The King Magician Streamer That The Whole Internet Was Looking For

In the Blue Whale Live Broadcast office building in the metropolis, a beautiful woman wearing black-rimmed glasses was staring at the computer screen.

Her name was Catherine, and she was an employee of the Blue Whale Live Broadcast Platform's operations department.

Three hours ago, Catherine received a secret phone call from her friend in the technology department.

Her friend told her that she had found a gold mine streamer and asked her to quickly sign a contract with the streamer.

The so-called gold mine streamer was a private term used in the company.

It meant that signing a contract with a streamer with terrifying potential to attract wealth would be equivalent to digging a gold mine.

However, this so-called gold mine streamer usually only existed in legends. It was similar to the big prize of five million yuan, which could only be met by chance but not sought.

If an employee like Catherine, who worked in the operations department, could sign a contract with a gold mine streamer, not only would she receive a considerable share of the income, but she would also receive a 100% salary increase and promotion.

These were all tangible benefits.

Catherine originally thought that her good friend was joking with her. How could there be so many gold mine streamers?

However, her good friend did not say anything and gave Catherine a screenshot of the data.

Catherine took a glance and gasped.

The statistics of the 'The Religious Leader's Leisurely Life In The Deep Mountains' were: 320,000 online users, 700,000yuan in gifts, 60% comment rate, accumulated popularity of 1.3 million, and active fans of 240,000!

The scariest thing was that when the broadcast started at 8:00 AM this morning, this live streamer called the 'Deep Mountain Religious Leader' only had a few hundred fans, and his popularity was less than 100,000.

Such a terrifying growth rate was something that even popular celebrities would not be able to achieve if they joined the Blue Whale Live Broadcast.

Catherine was afraid that someone was manipulating the data, so she went online to search for information about this live streamer.

In the end, she quickly found two hot searches on the internet about this streamer, one ranked first and the other ranked second on the hot search list.

Out of curiosity, Catherine clicked on it and immediately felt a chill run down her spine.

In the first post, the streamer used Psychokinesis to save a drowning child.

In the second post, the streamer used his bare hands to create a fireball and used Psychokinesis to control it in the air. He was extremely handsome.

Such a live streamer was not only a gold mine live streamer but a diamond live streamer! A king live streamer!

Catherine quickly clicked into John's live broadcast room, but before she could say anything, John's live stream ended.

Catherine was so anxious that she stamped her feet and hurriedly sent a private message to John.

However, even though she sent more than a dozen private messages, they sank like a stone into the ocean. She did not know what the live streamer was doing.

Catherine looked at the live broadcast room that had just ended the live stream and felt helpless.

More than 100,000 netizens still did not leave. The comments continued to flood the screen.

"The leader is so ruthless. He left just like that. I feel the pain of being abandoned."

"F*ck, watching a live stream is like being heartbroken."

"To be honest, I miss the streamer right after he left the live stream. Moreover, I'm a man. Isn't this bad?"

"Enough with you. You're a man, how can you fight with me for my husband?"


Catherine gritted her teeth. She suddenly pushed open the door and rushed directly to the president's office.

She wanted to report to the president and sign a contract with John at all costs.

In the president's office, the president of Blue Whale Live Broadcast, Titus, was also shocked when he heard Catherine's report.

He called the technology department to check the data of John's live broadcast, and he was completely stunned.

To be on the safe side, Titus turned on his phone again and entered John's live broadcast room to watch the replay.

Catherine realized that less than ten minutes after watching it, Titus' left hand, which was holding the cigar, began to tremble.

Titus took a deep puff of the cigar, put out the cigar head, and directly ordered his secretary.

"Inform all senior managers and above to gather for an emergency meeting. No one is allowed to ask for a leave."

Titus put on his coat and walked out.

After taking two steps, he realized that Catherine was still standing there in a daze. He turned around and shouted.

"What are you still standing there for? Do everything you can to get this streamer's contact information."

"If you really can't do it, buy a plane ticket right now and go to Mazalorat Mountain personally to look for this streamer."

"If you can sign a contract with this streamer, I'll recommend you to be the deputy manager of the operations department."

"You'll have a share of all the income from his live broadcast. Quick! Quick! Quick!"

Catherine quivered, nodded quickly, and ran out in a hurry.

Catherine decided to go to the technology department and check John's account to see if she could find his login phone number.

At the same time, another large live broadcast platform company, the Brothers Live Broadcast Platform, had held an emergency meeting.

The president, Owen, was currently in a rage.

"If he doesn't reply to private messages, then use your technology to find out the phone number."

"If he doesn't answer phone calls, then order the earliest plane ticket and go to the Mazalorat Mountain to look for him."

"In short, no matter what method you use, you have to sign this live streamer to the Brothers Platform!"


On Weibo's trending searches, John's post about him using Psychokinesis to save people and Fire Magic to remove feathers firmly occupied the top spot.

Other than Blue Whale and Brothers, many large live broadcast platforms in the country noticed the popular streamer, John.

All of a sudden, all the major companies were looking for John on the Internet.

Although John's live broadcast room did not start, the number of people online continued to rise.

In just a few hours, the number of people had increased from 300,000 to 500,000.

Many people opened the rebroadcast with great interest and watched it again and again. At the same time, they were frantically sending gifts.

However, John did not know any of this.

After half a day of live broadcasting, John's phone was out of battery, and he was too lazy to charge it.

For John, the slow pace of life in the Holy Light Church was what he yearned for.

It was not easy for him to get rid of the noise of the city, and he enjoyed living in seclusion now.

Therefore, even if Catherine found John's registered cell phone number, she could not contact John.

His cell phone was turned off.

Catherine wanted to find John herself.

However, there were countless places in the country called the 'Mazalorat Mountains'.

Catherine did not know where John was.

The other platform companies were even more at a loss.

In the afternoon, John took Snick and patrolled the entire church.

The church was in a state of disrepair and was badly damaged. The front and back of the church were full of weeds and bushes.

John took a spade and cleaned the bushes and weeds.

Snick helped transport things and moved the cleared bushes and weeds away.

It was not until after dinner that John's phone was fully charged and he turned on his phone to start the live broadcast.