On This Mountain, You Can Completely Trust This Man

Under the surveillance of the drone, over 20,000 netizens in the live broadcast room noticed John's extremely dangerous actions.

Many people were shocked and quickly sent out comments.

"Oh my God, what is this streamer trying to do? He can't be thinking of jumping down to save people, right?"

"It's dangerous. Quick, stop him. Is anyone there?"

"Oh my God, he's too fast. I can only see his shadow. Is this the camera's own special effect?"


Under the gaze of more than 20,000 netizens, John had already reached the water's edge, one step away from the surface of the water.

His black priest robe danced with the wind. He slightly bending his waist like a jaguar ready to hunt. Then, he was seen leaping out with one step.

John was not completely confident in his Psychokinesis. At least, he had not really tried it yet.

However, there was a life in front of him, and he could not sit idly by.

Helpless, John stood rooted to the ground.

When the people in the live broadcast room saw John in a daze, they could not help but be curious.

"No way, father, you still want to sleep at this juncture?!"

"Tsk, so he's a coward. I really misjudged him."

"Is there anyone who can save that child?!"


For a moment, John was judged by the netizens.

At this moment, the smiling face of his grandfather appeared in John's mind.

"My dear John, why are you frowning?!"

"Grandfather, the effective range of the new spell I learned is too short. I can't control it and save that child. What should I do?!"

Grandfather was still as kind as ever, his eyes filled with warmth.

"Oh, my dear little John, keep a kind heart and everything will be solved."

Kind Heart?!

In an instant, John opened his eyes and stared at the child who was still struggling in the water not far away.

He took a deep breath and stretched out his hands stiffly.

Then, a scene that made everyone wonder if their eyes were playing tricks on them happened.

A strong light flashed behind him.

Then, the splashes in the water gradually spread to both sides, and the water splashes of the little boy made slowly floated into the air.

The people in the live broadcast room were dumbfounded as if they were watching a sci-fi movie.

They saw the little boy slowly float up under John's magic.

The drowning boy, who was struggling to save his life, watched in surprise as his body gradually drifted away from the water.

Then, he slowly floated toward the shore.

This scene, in the eyes of the netizens in the live broadcast room, had already formed a god-like special effect.

The comments, which were still densely rolling at the beginning, suddenly stopped.

No one sent comments, because everyone was stunned.

The little boy floated steadily to the shore. He was saved.

Under everyone's stunned gaze, John had already picked up the drowning child and grabbed his wrist.

The frightened little boy looked at the panting John in shock.

"Uncle, it was you who saved me!?"

John was so tired that he could not straighten his back. He did not know what to say, but he forced out a smile.

John gently stroked the boy's golden hair.

Only then did the boy wake up from the fear of death. He started to cry loudly.

Not far away, there were also a few children who went into the lake to take a bath. They were also shocked and their pupils dilated.

They had seen this scene many times in the movies of superheroes, but they did not expect to see it in real life this time.

Everyone could understand how shocked and excited these children were.

In the live broadcast room, it was dead silent.

It was not until John put on his old leather shoes that tens of thousands of comments filled the entire screen like a flood when a floodgate was opened.

"Oh my God, what did I see? There really are superheroes in this world?"

"I can't believe it. I think I must be dreaming. Can someone pinch me?"

"Newton would probably be crying in the toilet. The buoyancy of the water is actually greater than the gravity? Can someone explain what's going on?"

"It's too scary. I was just about to rob something on the street. I plan to turn over a new leaf in the future. Otherwise, the consequences of being caught by a superhero would be too bad."

"I just got up and knelt on the ground again. My mother asked me why I was kneeling, so I asked her to come and see this superhero! There really is a superhero!"


What followed was a new round of gifts that could not be counted.

At this time, all kinds of gifts kept popping up from the screen of the live broadcast room. The cool gift effect made the entire screen colorful.

Anthony Boxing Club gave John ten rockets.

Message: "I'm so excited. So the streamer is a superhero who hides very well."

I Love Carrots also gave him ten rockets.

Message: "My dear, you're really amazing. With such magical abilities, I'm so hungry that I'm drooling."


In a small district in the metropolis, a cute girl with big eyes stared at John's live broadcast room with big eyes and sighed to herself.

"How is this possible?"

"Could it be that something was put in the water to deliberately make it hot?"

This girl's ID was Sexy Wildcat.

She also saw the scene in John's live broadcast room with her own eyes.

Sexy Wildcat watched John's live stream from the beginning again through the replay.

She studied every frame carefully over and over again.

In the end, Sexy Wildcat had to admit that there was a 90% chance that all of this was true.

Even if John was hyping it up, as a priest, he would not risk the child's life.

If there was something underwater, why would the child almost drown himself?

Sexy Wildcat was excited at the thought of this.

She was a video blogger.

This time, Sexy Wildcat also realized that she had found a treasure.

She knew that if she uploaded this video to Twitter, it would definitely cause a very strong reaction.

Other than watching movies and seeing superheroes, this anti-human skill was seen by everyone as a trick of idiots or swindlers.

However, this time, this streamer's shocking ability would definitely cause an extraordinary response.

Sexy Wildcat used her fastest speed to edit the video of John saving the child.

Then, she uploaded the video to Youtube, syncing it to Twitter, Facebook, and other social networking sites.

The name of the video was also very eyecatching.

'The skills of the superheroes in the movies are actually being performed in reality!'

As expected, the moment the video was uploaded, it immediately caused a huge online craze.

The popularity of the post also skyrocketed.

In just a few minutes, the popularity of Twitter had already increased by hundreds of thousands, and it was about to hit the million mark.

In the beginning, many people were questioning the authenticity of the video, suspecting that it was a publicity stunt.

However, when the netizens took a closer look, they were surprised and held their chins, leaving comments one after another.

"Oh my God, is this real? My worldview collapsed in an instant."

"Where's Hill Lake I want to go over and see for myself. Are there really superheroes flying around in this world?"

"Isn't it too amazing? So the superheroes we watch actually originate from real life!"


Of course, a large number of people still expressed their disbelief.

However, Sexy Wildcat left John's live stream account number.

Thus, thousands of people flocked to John's live stream to see what was going on.

At this moment, John did not know that he had already become popular on the internet.

He was carefully teaching a few kids who had gone swimming in the lake a lesson.

John told this group of kids not to swim here in the future and then sent them home.

When he returned to the live broadcast room, he was shocked.

In the live broadcast room, the number of people online had increased to more than 100,000, and his Popularity Value had reached 500,000.

In just a few short minutes, he had received more than 100 large airplanes and other small gifts.

This meant that John's live broadcast income this day had reached more than 100,000 yuan!