,and our land as well,I say we fight,fight.."

immediately she finished saying that, someone among the crowd says,how do you expect us to fight when we are weak and heartbroken, another interrupted,may be she did not experienced any of the sudden happens in her home that is why she is saying fight. Just then an old elderly neighbor next to their Ashara's compound says" the young lion do not roar during the day except it has lost it head lion,Ashara is talking out of pains and anguish because,she has lost everything,no house,no family members,so she has nothing to live for,and nothing to loss either, therefore,her grive is far heavier than anyone's grive. At that moment everyone became silent.

Coming in from behind and making all kinds of ancestral noise was the royal priestess. She turn to the king and said,this is the will of the gods,there was nothing I could do. Ashara shouted enough of the gods will,what sort of gods will sit and watched the people that worship him so dearly be turn in to a barren land,who the will be made to worship such gods after it has allowed a sever pain in our heart. The royal priestess tried to keep Ashara calm, but it seems the situation has gone out out of hand. superseding the voice of the royal priestess,Ashara shouted I say we fight and gain back our land,who is with me,and many hands where raised up,and she said we go and fight. devastated as he was,king Catanna turn and blessed them going saying,you will go and bring back our lost land and come back in peace,affairming to it,the royal priestess added victory is yours. May the gods take you all there safe, bring you all back safe.

" all hail the king" the people shouted,

"long live king Catanna and his

kingdom" the people shouted collective as they raise their voices up high to praise the king. And so there was , waiting all night,not sleeping waiting for the day to come,so as to gain back their lost kingdom in victory.