I Won’t Watch This Year’s Super Bowl If This Streamer Isn't There

Everyone's eyes were focused on the python, Snick and the camera was also focused on it.

Snick seemed to hesitate for a moment. Then, it slowly moved.

It directly slipped down from the beam and went out. The camera focused on Snick.

Then, under everyone's incredulous gazes.

"Oh my God, did Lil Si understand? Is it really going to do it?"

"Host, what kind of godly operation is this?"

"How did he do it? It's unbelievable!"


Looking at Snick's actions and whereabouts, the netizens were in a state of disbelief.

They saw the giant python, Snick, go to the pile of firewood outside the kitchen. It used its tail to pick up a piece of firewood as thick as the mouth of a bowl and slowly crawled back.

The firewood on its tail swayed and half of it was dragged on the floor.

When it reached the kitchen, Snick's tail retracted. With a thud, it let go of the firewood and dropped them onto the ground.

It even thoughtfully used its terrifying strangling ability to help John break the firewood.

This time, the people in the live broadcast room went completely crazy. The comments went wild.

"Appraisal completed. Lil Si must have become a spirit. This is too amazing."

"Ah, this... This fellow has become a spirit. The host can understand anything it says."

"Ah, ah, ah, I'm kneeling again. This is the fourth time I'm kneeling today."

"Ah, this... A python that can move firewood. No, it's a dragon. This is too amazing. The host will forever be a God! Squee!"


John ignored the people in the live broadcast room and patted Snick's head.

"Great, let's do it. Go and get more firewood."

Snick shook its big head, hissed, and stuck out his tongue, then climbed out again.

If Lil Si were to show its power, even a calf would be swallowed by it. However, in front of John, it was like John's little brother.

It was just so unbelievable.

Other than shouting that the host was too amazing, no one had anything else to say.

John did not care about the netizens in the live broadcast room.

He tore off the plastic wrap on the turkey and stuffed the turkey's chest with garlic, scallions, ginger, fennel, and black pepper.

Then, John took out the tin foil that he had prepared beforehand and wrapped the turkey's exposed bones tightly. This was to prevent the turkey from burning when it was roasted.

After that, John took out many bags of sea salt from the old kitchen cabinet and spread the sea salt on the turkey layer by layer. Slowly, the turkey turned into a white ball of salt, making it look really round.

After wrapping the salt, of course, the pit mud that he had previously looked for came in handy.

Finally, John covered the white turkey with the pit mud and wrapped it completely into a ball of mud. There was not a single pinch of sea salt left.

After doing all this, John began to introduce his kitchen to everyone.

"Come and see the place I'm going to cook the turkey. This is a brick bread cellar. It's very common in ancient villages, but it shouldn't be common in big cities now. Everyone has an oven at home, so there's no need for this."

Under the camera, the netizens in the live broadcast room all saw the bread cellar that John mentioned.

This kind of bread cellar was very common in the ancient small village. In fact, it was the most primitive place used to bake bread. The semi-circular head was like a small hill, and it was often made into the shape of a cute animal, the opening of the bread cellar also had a lid made of wood that looked like a door.

Under the bread cellar was the place where firewood was placed to start a fire. The steaks that were baked from this bread cellar were very juicy and had a different taste.

After the demonstration, John placed the turkey clay ball into the bread cellar and explained the next steps to everyone.

"Later, I will start a fire at the bottom. Then, through the burning temperature of the cellar, I will braise the turkey."

"The turkey made in this way will be evenly heated without the slightest bit of cigar smoke. The outer part is charred and the inner part is tender. The meat will be juicy and tender. It's very delicious."

Looking at John cooking the turkey, many netizens felt that it was very interesting and sent out comments one after another.

"So the streamer is also a gourmet streamer."

"Amazing people are indeed amazing in everything they do. Unlike me, I probably don't even know how to light the fire in the kitchen."

"I know right? I just randomly mix some vegetables as a salad every day. This kind of food doesn't need any techniques at all. If I want to eat meat, I can only go to the fried chicken or burger shop."

"Sob, sob, sob. We can only eat turkey during the New Year. I suddenly miss my dear grandmother."

"In the past, my grandmother's house also had this kind of bread cellar. The whole family surrounded the bread cellar and waited for delicious food. We also had some barbeque and beer. It was simply too wonderful and happy."

"A small village is still better. Time passes very slowly and I can still feel the most primitive life. Unfortunately, time never turns back."

"Priest streamer, hurry up and start the fire. I think it hasn't started yet, but I can already smell the fragrance of the turkey through the screen."

"Will the host still show the godly skill of creating a fireball with his bare hands? I'm really looking forward to it!"

"Hurry up and start! I'm really looking forward to it!"

"Hurry up and start! Hurry up and start!"


Under everyone's unanimous request and urging, John placed the firewood at the place where he lived under the bread cellar.

Then, he raised his hand and a fireball appeared out of thin air. John then sent it in the direction of the firewood and instantly lit the firewood.

"Am I seeing things? The streamer is making a fire with his bare hands?"

"What mysterious magic is this?"

"Is this streamer's daily routine like this? Is he a magician?"

"Is there any netizen who knows how to explain it? I've just arrived, so I'm not sure how this streamer works."

"Upstairs, I think you're a newcomer, right? I suggest that you go watch his previous broadcasts after this live broadcast. This streamer is really amazing. He knows magic!"

"Although I've seen the streamer depilate a turkey before, I still find it incredible to watch him start a fire with his bare hands again."

"Streamer, you must be a monster. How can a human do these things?"

"Let a lizard-like dragon move wood for him, play with fireballs with his bare hands, and remotely control objects..."

"Is this something that a human can do?"

"Is the streamer performing for us with a green screen? The special effects are too realistic. It's a big production."

"The streamer is too amazing! He knows everything!"


If Lil Si could read human words, it would probably curse.

Not for anything else, but for the comments that the audience said he looked like a lizard.

Lil Si would probably retort, "You're the lizard, everyone in your family is a lizard!"

The comments were again filled with amazement, curiosity, doubt, and speculation...

However, John's mind was still focused on getting the turkey done as soon as possible. After working so hard for so long, he was indeed hungry. Besides, he still had a gluttonous Lil Si to take care of, so he could not just starve it.

Snick was like an indefatigable porter, constantly bring fuel to John.

Snick had big round eyes and was like an indefatigable iron-skinned fool.

John threw the firewood into the bonfire. His fingers constantly changed movements to control the fire. Bright yellow flames burned fiercely.

The cooking process that would have taken a long time was greatly reduced by John's Ignition Spell.

Moreover, it could still guarantee its effects when slowly roasting the turkey.

After a while, John sniffed exaggeratedly and smiled at the live broadcast room.

"I can already smell the fragrance of turkey. is everyone hungry?"

At this moment, the entire live broadcast room's netizens became restless and sent out comments one after another.

"I regret it. Aren't you a priest? You actually became a food streamer? Is it fine to kill other creatures?

"I'm regretting it. Poor me. I didn't eat breakfast this morning."

"Why do I feel like the streamer has some bad intentions? Is he trying to kill us?"

"Hello, streamer. Good afternoon, streamer. Goodbye, streamer!"

"Streamer, shouldn't you give us the address and let us, the fans, have a taste of your cooking?"

When the netizens saw John's expression, they went crazy with greed.


Under the anticipation of countless netizens, John removed the lid of the bread cellar and used a shovel to take out the red-hot mud ball from the bread cellar.

The mud ball had been roasted until it cracked. The sea salt in it could be vaguely seen, but the entire ball was still intact.

John used a shovel to break the mud ball open, and then revealed the white, round sea salt inside. After being roasted, the sea salt also formed a white protective shell.

Then, John used the wooden hammer that he used to hit the turkey before to gently smash open the sea salt.

Once it was smashed open, the round turkey meat inside was revealed.

Then, he used a large plate to carry the turkey on the table.

John took a deep breath in ecstasy and joked with the netizens.

"This smell is too fragrant. I'm a little hungry."

"Everyone, watch closely. The salt-wrapped turkey is fresh out of the oven."

As he spoke, he removed the outer layer of sea salt bit by bit. Then, he removed the tin foil wrapped around the bones.

A complete salt-baked Turkey appeared in front of the many netizens.

It was steaming hot and filled with fragrance. The marinated turkey meat had a golden color and was overflowing with juice.

John tore off a drumstick and moved it in front of the camera, introducing it at the same time.

"This dish is called a mud-wrapped salt-baked turkey. Its characteristic is that it's charred on the outside and tender on the inside. It's tender and fragrant."

"Everyone, pay attention to the fiber of this chicken meat. It's very tender and smooth. It almost melts in your mouth."

As John spoke, he took a bite of the turkey and felt the taste buds on the tip of his tongue explode instantly. He could not help but nod repeatedly.

"It tastes so good! It's great!"

Through the screen, countless netizens could feel the tender fragrance of the turkey and swallowed their saliva.

The netizens who could not stand it anymore sent comments one after another.

"Streamer, you're evil. If you make me so hungry that I die, you'll be the culprit."

"I was sitting at home, looking at the vegetable salad in my hands and I cried out loud."

"Please, be a human. Who bullies people like you?"

"This is too delicious. The best ingredients only require simple cooking. The streamer's culinary skills are simply perfect."

"Streamer, I want to eat your chicken too..."

"Master, I'm hungry."

Lil Si looked at the turkey that John put into his mouth and immediately went up to it. It blinked its huge eyes and looked at John pitifully and coquettishly as if to say, "Master, I want to eat too. I'm hungry."
